The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

General discussion for the game Anacreon
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Wayward Device
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***Actuating Quantum Wave Transmitters**
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***Target Acquired: Galactic Forum Communication Node***
***Begin Propaganda Transmission 4468, Era 5***

"The Comm Burst is mightier than the Polaron Lance"
- Nameless Rumourmonger

Greetings in the name of Reason! Kindly observe this transmission with your sensory system of choice, of your own free will. A summary of Galactic events from Cycle 4461 to Cycle 4468 will be recounted. Citizens of the Republic should be aware that observing this transmission will incur eligibility for random spot checks of data absorption/retention levels with sterilisation for those who fall below minimum requirements.

***Transmit Data: Galactic Chart: Cycle 4468***

While many savage empires have been striving to claim their share of the stars in recent cycles, the most important event of the last 7 cycles has of course been the restoration of the Republic of Reason into a bastion of peace and prosperity envied throughout the galaxy. After more than 100 cycles of decline following the Republic's glorious victory against the galaxy-spanning scourge know as Lost in Space, the Republic has once again emerged as the leading power in the galaxy. Controlling sixteen full clusters east of the Great Rift Nebula, with 1608 planers, 11 million Adamanant Jumpcruisers, 3 Millions Eldritch Jumpships and 400K Exotroops, the might of the Republic is exceeded only by its wisdom. None of the upstart barbarians of this present age come close matching the splendour of the Republic.

Now that you have been informed of the unspeakable majesty of the Republic of Reason, here will follow a description of the lesser powers of the day:

Among the lesser powers to spring up in the last 30 cycles, the Warlords of Teclastun2 are the greatest, holding sway over 437 worlds. A partially civilised people, they make some use of trade clusters but in an inefficient, uncouth manner. All worlds are raised to TL10 and their industry is poorly optimised. Still, what they lack in economic wisdom they make up for in the art of war - as several Republic admirals have discovered while thwarting the Warlord's attempts at eastern expansion. As well as skirmishing with the Republic, Teclastun has successfully annexed some 70 worlds belonging to their northern neighbour One-Above-All, hastening that minor power's sad decline. Of particular note is their powerful ground forces, which at 140k Exotroops and 300k Armoured Infantry is outmatched only by the Republic.

One-Above-All is, by data alone, second among the lesser powers. However, following their loss of territory to the Teclastuni Warlords rampant ambition and a failed attempt to move from a crude mesh trade net to civilised trade clusters they are very much on the edge of collapse. With their fleets weakening, economy collapsing and aggressive competitors to the north and south it can only be a matter of time before One-Above-All is consigned to the databanks of history.

Third among the lesser powers is TBK, a colony of that non-human menace known throughout galactic history as the Bugzzzzzzzz. As all Civilised and Reasonable sentients know, the Bugzzzzzzz are a race of fierce insectoid warriors. What they lack in economic wisdom they more than make up for in raw aggression and vigour, having in cycles past launched the single largest attack any empire has ever seen as well as conducting numerous smaller offensives. While their new colony of TBK is only 19 cycles old, it has rapidly expanded to 223 worlds with no signs of slowing down. The weak and the strong alike should watch carefully.

Fourth among the lesser powers is, appropriately, the empire of Fourth World. Though once a promising young trade-cluster using empire the Fourth World is in an advanced state of decline, with most of their clusters collapsed and their fleets attrition away to nothing. The Republic has reason to believe that this economic misfortune, coupled with their close proximity to TBK, will soon spell their end.

Least among the lesser powers is The Ranch. Believed to be based around a farmer's association that got out of hand, they have expanded rapidly in the last 5 cycles to control 64 worlds. Though small and with only a slight grasp on the concepts of how to properly organise a trade cluster, their youthful energy may give them the edge they need to survive and prosper in the cycles to come.

As well as the lesser empires described above there are a number of unimportant polities scattered throughout the galaxy. In the far north lies the scattered tomb-worlds of Tsaunat, clinging to the title of empire in name only, even if they have persisted for some 447 cycles. To their south and bordering the Bugzzzz lies the 15 worlds of Monica, a small imperium some 8 cycles old. Lastly, a scattered handful of one-planet despots cling to their sad thrones and are of no importance at all.

Finally, the Republic must report the demise of the Hexacarbide Brotherhood. Cast down not by the Polaron Lance but by economic collapse, they ended not with a bang but with a whimper.

***Return to your scheduled work tasks***
***End Transmission**
Wayward Device
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***Actuating Quantum Wave Transmitters**
***Aligning Targets***
***Target Acquired: Galactic Forum Communication Node***
***Begin Propaganda Transmission 4476, Era 5***

"The Jumpship itself incites to violence."
- Ancient Philospher

Greetings in the name of Reason! Kindly observe this transmission with your sensory system of choice, of your own free will. A summary of Galactic events from Cycle 4468 to Cycle 4476 will be recounted. Now, behold in wonder the skill of the Republic's stellar cartographers:

***Transmit Data: Galactic Chart: Cycle 4476***

There will now follow a description of key events over the last 8 cycles.

The most important recent event is of course the Republic of Reason's pivot to an entirely new tactical doctrine. After careful examination of the facts, it has been decided that the Republic's offensive fleet will be composed entirely of Hellions. To this end all jumpyards have been retooled and the fleet currently stands at 79 million Hellions and is expected to reach some 120 million in ten or so cycles time. There are still none that can challenge the might of the Republic, may its foes tremble! As well as the indescribable wisdom of the Republic and it's Reasonable policies there have also been a number of events of interest among the lesser powers. Several younger empires have replied to the Republic's request for information on their cultural backgrounds and the expansion of the more warlike empires continues unchallenged.

The Warlords of Teclastun continue to be first among the lesser powers. Now occupying 475 worlds in the South Western corner of the Galaxy, they have the second largest fleet with 2.7 million Undine Jumpcruisers and the second largest ground force with 190,000 Exotroops. So far the Republic's prediction that they would consume the rotting remains of One-Above-All have proved incorrect but it can only be a matter of time until this hungry people turn their eyes to new worlds.

Second among the lesser powers is TBK, that outpost of the insectoid Bugzzzzz. With 392 worlds perched at the heart of the Western Great Rift nebula, TBK continues to grow and thrive. Though they have less powerful space and ground forces than Teclastun, there is no denying the strength of their nebula stronghold. They have not engaged in any large scale wars in recent cycles but have begun to capture worlds belonging to the fallen empire of Fourth World. There was a recent unfortunate incident between a Republic explorer fleet and the TBK homeworld but the loss of 50,000 Hellions was made up for within less than five watches of production.

Third and fourth, by size alone, would be Fourth World and One-Above-All if it were not for the unmistakable signs of imminent collapse. Both these lesser powers must be considered Fallen Empires now, their trade routes collapsing and their fleets grounded. Already scavengers begin to pick through the ruins.

Next among the younger powers is The Ranch, ruled from the world of Flying T. Recent diplomatic exchanges with the Republic indicate that it was indeed established by a group of cattle ranchers tired of the lack of a market for their beef. Their philosophy is to remain laid back as long as everyone is having a good time and enjoying steak. Although it is still too early to tell, it bodes well that Flying T has already asked the Republic for advice on the correct use of Trade Clusters. Whether they can survive with a neighbour as large and aggressive as Teclastun, only time will tell.

On the opposite side of the galaxy there lies another young empire by the name of Alpha Creed. Though only 3 cycles old they already control 31 worlds and show signs of great wisdom. In a recent diplomatic exchange they revealed to the Republic the underpinnings of their philosophy. Their highest Creed is non-interference in prosperous empires and they recognise the Truth of the Creed of others, if it shows success. However, to independent worlds they will bring Truth and Certainty, by force if necessary. In recognition of their wisdom, the Republic has ceded a number of unconnected worlds within the Creed sphere of influence. Such worlds have been named "Creed Gift World" so all may know of the Republic's generosity.

Finally, there are several small empires that have thus far not replied to the Republic's diplomacy. The empire of Monica continues to slowly grow just north of the Great Rift nebula, The Dominion of the Rift has sprung up among the ruins of Fourth World and Dissolvance lies in the utter North East. So far these peoples are an enigma to the Republic.

***Return to your scheduled work tasks***
***End Transmission**
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Oh wow, people are actively playing Anacreon again?
Wayward Device
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Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:28 pm
Oh wow, people are actively playing Anacreon again?
Long time no see! Yeah, it's been quiet for a while but there is definitely some action happening in the Era 5 map.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Awesome! I haven't played since Era 3 but I went through the bug log and it looks like there have been a lot of fixes, that's really exciting!

A few questions:

[*] Does anyone have RexImperator' Python package that extends SungSlaver's package?
[*] Have there been any API changes since then?
[*] Are transports still capturable under the new siege mechanics? If so does capture occur on invasion or when siege ends?
[*] Are fleets in orbit still captured when a world changes hands?
[*] Any outstanding bugs I should be aware of?
Wayward Device
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Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:34 pm
[*] Does anyone have RexImperator' Python package that extends SungSlaver's package?
[*] Have there been any API changes since then?
Sorry, don't know either of these.
Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:34 pm
[*] Are transports still capturable under the new siege mechanics? If so does capture occur on invasion or when siege ends?
You capture them if you win the siege.
Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:34 pm
[*] Are fleets in orbit still captured when a world changes hands?
Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:34 pm
[*] Any outstanding bugs I should be aware of?
The Siege Bug. It's a big one that massively effects wars. Basically, if you have a world under siege with troops on it and a space battle is triggered then half of the attacking siege forces will defect to the defender. A bit like with non-imperial guard ground forces and a rebellion except the troops go to the defending player. Basically once you start a siege you need to move your space forces away from the world you are attacking as even a tiny counterattack can cost you half your forces.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Wayward Device wrote:
Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:26 pm
The Siege Bug. It's a big one that massively effects wars. Basically, if you have a world under siege with troops on it and a space battle is triggered then half of the attacking siege forces will defect to the defender. A bit like with non-imperial guard ground forces and a rebellion except the troops go to the defending player. Basically once you start a siege you need to move your space forces away from the world you are attacking as even a tiny counterattack can cost you half your forces.
Wow, that's a really bad bug. It's impossible to prevent an enemy from reinforcing, unless you only attack planets within GDM range of your own worlds and constantly spam GDMs at reinforcing transports?
Wayward Device
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Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:43 pm
Wayward Device wrote:
Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:26 pm
The Siege Bug. It's a big one that massively effects wars. Basically, if you have a world under siege with troops on it and a space battle is triggered then half of the attacking siege forces will defect to the defender. A bit like with non-imperial guard ground forces and a rebellion except the troops go to the defending player. Basically once you start a siege you need to move your space forces away from the world you are attacking as even a tiny counterattack can cost you half your forces.
Wow, that's a really bad bug. It's impossible to prevent an enemy from reinforcing, unless you only attack planets within GDM range of your own worlds and constantly spam GDMs at reinforcing transports?
Essentially, although I haven't seen anyone try to use jump missiles to stop it. Also having a fleet in orbit, as well as risking the Siege Bug, doesn't actually stop reinforcing since you can simply transfer ground forces to an owned planet without starting combat. This means that you have three main options when invading:

1. Go wide and land as many minimum ground forces on as many planets as possible. 1k ground forces seems to be enough to win the siege after defeating the ground forces (you lose the siege if you attrition too low).
2. Go heavy, invade a few key worlds with as many ground forces as possible. Only really valid if you outnumber the enemy ground.
3. Target worlds producing troops and transports to reduce their ground forces as much as possible before going with option 1.

War right now is composed of some variant of these 3 strategies and favours the defender.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Do sieges disrupt industry or trade routes?

Are there any circumstances under which starfrigates are worth building in Era 5? In era 2 they were the preeminent defensive unit and after the unit rebalance they were very weak and overcosted relative to starcruisers or gunships. Now that warptransports have missile protection do starfrigates serve any useful purpose? For example, have AoE direct attack mechanics been reworked to be more effective against jumpships/jumpcruisers?
Wayward Device
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Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:34 pm
Do sieges disrupt industry or trade routes?
Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:34 pm
Are there any circumstances under which starfrigates are worth building in Era 5? In era 2 they were the preeminent defensive unit and after the unit rebalance they were very weak and overcosted relative to starcruisers or gunships. Now that warptransports have missile protection do starfrigates serve any useful purpose? For example, have AoE direct attack mechanics been reworked to be more effective against jumpships/jumpcruisers?
Starfrigates are important for screening Starcruisers from Eldritch Jumpships. Starcruisers are unbelievably powerful but will still lose (very,very slowly) to a big Eldritch ball with low losses for the Jumpships because of the sheer amount of PD. From past experience, I would recommend setting a production rate of 33% Starfrigates/66% Starcruisers (this will make about a 1:1 real production ratio) if you are looking to go for the big ships.

Edit - I'm not sure how the AoE mechanic is currently but both Starfrigates and Starcruisers still have absurd firepower (albeit a bit less for the Starfrigates) and will massacre unsupported transports, even huge numbers of them. Otherwise I would be playing Reliant Transport + Exotroops only.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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If we treat attackValue as roughly indicative of combat strength (not a great assumption but I think reasonable enough when comparing starfrigates to gunships) there is never a point where continuously building an equivalent WU amount of starfrigates banks you more attackValue points than gunships, despite the unit's longer half life. The calculation is basically the same as negative compound interest with contributions. (Happy to share formulas if anyone is interested). Even looking out to 100+ days in real time the numbers are dire. The graph assumes the same WUs in an economy are dedicated to Minotaurs and their components vs Defiance and their components, all abundance "major" deposits. So to fight Eldritch ball I would think Minotaurs are the better direct attacker, unless combat mechanics make starfrigates better than modeled against Eldritch.
Rplot01.png (35.72 KiB) Viewed 48137 times
I'm not sure it's right to think of starfrigates as "big ships" anymore. They aren't significantly more impressive on a per unit basis than gunships, but cost much more. Not sure how their range/AoE advantage plays out in real combat.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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force2.png (57.98 KiB) Viewed 48127 times
force1.png (53.59 KiB) Viewed 48127 times
These curves don't seem so hot. I would expect for low tech vs high tech ships of the same type that you would get higher short term force accumulation for low tech and higher long term force accumulation for high tech ships. I would also expect higher short term force output of gunships fading into better output for cap ships as time goes on. Instead high tech ships always have better force production right out of the gate.

This is compounded by higher WU output overall by high tech worlds. If attackValue is meaningful for comparing ships of the same type, I would say never build low tech ships under any circumstances.

Also, this is expected but still pretty amazing to see- investing in high tech starcruisers generates an insane amount of additional attackValue relative to investing in gunships or jumpcruisers. If you are relying on jumpcruisers to fight starcruisers you may have a major tactical advantage in that you get to pick your battles, but the logistics seem to be decisively not on your favor.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Here's current attackValue accumulation when building gunships over a 2 week period. It never makes sense to build Sirius gunships if it is possible to raise my starship yards to TL8.
min_v_sirius.png (38.29 KiB) Viewed 48123 times
Here's what I think it should look like:
plot3.png (38.07 KiB) Viewed 48123 times
This is achieved by lowering half life of Sirius to 2 (from 10). SCI WU cost of Sirius is decreased to 200 (from 633). In practice we could probably be less aggressive cutting Sirius price since I think huge fleets have secret extra advantages w/r/t combat effectiveness that aren't well modeled by attackValue.

This would make ship TL legitimately strategically interesting. I could build a moderately powerful low tech force much faster, but building high tech ships would eventually give me a much stronger force after a week.

I would also want high tech ships for long range expeditions- if I'm fighting someone on the other end of the map my Sirius force would be more reduced by attrition in the 8-12 hours it takes to get there than an equivalent Minotaur force (the Minotaurs are also faster!). And I couldn't easily substitute Sirius for static defenses because of attrition. In a war I might preferentially attack a TL7 starship yard before a TL8 starship yard because the TL7 yard would more immediately threatening.

If I expected to be at war all the time and these were the decay curves, I would build Sirius, because I would expect to lose many of them in battle anyway. If I only waged war rarely, or expected to go to war in a week or more but not immediately, I would build Minotaurs because I would ultimately have more attack value at my disposal when I needed it.

There's some additional math at a level above what I've modeled that affects how these numbers actually resolve in the game - foundation TLs are not costless, and I haven't looked into the higher consumer goods consumption by high TL worlds enough to know how if factors into real WU cost (SCI WU cost only considers mineral, component, and ship WU cost, not CG consumption). There may also be some integer math associated with attrition in game that the half life formula doesn't fully model. But in general I feel like the low tech units, especially starships and ramjets, should cost much less than they currently do but also have higher attrition.

Another thing that would be interesting would be to apply a half life modifier for unit life for the unit centered doctrines. A longer half life for F&M jumpships and S&H starships would make these doctrines a lot more more interesting since it would allow you to accrue more forces very naturally , without any magical discounts to production cost.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Actually, would it make more sense for high tech ships to be low WU cost and high attrition? The reasoning would be that in high tech ships are stronger and faster but less durable. Faster speed offsets high attrition to some extent when on the offensive. A high tech empire could quickly replace an attack force lost in an offensive war as long as their production base in unimpacted, but long term investment in low tech ships would yield bigger forces overall for empires willing to stay out of wars. If a high tech empire has e.g. chronimium disrupted or loses a yards it would affect their fleet strength way faster than a low tech empire that has hexacarbide disrupted, because high tech units have high unit attrition. This plays nicely into the notion that high tech is offensively dangerous but kind of fragile from an infrastructure perspective.

Under this model, if there are two rival empires with equivalent WU output but one is high tech and one is low tech (the low tech empire will have to have numerically more worlds), the high tech empire will be forced to take an offensive stance. This is because inevitably the low tech empire will accrue more units if neither party acts - the unit decay curve is in their favor. Eventually they will be able to overwhelm the high tech empire. The high tech empire needs to be the aggressor (while protecting their productive core - if their economy gets screwed up they are toast). In a sense boosting your empire into high tech will make you a revisionist power out to win short nasty wars and bounce back fast, while remaining low tech allows you to remain stable and accrue power over time, but that power has to be used judiciously because it takes a long time to build back up when depleted.

Having high tech units be cheap is kind of a problem for Mesophon since that allows anyone to buy into the high tech units at discount prices. Normally if you buy from Mesophon its because you have immediate unit need unless you are T&E, so the high attrition ob high tech units is less of a concern. You would get cheap units without having to run an economy where maintaining a force of those units requires constant replacement. Since low tech empires have lower resource productivity I think it's probably ok, they won't have as many aes to throw around. Maybe AES should deplete at a rate proportionate to your capital TL. Low tech empires have high AES depletion while high tech empires have more sophisticated financial systems which result in low depletion?
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Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:34 pm
[*] Does anyone have RexImperator' Python package that extends SungSlaver's package?
I managed to find it on my unbelievably messy USB. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working anymore... I've put it on my drive - perhaps you'll be able to get it working. :D ... sp=sharing
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