Emperor's Journal

General discussion for the game Anacreon
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void


Dark have been my dreams of late,

the spread of light thoughts on dark days and the flight of dark thoughts on light rays leave me upside down,

bringing me right side up,

stretch, twisted, bent but not broken, the heat of my being churns the machine of war at my fingers, my hands, my eyes, my mind connecting to your mind across the expanse...

Deeply I beseech the silence not to be silent, resolutely I ponder the noise, absolutely I bring myself to bare upon those who are left when I get there.
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void

Ripping through and spilling through into the galaxy the The Bug King became aware that we were in the midst of the Hegemony's empire itself. We immediately attacked. We tore his flimsy empire to shreds. Weakly he attempted to chase us and defend his worlds before hunkering down on his habitable worlds to weather the storm. What a kind and benevolent leader they have. Hegemony's citizens didn't even have a chance, they are truly free, free to die is all you get in the Auroran Hegemony.

After breaching the galaxy, we made directly for the South East sector and split his empire in two. Unbeknownst to us, L.W., Windsor, and the empire of Imperium had allied and were engaging in a desperate war. We freed up some undefended jump beacons for them. Once there, Windsor freely romped and raved, taking SC's at will. The Imperium, long the ultimate enemy of the Bugz, found their selves fighting side by side. Along with Windsor, the three forced the Hegemony into submission to accept terms of surrender. What a beautiful thing it was. I hear there are some photos floating about somewhere.

After the Imperium had Hegemony on the run, words were being exchanged between them and the vial A.H. The A.H.'s war of ideas seemed to be more effective against the Imperium than the flash and thunder of the cannon, and the Imperium retired, abandoning the Bugz and Windsor to fight on their own against the Auroran Hegemony. This is not a good ally.

The Windsor and the Bugz are not ally's so we hijacked their computers, played kitten movies on all of their televisions, and while they weren't looking deleted them from reality. Now the Imperium can peacefully have the North to itself, unless the A.H. defeat him first.

The day is not without it's surprises! GOOD LUCK CONTESTANTS!!!!!!!
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
L.W., Windsor
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:15 am
Location: Beneth some surface... OH! YES HEX!


I've been.... DELETED!!!!!!! AAHHHH......... ....... . . .
The H in H2O is Hexacarbide. The H in Hexacarbide is Hexacarbide. Heaven is made out of Hexacarbide!!!
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void

Galactic Time

A dark time approaches. Word from the ether compliments those which exist within the galaxy. We have noticed mathematical fluctuations on the edges of void that do foretell a big crunch. IT IS TRUE! I SWEAR IT! The end is nigh!!! It says it right there in the writing.

I have established the empire of 03. They are a colonizing race, those who wish to live in harmony within the borders of 03 flock to our empire daily from places such as "The Great Nebula", "The Rift", "The South Flatland's". I have no idea what these people are talking about, maybe they are making it up to protect their identity. As with all travelers though, they enjoy to travel. So I have granted them that mode of living by creating "The Doctrine of Colonization", essentially they are all allowed the freedoms and comforts of living in society without needing to partake in society. We have many volunteers for many aspects of 03 society. Mostly those who flee their regions enjoy doing familiar work and continue to do so in such accommodated capacity as can be achieved by the 03 government.

It is my long held belief, since the foundation of 03, that these "refugees", if you will, are merely seeking peace in their war torn lives, but have a common identity among others not tied to the former empires. They call themselves "homeless", "abandoned", "wander-lost", and one child said she was "chosen among the stars". I seriously think they are all simply mentally damaged from too much atmospheric radiation and environmental degradation on their home worlds, but what do I know?

I am happy these days. The old wars are a distant memory. The galaxy that I long knew as a fiery lake of ash and plasma is now a peaceful land of inhabitants. There are the normal situations of course: take overs, violent wars of colonization against independent worlds, rebellions of every kind, general chaos among the less informed, but that is O.K. I have a fear though, a growing shadow under threat. These peaceful times may not last and the Great Galaxy is on the path to collapse. Everywhere there are whispers; "It's written in the sky!" one said. So I looked, and there it was... What should we do in these last days then? All out war? Blissfully fall into the abyss? Continue our daily task until there is no task to daily? From upon the thrown of conscience that has been bestowed to me, I dare say we should form the bonds we wish we could have after this coming "collapse", this "big crunch", and perhaps, just maybe, whatever replaces this place will be more than what we wanted and more than what we expected and we will be able to be less so that others can be more.

Signing off as the sky falls into fire and flames,

The Bug King, King of the Bugzzzzzzz, Emperor of Aelion, Overseer of the 03
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void



Forth across the stars I do tread.
Against the calm I struggle to not become dead.

By Fire, By Might, By Glorious Retribution: FORWARD TO BATTLE!!!!!!!


The Bug King
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void


Emperor's Journal

Date: 4435:11.05
Location: Aurora Hub
Heading: SSE to Extra Galactic space
Mission: Protocol Extermination
Fleet: Armageddon Fleet

The galaxy has descended deep into the darkness. Gigadeathers rampage across the expanse. Many empires have already collapsed, there are a few that have departed. Word reached our ears that the Saxophone Traders Union heard the call of a great Saxophone that would sound at the end of the age, they have answered the call and departed. It was an honor to wage war by there side, with them, and once more by there side. The Imperium fled with gifts abounding, it is unknown to where. Reports suggest to another dimension, again. The door way seems to be a grand technology that only the Bugz graced once.

With the mighty gifts of the gracious Imperium, long the lone enemy of the Bugzzzzzzz until the rise of the Hegemony, we surged forth with the forces of pent up nature to do battle with the galaxy. Soviet fell, but that empire clings to existence by some glorious hope of seeing the end. The Newbie has fallen and departed the galaxy in righteous resignation. The Grome Collective took heavy losses as they waged war against the Bugz, along side the herald of the galaxy--the Saxophone Traders Union. However, we formed a new alliance and attacked the Auroran Hegemony, Bane of the Galactic South. Together, we three dismantled the mighty Hegemony. Now only their formidable Capitals of fallen regions stand as lonely sentinels abandoned to fade into the memory of a distant and glorious past.

Now, with ragged fleets, worn out boots, and desperate hopes, the Bugzzzzzzz set out for the end: The Last Armageddon March. We have known universes beyond and waged war across the stars. We have set foot in each corner of this vast galaxy. Throughout the 3rd Era we have brought wave after wave of plague upon the worlds and their inhabinants. Now, with the major powers having abandoned the galaxy ahead of the end, only the Bugz remain, and we will sweep the remaining empires aside. The last of the galaxy will tremble before the unstoppable advancing wave of the endless Bugzzzzzzz.

George help you all. Aelion rises once again.

The Bug King, Emperor of Aelion
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void


The fog and dust roll back quickly as the machine in the center of the glass room breaths to life.

The metal is cold to the touch of my hand as I push open the door. Once again I live.

My flesh feels.... thick, on my body and my eyes behold distant mountains, a pale ocean of ice and fog receding into the distant horizon. My gaze settles upon the machines in my surrounding. There are screens aglow, metal structures I do not comprehend, I am within some dome of clear glass-like material perched atop a mountain. Someone or something has been busy here....

I distinctly recognize a set of dials and digits nearby where I awoke. The screen reads ::5161:11.57::
This is the empire of The Lightning Guild and here is a Stormy Place. Their empire stretches across the star speckled sky, from beyond the home star gleaming over the horizon, caught golden blaze in the net of diamonds, to beyond the deep purple nebula, burning bright with a thousand stars... stretching into the infinities like glistening sands on a never ending sea shore. And they will all be mine, for I am THE BUG KING.
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void


During the transverse I was observing on the other side of the nebula, I heard news that The Lightning Guilds' homeworld had been invaded by an empire of little note. It seems there had been some dispute about protecting an ancient capital. The Emperor's Self sent a message to my ship via direct link...

<<<<<<<Direct Sequence Transmission
<<<<<<<Coded Key JOIFQWP#4
<<<<<<<Highest Priority

This is the Emperor's Self. Long Have I Watched Your Progress, Sent You On Missions, Proven You To Empire, Given You Armies. Many Conversations Have We Had. This Shall Be Our Last.

It Was I Who Prepared You From Your Remnant Ashes Spread Across The Void. It Was I Who Brought You Forth UnBroken And Showed You Your New Empire Under My Hand. The Day Has Come To Take Back What Never Belonged To Any. Reforge The Aelon. ReAwaken The Bugzzzzzzz. The Free Jaffa Are Here. So Long.

<<<<<<<Transmission Ended

A glaze of silence graced my mind. Decades had it been since my awakening, and I had grown accustomed to the peace and tranquility of the stars. These murmurs I heard about the Free Jaffa were an annoyance at best, but invasion of the home world...? I hung my head low, the transverse occurred without my notice, though the instruments recorded everything. Once more war had come. Once more the flames of empires would ascend to the heavens. Once more a sea of unending retribution began to boil and burn and sear everything within my mind.

The fringes of air around my skin began to fleck and wreath in light, a darkness of iridescent visibility, it spread. My arms, legs, head, body, the room, the ship, everything was engulfed in flame. A trillion whispers began to manifest. A trillion whispers began raising from the beyond the void, a sound of rushing wings began, as though an ocean had become a river. With an ascending uproar of chaotic intrusion, the Bugzzzzzzz did return. And they're sights were set on nothing in particular except to burn everything they could find.
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void


I can't sleep. War is heavy on my mind... Perhaps I will fall from exhaustion instead. The nothingness would be a respite.

The Free Jaffa, a slow behemoth trudge like sludge across the galaxy in search of my command posts. The scourge that trails behind me has wrecked only but a few worlds, but their losses were deeply felt. The bugz have done well though, I might add. The longer the Jaffa push, the more bugzz push through the veil to join the fire that spreads. As Jaffa attacks, the glorious Bugzz maneuver, daring the Jaffa deeper into the dark heart of the galaxy. They are... cunning.

But as for me... I have to watch them die. When the Jaffa push, we slide. When the Jaffa move, we push. Our dance is of little consequence, but it is the thunder that precedes the storm, it is the cool breeze with black sky that brings the torrential downpour.

The last few cycles have seen an absence in the Jaffa's campaign. We rebuilt the empire's industry in a desperate attempt to gain momentum for the coming battles. Here and there, there were small skirmishes and remarkably the Free Jaffa were caught off guard. A few rapscallions thought they could take the forward capitol position alone, and were dealt a swift blow of retribution. Alas, the victory was short lived, for soon after, the hardened force of Free Jaffa descended, but to a barren and lifeless world. Take that scum. The bugz tore through the command post, shut everything down, ate the paper, used the paper, then through the paper on the wall, it read "Smells nice don't it?" I heard them squealing and screeching and clacking their wings for hours. Idiots...

Forward positions are in place for our advance. The Free Jaffa are surrounded. While neither wounded, nor afraid, the beast does wreath helplessly as the Bugz grow stronger with each passing encounter, tightening the noose around their throats.

However, I have ordered a full scale retreat, as our position is unsustainable and greatly off balance. I ordered for the taking of everything we could get our hands on. While the bugz held out the best they could, this latest assault will not be without a heavy loss, a variable supernova in the heart of the industrial sector. With this, the Jaffa will be hard pressed to find another viable target. Perhaps they will fiddle away like fudge in the sun. Their slow carcasses steaming away accidentally into a black hole...

And from a distance, upon my perch, here in the shroud of shadow and magnetic resonance, I watch The Lightning Guild burn, the smell is sweet to behold, but...

I cannot wonder what cost the Free Jaffa are willing to pay, for the price is steep, and their actions are worthy of only the dry static crackle of plasma... and the bill comes due.

It is quiet out, the siege is in it's waning hours now. The smell of oil and charred metal reek near the walls. The citadel is torn and scattered across the river from bombardment of their cannons. I can see the devastation from satellites that survived the bombardment fleet's notice, but it is not a sight I wished to see on my capitol planet. It is, however, the sight that will be seen on their home world. That planet will burn a thousand times for each second that passed while my citizens were besieged. A million citizens of the Jaffa will die for each Guild member. The light of the fire's of their homes and shops and capitols will burn through the southern sky into the north, and the galaxy will cry for mercy at the hands of the BUGZZZZZZZ for they will witness their fate through the dire lens of the death of the Free Jaffa. For now, the gate to the empire has been shut. The Free Jaffa do siege, but it will be their last easy pickings. From here on, the true might of the BUGZZZZZZZ will be felt, and they are no laughing matter. Through the Eras of the galaxy, empires have crumbled beneath the weight of their own dead. Hegemony has fallen. RoR has fallen. Imperium has fallen. Many have fallen, so many in fact that the galaxy is awash in the relics of their charred remains, among the quadrillions of bugz that washed over them like a pyroclastic flow from the darkest reaches of the sky. This time will only be different because the bugz shall endure until The Great Reset.

The Bug King, Emperor of Aelion, King of Chaos, Commander of the Hoards from Beyond the Veil
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 222
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void

::Automated transmission beacon activated::
::Distress beacon activated::


**Star burst emergency transmission**

This is a general retreat. Retreat to the home world for one final stand. The Age of the Bugzzzzzzz has come to it's end.

**Star burst emergency transmission**

The message came through, barely audible, crackling and hissing through the dense radiation clouds from beyond the nebulas stretching far to the north. Just like that, we were abandoning the assault on Free Jafa. Tired, sick of dying, dying of being endlessly chased across the expanse. The commanders saw no more decent use in burning the galaxy, no more purpose whatsoever. Reports came in of Bugz carcasses across the worlds turning up empty, black husk shells once, vibrant and full of vengeance, now greying and turning to a sort of shimmering black ash. I couldn't believe it. The void had called them home...

All across the galaxy the fleets returned to their home world... but as they returned, empty ships slipped into orbit...

I have some urge to... fly into the darkness. I don't know the direction, as long as there are no galaxies or stars or planets or heat. Into the darkness, vast and vacant, my heart yearns.


""I'm not sure why, but I thought I would try out the dictation for a change. I wandered into the escape pod for some reason, not entirely sure how I got here. What does this button do? There is too much light here, I need to get off of this ship... **Static** **Static** Whose ship is that? I don't want to be near any ship. I hope it doesn't come near me. **Static** This... this air is too bright, I need some quiet.""

::ship log::
::hatch opened::
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
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