Since the dawn of history, humankind and its descendants have labored under the auspices of cruel dictators and social orders that prized the maintenance of aristocracy and the rule of law over the benefit of the people. Though our societies have evolved much in the millennia between now and the days our great ancestors departed the gravity well of Sol, for much of the inhabited galaxy this general calculus remains a fact of life, even in its advanced zones.
It doesn't have to be this way. Sixty-six cycles ago, the 337th Division of the Black Army seized the last stronghold of the old oligarchs in the City of the Sun, ensuring the nascent Gospel of a New Century an unchallenged path to the galaxy at large. Today, over 2 trillion people live in freedom and comfort in the autonomous Cantons, organized by the elected delegates of the People's Convention.
The Gospel is not a religious order. The Good Word for which it stands is Communism.
OPTICA - A bulletin of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
-Review of Recent History-
Since the founding of the GNC, much of space in the west and south of the Great Rift had been firmly in the grips of three, and then two large empires: the Talegin-Montressor Diarchy, which is presumed to have collapsed due to economic mismanagement; the Technocratic Council of Worlds governed by the Bug King; and the enigmatic Q. The TCW appears to have ended due to a collapse of leadership resulting in an explosion of military investment by opportunistic politicians, and frivolous wars. Q is the only superpower from that era to survive to this day; now beaten back to their territories in the southwest, their historic capital lost to the armies of the Aurora Hegemony, their government maintains a cool silence in international diplomacy.
Neutral yet warm relations were established early on between GNC and the Saxophon Traders Union, who evidently seek to protect their brethren in the Mesophon Traders Union, an unfortunately weak and slowly shrinking commercial order that seems too helplessly pacifistic to defend itself. Within the last few cycles, STU have secured an enviable strategic position in what they call the Londor District, a sheltered bay of clearspace inside the northern nebula.
Several cycles into the ongoing collapse of the TCW, the People's Convention dispatched the expeditionary fleet "Ultima Ratio Regum" to the northwest quadrant, which was already well into the process of being reclaimed by planetary sectarians. Fleet URR reported no encounters with TCW forces, and for some time the fleet lingered as the Convention deliberated over what to do before electing to establish Canton Murray Bookchin in the former Council territories.
The Aurorans began their assault on Q planets, steamrolling capital after capital until Q had shrunk too far to maintain their casus belli.
The past ten cycles have marked a curious surge in activity among interstellar warlords beyond the reaches of Gospel territory. The Interstellar Route that now bridges the Canton MB with the mainland was a source of significant contention with other Northern powers and our baptism by fire of sorts into international politics, alarming both the nascent Imperium and the Empire of Mercutio by its establishment. Though Gospel diplomats were able to negotiate agreeable terms with the Imperium, the Mercutians would not tolerate another un-aligned power in their sphere of affairs, and demanded an alliance against the Imperium. While GNC-PC deliberated on this matter, the Bug King revealed himself as the true governor of Mercutio and declared all-out war.
GNC forces had vast numerical superiority and scored initial victories, but the Mercutians managed to exact a regrettable defeat as they snapped up foreign jumpbeacons en route to the City of the Sun and wrested control of the highway, preventing Theater Command Lenin from returning troops or ships to reinforce home airspace. In an emergency diplomatic exchange, GNC ceded its geopolitical presence in the west in exchange for the opportunity to bring its forces home, and Mercutian military promptly withdrew.
In the intervening time since, the Bug King suffered losses at the hands of the Imperium and opened an unwise third front with the Auroran Hegemony which was his ultimate downfall, chased from sector capital to sector capital. Intelligence indicates that he escaped capture by the advancing Hegemony army, his current whereabouts unknown. [Ed. note: Truly the picture of a Imperial American supervillain.] The Imperium warlords also advanced on the Goa'uld to our south and scattered their government, in what appears to have been a largely arbitrary gesture of force.
Upstart powers come and go from the interstellar scene. Some 30 or more cycles ago, GNC forces had a minor run-in with the Union of Worlds, who were then quickly crushed by the warlords of Jakarta, who themselves also collapsed shortly thereafter. The early days of GNC's existence saw the collapse of a medium sized soverign known only as "The", as well as the Consolidated Consortium.
In the last few cycles, three new polities of note have emerged onto the galactic scene: the Alliance of Free Kingdoms, Energia, and the Reptile Freeholds. AFK entered a super-alliance with Pandastan, and prepared an unfortunate preemptive strike on the Imperium.
Though much remains uncertain in these troubled times, one adage remains as true today as it was when uttered by the revolutionary R. Luxemburg, millennia ago: society stands at a crossroads between socialism or barbarism.
Join us on the right side of history!
Foreign Dispatches of the GNC
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- Joined: Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:09 am
Though military issues have never grown severe enough to warrant its reveal in the past history of the Gospel, Pandastan and the GNC have always considered one another close allies. When a slate of Pandastan worlds fell to the fleets of the Terran Imperium in response to the Alliance of Free Kingdoms' recent war, the People's Military scrambled its forces for a defensive assault. Scoring a jumpbeacon into the heart of the Terrans' nebula shelter and their homeworld itself, a ferocious battle was waged in the skies over Terra. Though the resistance put up a respectable fight, Fleet Kalinin's overwhelming numbers eventually crushed the Terrans' military and its reinforcements.
Immediate negotiation for terms of surrender began. The Imperium is to withdraw all fleets from Pandastan space and allow them to reclaim the worlds that were under their governance. The Terrans will also cede their west and east capitals, and allow a GNC forward base to be established in their nebula haven which the Saxophons call Londor District. At press time, the People's Military is reported to be carrying out these territorial seizures, while GNC diplomats are still awaiting a formal response from New Rome.
Though military issues have never grown severe enough to warrant its reveal in the past history of the Gospel, Pandastan and the GNC have always considered one another close allies. When a slate of Pandastan worlds fell to the fleets of the Terran Imperium in response to the Alliance of Free Kingdoms' recent war, the People's Military scrambled its forces for a defensive assault. Scoring a jumpbeacon into the heart of the Terrans' nebula shelter and their homeworld itself, a ferocious battle was waged in the skies over Terra. Though the resistance put up a respectable fight, Fleet Kalinin's overwhelming numbers eventually crushed the Terrans' military and its reinforcements.
Immediate negotiation for terms of surrender began. The Imperium is to withdraw all fleets from Pandastan space and allow them to reclaim the worlds that were under their governance. The Terrans will also cede their west and east capitals, and allow a GNC forward base to be established in their nebula haven which the Saxophons call Londor District. At press time, the People's Military is reported to be carrying out these territorial seizures, while GNC diplomats are still awaiting a formal response from New Rome.
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- Joined: Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:09 am
The People's Committee announces a guarantee on the sovereignty of Energia, in the northwest alongside Canton MB. Incursions into, and violence upon their space will be treated as a hostile act upon the GNC.
The People's Committee announces a guarantee on the sovereignty of Energia, in the northwest alongside Canton MB. Incursions into, and violence upon their space will be treated as a hostile act upon the GNC.
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- Joined: Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:09 am
Three cycles ago, the GNC broke its historic neutrality in galactic affairs to uphold the sovereignty of its neighbor and ally, the esteemed Pandastan - though as an isolationist nation for the most part they have so far declined to beseech the Galactic community at large to recognize their great contributions to interstellar society, we will stand as their representative until such affairs change - and launched a swift retaliatory strike on the Imperial homeworld, Terra, exacting harsh but necessary terms of peace to ensure that our allies would live to regain their territory and the security of their people.
The People's Convention declined to install a collaboration government in New Rome, and perhaps this was our first mistake. As Imperial representatives themselves confided to the Diplomatic Council, with our acknowledgement of their continued sovereignty post-peace the Imperium had thus declared a state of "cold war". An arms race began, lukewarm at first as the People's Convention deliberated on the future. We had hoped that the Imperium might honor peace with the GNC despite tensions between our nations and recognize our simple desire to ensure the security of our people, with the condition of maintaining a small base of entry into Imperial territory in the event of any contingencies. At the Imperator's request, we withdrew our sentinels from their space after ensuring to our satisfaction that their forces had withdrawn from Pandastan. We were gracious enough even to allow the Imperium to re-establish a new Eastern node away from Eastern capital that we had already seized, and did not move to interfere with their new claims in the West.
It is growing increasingly clear, however, that we were much too soft. In the intervening time till now, despite whatever they may claim about being "unreservedly" apologetic for their transgressions, Terran forces have moved multiple times to establish a strategic foothold directly inside sovereign Gospel territory wherever they perceived vulnerability.
Despite this clear demarcation and demands that Imperial forces stay out of range of GNC jumpbeacons, the Imperium within the last cycle has made a fourth and completely unacceptable move on us, conquering worlds well past the accepted boundary and bringing their borders to the immediate south of Canton Murray Bookchin. This is a clear act of unfettered belligerence, and it will not be tolerated.
No longer will the GNC retain its commitment to mere defense. Our sovereignty, as well as the sovereignty of all self-respecting nations in the galactic north is threatened by this arrogant tinpot. When the smoke of our great war clears, should we survive, our only intent is to return to our historic neutrality and preserve Pandastan's sovereignty and that of ourselves. The People's Committee has no time or desire to aim for galactic conquest.
Let eternal liberty ring throughout the Universe.
Three cycles ago, the GNC broke its historic neutrality in galactic affairs to uphold the sovereignty of its neighbor and ally, the esteemed Pandastan - though as an isolationist nation for the most part they have so far declined to beseech the Galactic community at large to recognize their great contributions to interstellar society, we will stand as their representative until such affairs change - and launched a swift retaliatory strike on the Imperial homeworld, Terra, exacting harsh but necessary terms of peace to ensure that our allies would live to regain their territory and the security of their people.
The People's Convention declined to install a collaboration government in New Rome, and perhaps this was our first mistake. As Imperial representatives themselves confided to the Diplomatic Council, with our acknowledgement of their continued sovereignty post-peace the Imperium had thus declared a state of "cold war". An arms race began, lukewarm at first as the People's Convention deliberated on the future. We had hoped that the Imperium might honor peace with the GNC despite tensions between our nations and recognize our simple desire to ensure the security of our people, with the condition of maintaining a small base of entry into Imperial territory in the event of any contingencies. At the Imperator's request, we withdrew our sentinels from their space after ensuring to our satisfaction that their forces had withdrawn from Pandastan. We were gracious enough even to allow the Imperium to re-establish a new Eastern node away from Eastern capital that we had already seized, and did not move to interfere with their new claims in the West.
It is growing increasingly clear, however, that we were much too soft. In the intervening time till now, despite whatever they may claim about being "unreservedly" apologetic for their transgressions, Terran forces have moved multiple times to establish a strategic foothold directly inside sovereign Gospel territory wherever they perceived vulnerability.
- The first move by Imperial forces upon the GNC in violation of our peace terms was a brazen attempt to "sneak" a fleet of captured Pandastan ramjets into the nebula along our southeast border, presumably to seize control of the Jumpyard Celia and gain access to our far east. The Diplomatic Council in turn brought threats upon the Terran capital, to which Imperator cowed and agreed to retreat the ramjet fleet to be recaptured by Pandastan. You have seen that he knows the Pandstan nebula is the only other place where ramjets can operate! This is how he found out.
- Their second intervention on our security was to attempt to move a fleet of gunships along the western edge of the Londor Nebula to establish a base of operations directly between the jumpbeacons on our east-west Interstellar Route. GNC Intelligence caught wind of this fleet a period before its arrival, and launched Fleet Kalinin to Terra to strike down its defenses in warning. The Imperator, though indignant at this action, begrudgingly acknowledged our request to withdraw their forces south and away from our airspace.
- In their third attempt, they deigned to move the very same fleet into the far northwest to establish a base near Canton Chiapas, threatening their belligerence upon the helpless nation of Energia if they did not comply with this violation of their sovereign airspace. This time they had rechristened their ships as the "Imperial Shadowfleet", to the amusement of our sentry crews. We threatened them again with an invasion of their capital which they acceded to, and withdrew their forces south to their base at Nova Terra.
Despite this clear demarcation and demands that Imperial forces stay out of range of GNC jumpbeacons, the Imperium within the last cycle has made a fourth and completely unacceptable move on us, conquering worlds well past the accepted boundary and bringing their borders to the immediate south of Canton Murray Bookchin. This is a clear act of unfettered belligerence, and it will not be tolerated.
No longer will the GNC retain its commitment to mere defense. Our sovereignty, as well as the sovereignty of all self-respecting nations in the galactic north is threatened by this arrogant tinpot. When the smoke of our great war clears, should we survive, our only intent is to return to our historic neutrality and preserve Pandastan's sovereignty and that of ourselves. The People's Committee has no time or desire to aim for galactic conquest.
Let eternal liberty ring throughout the Universe.