Zombie Bug (No-Capital Bug)

General discussion for the game Anacreon
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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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Priority Message Alert: Zombie Bug (No-Capital Bug)

For George, and everyone else. Seriously.

Someone who knows how to post to the Ministry also. WTD0.

The zombie bug lives. My empire is I.M.P., in the south of the map. In the south of the empire is the SC named Merv District Capital. To the immediate North there is the world named BR 3957. This world has the gaming ending No-Capital Bug from Era 2.

Interesting that it didn't happen until I named that area Merv District.... :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :roll:


An unknown amount of time (a few hours at most perhaps) before the world became infected, there appeared several hundred of each type of jumpship for becoming a home world. I took these from this planet because it was mine and transferred them to my SC. Then the world took on the red color as though it was conquered, I saw it happen. I was zoomed out scouting around. When I zoomed in to see who had taken my world, it was the zombie bug. I notified Imperium and he concurs that it is the infamous game ender.

If anyone reads this message, please notify George and post it into the Ministry if it has not been logged already. This is the king of bugs and will end our game if it is not fixed.
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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Location: The Void


There is a new Zombie World. New Al-Hasa in the far NW corner near the dying empire of Thoth, which is to the West of Nydes and Khanaphes.

It appears this one was formed as Thoth lost his trade hub and the subsequent worlds fell into rebellion.

I can say that this is a mutation of the old No-Capital Bug, so this one is truly a Zombie Bug, but it has all of the same components. The difference is what creates it.

To prevent the No-Capital Bug, players, please save the home world for the LAST world you take. Otherwise every world that empire owned will become useless to the rest of us. It is exceptionally heartbreaking when it is a large empire...
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
george moromisato
Posts: 2998
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:53 pm

I'll look into it. I'm sure I'll be able to fix the zombie worlds. But I'm hoping to find the root cause.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 225
Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:38 pm
Location: The Void

george moromisato wrote:
Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:34 am
I'll look into it. I'm sure I'll be able to fix the zombie worlds. But I'm hoping to find the root cause.
Good luck, I know it has been a long time that everyone has been dealing with it.
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
george moromisato
Posts: 2998
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:53 pm

FYI: I believe this bug is fixed in the latest release.

The problem seemed to be a bug in sieges--if an empire was destroyed, we didn't abandon all sieges.

The two worlds with the problem have been fixed.
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:37 pm

Unfortunately, I don't think this is fixed. One extremely large empire (Scavengers) just got hit by the no-capital bug.

They're AFK (haven't logged in for a few weeks) and their initial capital anymore, in case that helps.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just hadn't discovered their new capital. My bad.
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