Project Terminus

General discussion for the game Anacreon
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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 242
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:35 am

Right, so my little weekend project is semi-finished. Or at least in a presentable enough state to let other people try out.

Download it from here: Project Terminus


Q. What is this thing?
A: It is a user-friendly (I hope) collection of scripts to make an Anacreon player's life easier. You can merge all fleets over a world, buy ships of any quantity from Mesophon (yes, more than 1000 at a time!), send fleets from all your shipyards to your capital with one click, and more.

Q: How do I get this thing working?
A: Follow the instructions in the readme, or post here if you're still stuck.

Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Because Anacreon in its current state has a lot of little quirks and annoyances that make is less of a grand strategy and more of a micromanagement minigame (oh look, which of my worlds don't have an arcology? Better start that clicking...) These scripts don't remove ALL the quirks (yet) but hopefully will soon. It is an "Alpha", after all.

Q: Why not keep it for yourself and make sure other players don't stand a chance?
A: SungSlaver231 was kind enough to release their framework for interacting with the Anacreon API endpoints, which means savvy players who know how to exploit it will have even more of an advantage over those who don't. And because I like to have challenging opponents.

Q: Can't players abuse some of the scripts, like spamming messages to everyone?
A: I can only hope that no one uses these with malicious intent. It goes against the spirit of the game and ruins things for all players.

Q: This is awesome, how can I thank you?
A: Thank George for a great game dating back to 1987, or maybe a few dollars donation to Kronosaur to inspire more work on Anacreon (which doesn't generate income) as well as Transcendence (which does).

Q: Why the funny name?
Read the Foundation series.

Things I'd like to add in the next update:

1. Build spaceports, habitats and arcologies automatically (holding off on this one for now as George hinted there may be some changes incoming)
2. Dismiss all messages at once (yay!) once I figure out where to get Anacreon.history_dict.
3. More flavor stuff in the stats screen like the current year, the number of years reigned, the number of shipyards etc.
4. Error handling to re-prompt for input if the user inputs something invalid, instead of crashing outright.

If, by chance, anyone has also written some personal scripts for use that fit any of the above points (or do any other interesting things) I'd be happy to take a look at them to incorporate into the project (with credit, of course). Sharing is caring.

Last edited by --Imperator-- on Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 242
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:35 am

Updated with ability to dismiss all messages and pop-ups at once, and some minor fixes.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 242
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:35 am

Beta v1.0 Release

First release which is packaged as an easy one-click-download-and-use executable file, made with PyInstaller. Windows only for now, OS X and Linux users can still manually run the Python file, downloading this repository and its dependencies as required.

Details and download here:
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