Formal Decrelations

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Let it be known that AoFK and Pandastan are in a formal alliance agents the fowl, and uncouth Imperum, And will not broker any form of separate peace whit them.
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
~Will Rogers
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the galaxy is a volcano of emotions in this troubled days! :shock:
Wayward Device
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Hear the words of the Auroran Hegemony:

It is with regret that the Hegemony must distance itself from the AoFK, respecting the debt owed to the Imperium for their actions during the recent Bugz outbreak.

Here end the words of the Hegemony.
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Let It be Known, That on this day in the The parliament of of Kings has declared a new leader after the last Grand High Marshal lead the AoFK in to a disastrous war whit the Imperium, and was ejected form the parliament trough a window.

The New Grand High Marshal, while standing under the shadow of a orbiting fleet declared a end of all hostilities, and standing alliances. stating that "From this point on we renounce our expressionistic ways, and will work whit all of our neighbours to build a lasting peace"

The Former Grand high marshal was DOA at the hospital and legislation was passed striking there name form all records, via a the transmission of a self limiting virus.

In other news the price of trillum has started to fall after the rebellion of a minor worlds. The Grand High Marshal Has refused to comment on theses developments

~Lord Gustaf, Head of the Ministry of information distribution
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
~Will Rogers
L.W., Windsor
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This forum seems fitting.


You are under official notice, Cease and Desist expansion SOUTH OF Q C 13. Failure to acknowledge will be understood as willful disregard: Your fleets will be decimated. Failure to comply: Your fleets will be decimated. Acknowledge and relations will normalize.

Any world taken SOUTH OF Q C 13 by the Meklon Directorate will be an act of war, and retaliation will be swift. All MD fleets will be destroyed and a blockade will be effective until the terms are accepted.

Any fleet movement towards Hexacarbide Miners Colony will be an act of war. All MD fleets will be destroyed and a blockade will be effective until terms are accepted.

L.W., Windsor
The H in H2O is Hexacarbide. The H in Hexacarbide is Hexacarbide. Heaven is made out of Hexacarbide!!!
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L.W., Windsor wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:17 pm
This forum seems fitting.


You are under official notice, Cease and Desist expansion SOUTH OF Q C 13. Failure to acknowledge will be understood as willful disregard: Your fleets will be decimated. Failure to comply: Your fleets will be decimated. Acknowledge and relations will normalize.

Any world taken SOUTH OF Q C 13 by the Meklon Directorate will be an act of war, and retaliation will be swift. All MD fleets will be destroyed and a blockade will be effective until the terms are accepted.

Any fleet movement towards Hexacarbide Miners Colony will be an act of war. All MD fleets will be destroyed and a blockade will be effective until terms are accepted.

L.W., Windsor

Relations normalized!!!!
The H in H2O is Hexacarbide. The H in Hexacarbide is Hexacarbide. Heaven is made out of Hexacarbide!!!
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Empire Declaration:

Due to the degenerate state of collapse that is undergoing within the People's Stellar Republic, Windsor HIC will begin prospecting operations within the galactic SW from Hexacarbide Miners Colony to Saxophone Traders Union, or any boundary they deem so necessary to place around their empire. Prospecting operation 2, located near Alince of Free Kingdoms, will be postponed indefinitely, but will remain as a galactic seat of scientific achievement. The Hexacarbide Tower of Ultimate Learning looks very nice there.

Prospecting operation 1, which is located between Hegemony and STU in the extreme south central nebula, will continue progress unless it is deemed fruitless. In which case, it will also be turned into a Hexacrbide Monument of grand splendor. :mrgreen:
The H in H2O is Hexacarbide. The H in Hexacarbide is Hexacarbide. Heaven is made out of Hexacarbide!!!
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Let it be known That the AoFK will not tolerate hostile actions, such as but not limited to building sector capitals within 250 ly of its own, especially unknown empires that have not worked out some form of treaty. The Meklon Directorate has done just that, in his grand wisdom the The Grand High Marshal has given them two cycles to evacuate any sector capitals and jump points with in 300 ly of any capitals or risk the burning of any unwanted planettes, and the subjection of the wanted ones.
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
~Will Rogers
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Let it be known that once more diplomacy has preserved galactic peace, and that the AoFK offers an open hand to any and all who wish to hunt down the growing infestation to prevent a die back of humanity
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
~Will Rogers
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Let It be known that the Soviet's while reaming a completely distinct culture, are in meany ways the sister empire to the AoFK and the long standing mutual protection and defense treaty still stands, whit no better example of how close our two ideologically separated empires cam work then the certainly ongoing, Operation Acceptable Losses. The Noble soviet legions springing in to action to provide a bulwark ageist the Ravenous and corrupt Imperium, know full well that while there lives might be forfeit, even the most debouched citizen of the Imperium would rise up in arms to protest a war whit them
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
~Will Rogers
Wayward Device
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Hear the words of the Auroran Hegemony:

The Hegemony denounces the Imperium.

The Imperium does not keep its word. Since its founding 41 cycles ago, the Hegemony has done nothing but offer friendship to the Imperium. The Hegemony went so far as to seal this with a non-aggression treaty to last until 4400, affirming the following points:

- The Auroran Hegemony will acknowledge the territorial claims of the Imperium in the North.
- The Auroran Hegemony will publicly state this in a non aggression treaty to last 30 cycles.
- The Auroran Hegemony will not create any further AHGHN infrastructure within Imperium territory during this time.
- The Imperium will acknowledge the Hegemony claim on all existing AHGHN worlds.

As can easily be noted, there was only one condition in the Hegemony's favour, that the Imperium would acknowledge the Hegemony claim on all existing AHGHN worlds. The Hegemony has kept to both the letter and spirit of this treaty and the Imperium has not. In 4384, under the pretext of a panic about a harmless Auroran exogalctic research fleet composed of 50k Adamants and 1 Minotaur, the Imperium seized all AHGHN worlds North of the Great rift, in clear breach of the treaty .

As well as this clear breach, the Imperium has been anything but "non-aggressive" in this time. All though the Hegemony did not come to their aid in the war against the Imperium over 30 cycles ago we have long considered the AoFK friends and have both offered both the gift of worlds and advice on their stewardship of Ancient Earth, Cradleworld of Humanity. In remembrance of this friendship the AoFK shared news the following dastardly plot by the Imperium:

The Imperium tried to bribe the AoFK to provide a beacon path to invade the Hegemony and threatened them with destruction

Infuriated the the brave AoFK chose to follow honour over treachery and cowardice, the Imperium has invaded them on yet another trumped up casus belli.

This breaches of civilised behavior by such a prominent power cannot be allowed to go unanswered. Are there any here among you who would go back to the dark days when the Bugz ruled the stars and even the smallest one-world-grave empire slept fitfully for fear that the insects where coming to eat their children? That is how the galaxy will be again if treaties are not honoured and the strong try to make the weak their weapons.

With two such large empires there is no way to defend economic worlds and there are 14.6 trillion lives on the line. If either side starts collapsing clusters the fallout will make the gigadeaths of lesser wars seem petty and trifling. With that in mind, the Hegemony will begin taking punitive action against the Imperium, striking all military assets and the worlds that produce them within its reach but leaving economic worlds and capitals untouched. The Hegemony will not be the first to start a war of annihilation, but we will finish one if it comes to it.

Here end the words of the Hegemony.
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Let it be known that the empire known as Windsor Has sprung the least competent surprise attack on the AoFK, as it stand the AoFK is one world up on the conflict that is on going
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
~Will Rogers
L.W., Windsor
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Ilkay wrote:
Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:03 am
Let it be known that the empire known as Windsor Has sprung the least competent surprise attack on the AoFK, as it stand the AoFK is one world up on the conflict that is on going

I told you I was going to take that world, then you had about, oh I don't know, some 45 min before my fleets arrived, in full view of your explorers. There was no surprise attack, ever, in the very last exchange you were aloud to leave because I couldn't shoot you anymore. The fleets were too scattered and stopped firing so I ended the attack.

My goodness, please oh please start making sense. Throw accurate insults. Be on target with your descriptions.
The H in H2O is Hexacarbide. The H in Hexacarbide is Hexacarbide. Heaven is made out of Hexacarbide!!!
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Day 1:

The rift opens.

Day 2:

All fleets surge into the crack.

Day 3:

A shroud of mist falls away from the screens, to reveal. THE GALAXY!!!!!!! SHOCKED FACES!!!!!!! GLEE!!!!!!! TERROR!!!!!!! WWWWWWWAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!


Let the it be known:

The Bugzzzzzzz have returned.

The LAST Spelling Bee

:lol: :twisted: :evil: :lol: :twisted: :evil: :lol: :twisted: :evil: :lol: :twisted: :evil: :lol: :twisted: :evil: :lol:
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
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