Why 1.7 Alpha 1a doesn't work to Semesta Corp mod?

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Militia Captain
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I don't know why Semesta Costumer module isn't work to newer version, I thought it was because I using previous version source. But now even I using newer source, it doesn't working.
I'm copy station (Sister of Domina and Corporate stations) statistic and just adding some ship to guard it, nothing more.
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Militia Commander
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DigaRW wrote:I don't know why Semesta Costumer module isn't work to newer version, I thought it was because I using previous version source. But now even I using newer source, it doesn't working.
I'm copy station (Sister of Domina and Corporate stations) statistic and just adding some ship to guard it, nothing more.
What is apiVersion set to? What are the bugs you're seeing?

I'm changing my mods over from API 27 to 29 and having to fix bugs along the way.
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gunship256 wrote:
DigaRW wrote:I don't know why Semesta Costumer module isn't work to newer version, I thought it was because I using previous version source. But now even I using newer source, it doesn't working.
I'm copy station (Sister of Domina and Corporate stations) statistic and just adding some ship to guard it, nothing more.
What is apiVersion set to? What are the bugs you're seeing?

I'm changing my mods over from API 27 to 29 and having to fix bugs along the way.
you don't need any of that API modern fandange
the modern game comes with all the bells & whistles you would need

If you were using an older version when the API issue was un-adaptable & relevant- yes, but not now.

Wht you need to do is LOOK at your stations, check your tags & symbols , < </ () . ;
**** one symbol used in the older versions wasn't a symbol, it was a space at the end of a short line such as

Code: Select all

 (if(space bar hit  before New Line)
 (and  (not (etc)

If you only added ships, Just look at your tags again.
Flying Irresponsibly In Eridani......

I don't like to kill pirates in cold blood ..I do it.. but I don't like it..
Militia Commander
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It's strange that his mod would work in 1.6 but not in 1.7 alpha 1, so I thought I'd ask for clarification on what the bugs or error messages are.

The most immediate problem for me was the powerUse of playerships' built-in drives. In API 29, powerUse seems to be automatically calculated based on the thrust needed to acheive the thrustRatio defined in the ship's code. I had to explicitly set powerUse to something manageable to keep the reactor from overloading.
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gunship256 wrote:It's strange that his mod would work in 1.6 but not in 1.7 alpha 1, so I thought I'd ask for clarification on what the bugs or error messages are.

The most immediate problem for me was the powerUse of playerships' built-in drives. In API 29, powerUse seems to be automatically calculated based on the thrust needed to acheive the thrustRatio defined in the ship's code. I had to explicitly set powerUse to something manageable to keep the reactor from overloading.
EMc2 :)

if the devices you are using are stock, the engine will adapt
However, anything put together must regard Relativity : the ship is in Space, short of having RPC ruin your day with Gravity, you still have to account for the impact your ship's engine has on the vehicle.

Reactors are funny things when you add stuff to a ship, I often just up the reactor instead of tinkering around with device power.
Flying Irresponsibly In Eridani......

I don't like to kill pirates in cold blood ..I do it.. but I don't like it..
Militia Commander
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I think the problem is that the game automatically calculates the powerUse of the playership's default drive if the powerUse is not explicitly specified in the ship's code. Installing a drive device overrides this.

For example, if you give a heavy ship a thrust ratio of 20 and a Nova-10 reactor but no drive device, its reactor will overload. If you add a a tritium propulsion upgrade, the powerUse of the ship's drive goes down to 5 MW because the installed drive overrides the powerUse of the ship's engine.
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Militia Captain
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Other xml module are ok, but Costumer module giving an error. If I disable Costumer module xml, the game running normal as usual. As I said, I'm just copy Sister of Domina station and just add SAT that patroling it. What should I do then?
Here the problem
Here the problem
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I over-wrote the Sisters so many times they think I am the maintenance guy.
if you copied it clearly end to end, there should be no problems, remove things one at a time until you find the problem.

MY sisters have religious ships : like the Atonement and, often, guards.

Here: I just put out a patrol ship for the picture: the station does alot more then sit there, but you have to wait for the adventure to be finished to find out what :)

Flying Irresponsibly In Eridani......

I don't like to kill pirates in cold blood ..I do it.. but I don't like it..
Militia Commander
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Yes, that's a good idea. If you copy the Sisters code directly from the 1.7 alpha source without modifying it, does it still give you an error?

If you then re-introduce new code one bit at a time, it usually reveals where the error is.
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Militia Captain
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Oh yes, I once copy all SoD xml into my mod. It was passed loading screen, but they cannot selected as extension in scenario menu because they need picture resources. I ain't got any Trans resources, and I have to wait until Friday to download that resources.
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Fleet Officer
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DigaRW wrote:Oh yes, I once copy all SoD xml into my mod. It was passed loading screen, but they cannot selected as extension in scenario menu because they need picture resources. I ain't got any Trans resources, and I have to wait until Friday to download that resources.
Exactly what resources?

for the sisters you should not need anything : however, everybody is different, simply tell us what it says you need.

you don't need to copy the entire .xml :) Just the parts you need, like the station.

Code: Select all

	<!-- Sisters of Domina -->

	<StationType UNID="&stSistersOfDomina;"
			name=				"Sisters of Domina"
			sovereign=			"&svCommonwealth;"
			dockScreen=			"Main"
			abandonedScreen=	"&dsAbandonedStation;"
			canAttack=			"true"

			multiHull=			"true"
			armorID=			"&itPlasteelPlate;"
			hitPoints=			"160"
			regen=              "0.5"
			ejectaType=			"&vtWreckEjecta;"

                       attributes=			"envAir, envAvoidsFire, friendly, generic, human, majorStation, populated, religious, sistersOfDomina"
			levelFrequency=		"ruccc ur--- ----- ----- -----"
			unique=				"inSystem"
			locationCriteria=	"-innerSystem, +planetary"

			definiteArticle=	"true"

		<Image			imageID="&rsStations1;" imageX="384" imageY="512" imageWidth="128" imageHeight="128"/>
		<HeroImage		imageID="&rsSistersShrineHero;" imageWidth="324" imageHeight="528"/>
			<Lookup count="1d2" table="&tbCommDefenders;"/>
			<Lookup count="1d3" table="&tbCommPrivateCrafts;"/>

			<Table count="1d6">
				<Lookup chance="25" count="1d3" table="&trConsumables2;"/>
				<Lookup chance="25" count="1"	table="&trConsumables3;"/>
				<Lookup chance="25" count="1"	table="&trMinorItem2;"/>
				<Lookup chance="15" count="1"	table="&trMinorItem3;"/>
				<Lookup chance="10" count="1"	table="&trMajorItem2;"/>

		<Trade currency="credit" max="50000" replenish="2500">
			<AcceptDonation	criteria="*"					priceAdj="100" actualPrice="true"/>

				; attd =	If -1, gain 1 attitude per item donated
				;			If 0, gain no attitude
				;			If greater than 0, this is the credit value to gain 1 attitude
				; rel =		Points of relationship gained per item

				(	; pattern				attd	rel		text
					(&itCarvedPrayerStone;	0		20		"We thank you for your offering. These beautiful stones are a fitting tribute to Domina's grace and power.")
					(&itJewelOfContemplation; 0		35		"We thank you for your offering. These beautiful jewels are a fitting tribute to Domina's grace and power.")
					(&itHierolithCrystal;	-1		175		"We thank you for your offering. These beautiful crystals are a fitting tribute to Domina's grace and power.")
					(&itDeathCube;			-1		80		"The souls in these receptacles deserve to rejoin Domina. The flesh will perish, but the eternal soul returns to its maker.")
					(&itAbbasidThanogram;	0		70		"The souls in these receptacles deserve to rejoin Domina. The flesh will perish, but the eternal soul returns to its maker.")
					(&itCDMArchive;			-1		105		"The souls in these receptacles deserve to rejoin Domina. The flesh will perish, but the eternal soul returns to its maker.")
					(&itOpticalKnowledgeArray; 0	24		"We thank you for your offering. These intricate devices will help us with our communion.")
					(&itSlaveCoffin;		-1		100		"We will take care of these lost children and teach them the way of Domina. Trust your fate to Domina.")
					(&itCashCardGold;		500		0		"We thank you for your sacrifice. Seek us when you are in need of sustenance.")
					(&itCashCardPlatinum;	500		0		"We thank you for your sacrifice. Seek us when you are in need of sustenance.")
					("ad +Illegal;"			0		0		"We shall dispose of this equipment for your own good. Do not give in to its corrupting influence.")
					("*+ID;"				0		0		"We thank you for your good intentions, but this kind of item is useless to us.")
					("*+HaloGem;"			-1		200		"We thank you for your offering. These beautiful gems are a fitting tribute to Domina's grace and power.")
					("*+Meds;"				500		0		"We thank you for your sacrifice. Seek us when you are in need of healing.")
					("*+Illegal;"			0		0		"We shall dispose of this poison so that it may do no harm. Cleanse yourself of its influence.")
					("*+Lux;"				2000	0		"We thank you for your sacrifice. Seek us when you are in need of peace.")
					("*+Food;"				1000	0		"We thank you for your sacrifice. Seek us when you are in need of sustenance.")
					("f"					750		0		"We thank you for your sacrifice. Seek us when you are in need of sustenance.")
					(Nil					0		0		"We thank you for your donation and your good intentions. Go in peace.")

							(block Nil
								(if (not (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude"))
									(objSetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude" 0)

								(if (objGetData gSource "freeSanctum")
									(scrSetDesc gScreen (objTranslate gSource 'WelcomeFreeSanctum))
									(scrSetDesc gScreen (objTranslate gSource 'Welcome))

							<Action id="actionSanctum">
								(scrShowScreen gScreen &dsSistersSanctum;)
							<Action id="actionPilgrimsAid" default="1">
								(scrShowScreen gScreen &dsSistersDockServices;)
							<Action id="actionDonate">
								(scrShowScreen gScreen &dsSistersDonate;)
							<Action id="actionUndock" cancel="1">

			<Port x="0"		y="90" />
			<Port x="0"		y="-90" />
			<Port x="60"	y="60" />
			<Port x="60"	y="-60" />
			<Port x="90"	y="0" />
			<Port x="-90"	y="0" />
			<Port x="-60"	y="60" />
			<Port x="-60"	y="-60" />

			<Text id="actionDonate">"[D]onate"</Text>
			<Text id="actionPilgrimsAid">"[P]ilgrim's Aid"</Text>
			<Text id="actionSanctum">"[S]anctum"</Text>
			<Text id="actionUndock">"[U]ndock"</Text>
			<Text id="Welcome">
					"You are docked at an abbey of the Sisters of Domina."
			<Text id="WelcomeFreeSanctum">
					"You are docked at an abbey of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"A woman wearing a flowing cardinal robe is before you.\n\n"
					"\"Take your ease here before you go, or seek guidance at our Sanctum. "
					"May the blessings of Domina protect you.\""
	<!-- Sanctum Screen 
	<DockScreen unid="&dsSistersSanctum;"
			nestedScreen=		"true"
			inherit=			"&dsDockScreenBase;"
					(block (
						(attitude (objGetData gPlayerShip 'sistersAttitude))
						(level (domInitRelationship))
							;	If the player has not donated to the Sisters, then they
							;	cannot contemplate.
							(and (or (not attitude) (ls attitude 1))
									(not (objGetData gSource 'freeSanctum))
								(block Nil
									(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersSanctum; "SanctumClosed"))
									(scrEnableAction gScreen 'actionContemplate Nil)
							;	Otherwise, we allow contemplation
							(block Nil
								(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersSanctum; (cat "SanctumIntro:" level)))
								(scrEnableAction gScreen 'actionContemplate True)
					<Action id="actionContemplate" default="1">
						(block (
							(roll (random 1 100))
							;	Consume 1 attitude point
							(objIncData gPlayerShip 'sistersAttitude -1)
							;	If we have a free sanctum pass then we always get the stargate
							;	option.
							(if (objGetData gSource 'freeSanctum)
								(block Nil
									(setq roll 40)
									(objSetData gSource 'freeSanctum Nil)
							;	Figure out what happened
								;	If we're not a Pilgrim, we always get nothing
								(not (eq (objGetProperty gPlayerShip 'characterClass) &unidPilgrimClass;))
									(scrShowPane gScreen "Nothing")
								;	10% of the time, Domina reveals stations in the system
								(leq roll 10)
									(block Nil
										(enum (sysFindObject gPlayerShip "Ts -uncharted;") obj
											(objSetKnown obj)
										(scrShowPane gScreen "MappedSystem")
								;	30% of the time, Domina reveals the stargate that leads
								;	to the Core.
								(leq roll 40)
									(block (
										(stargateObj (sysGetStargateLeadingToCore))
										(if stargateObj
											(block Nil
												(scrSetData gScreen 'stargateID (objGetID stargateObj))
												(scrShowPane gScreen "StargateRevealed")
											(scrShowPane gScreen "Nothing")
								;	30% of the time we gain Domina relationship.
								(leq roll 70)
									(block Nil
										(domGainXP (random 20 10 10))
										(scrShowPane gScreen "DominaRelationship")
								;	30% of the time, nothing happens.
								(scrShowPane gScreen "Nothing")
					<Action id="actionDone" default="1" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersSanctum; "MappedSystemDesc"))
					<Action id="actionDone" default="1" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersSanctum; "StargateRevealedDesc"))
					<Action id="actionDone" default="1" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersSanctum; "DominaRelationshipDesc"))
					<Action id="actionDone" default="1" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersSanctum; "NothingDesc"))
					<Action id="actionDone" default="1" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
			<Text id="actionContemplate">"[C]ontemplate"</Text>
			<Text id="DominaRelationshipDesc">
					"Your disembodied mind hurtles through space. "
					"Stars dance like fireflies, and nebulous veils part "
					"to reveal a fragment of the Eternal Pattern.\n\n"
					"You feel the blessing of Domina upon you. She urges you to continue "
					"your journey to the Galactic Core."
			<Text id="MappedSystemDesc">
					"Images and patterns dance in your head like spinning galaxies. "
					"You see with the eyes of Domina but the visions blast your brain like a nova.\n\n"
					"When you recover from your reverie you remember only some mundane "
					"information about the position of stations in this star system."
			<Text id="NothingDesc">
					"Your contemplation ends as your rational mind considers "
					"the impossibility of communicating across the light-years."
			<Text id="StargateRevealedDesc">
				(block (
					(stargateObj (objGetObjByID (scrGetData gScreen 'stargateID)))
						"A connection with Domina is denied to you, but your brief attempt "
						"points the way to your destiny's end.\n\n"
						"Step through the " (objGetName stargateObj) " to the next system "
						"and you will be one step nearer to your goal."
			<Text id="SanctumClosed">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"Tools and scaffolding fill the room and various cardinal-robed techs "
					"work to repair the micro-engraved plasteel walls.\n\n"
					"One of the sisters oversees the work: \"Sorry, but the sanctum "
					"is closed for maintenance. We would appreciate any donation you can "
					"make to help us defray the cost.\""
			<Text id="SanctumIntro:0">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"The plasteel walls that surround you are micro-engraved with the revelation of Domina.\n\n"
					"You close your eyes and open your thoughts, but no one answers."
			<Text id="SanctumIntro:1">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"The plasteel walls that surround you are micro-engraved with the revelation of Domina.\n\n"
					"You are a novice in the service of Domina and have access to first-tier powers. "
					(if (typGetGlobalData &stDomina; "xp")
						(cat "The strength of your connection to Domina is: " (typGetGlobalData &stDomina; "xp") ".")
			<Text id="SanctumIntro:2">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"The plasteel walls that surround you are micro-engraved with the revelation of Domina.\n\n"
					"You are an acolyte in the service of Domina and have access to second-tier powers. "
					"The strength of your connection to Domina is: " (typGetGlobalData &stDomina; "xp") "."
			<Text id="SanctumIntro:3">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"A faint glow emanates from the micro-engraved plasteel walls and you feel a peaceful presence.\n\n"
					"You are an adept in the service of Domina and have access to third-tier powers. "
					"The strength of your connection to Domina is: " (typGetGlobalData &stDomina; "xp") "."
			<Text id="SanctumIntro:4">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"A faint glow emanates from the micro-engraved plasteel walls and you feel a peaceful presence.\n\n"
					"You are a curate in the service of Domina and have access to fourth-tier powers. "
					"The strength of your connection to Domina is: " (typGetGlobalData &stDomina; "xp") "."
			<Text id="SanctumIntro:5">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"You feel the presence of Domina within and around you.\n\n"
					"You are a canon in the service of Domina and have access to fifth-tier powers. "
					"The strength of your connection to Domina is: " (typGetGlobalData &stDomina; "xp") "."
			<Text id="SanctumIntro:6">
					"You are in the sanctum of the Sisters of Domina. "
					"You feel the presence of Domina within and around you.\n\n"
					"You are a " (if (eq (plyGetGenome gPlayer) 'humanMale) "patriarch" "matriarch") " in the service of Domina and have access to fifth-tier powers. "
					"The strength of your connection to Domina is: " (typGetGlobalData &stDomina; "xp") "."

	<!-- Pilgrim's Aid Screen


	<DockScreen UNID="&dsSistersDockServices;"
			nestedScreen=		"true"
			inherit=			"&dsDockScreenBase;"

						(eq (objGetProperty gPlayerShip 'characterClass) &unidPilgrimClass;)
							(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDockServices; 'Welcome))
						(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDockServices; 'WelcomeNonPilgrim))

					<Action id="actionRefuel">
						(if (and (gr (plyGetCredits gPlayer) 0) 
								(leq (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 0))
							(scrShowPane gScreen "TooRich")
							(block (count itemsToUse)
								(setq count (shpGetFuelNeeded gPlayerShip (itmCreate &itHelium3FuelRod; 1)))
								(setq itemsToUse (itmCreate &itHelium3FuelRod; count))
								(shpRefuelFromItem gPlayerShip itemsToUse)
								(objSetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude" 
								(subtract (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 1))
								(scrShowPane gScreen "RefuelShip")

					<Action id="actionRepairArmor">
						(if (and (gr (plyGetCredits gPlayer) 0)
								(leq (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 0))
							(scrShowPane gScreen "TooRich")
							(block (armorSeg repaired noDamage)
								(setq repaired Nil)
								(setq noDamage True)
								(for armorSeg 0 (subtract (shpGetArmorCount gPlayerShip) 1)
									(block (type damage maxHP)
										(setq type (objGetArmorType gPlayerShip armorSeg))
										(setq damage (objGetArmorDamage gPlayerShip armorSeg))
										(if (gr damage 0) (setq noDamage Nil))
										(setq maxHP (shpGetArmorMaxHitPoints gPlayerShip armorSeg))

											; No need to repair if no damage
											(eq damage 0)

											; If armor needs higher tech to repair, we can't do anything
											(gr (armGetRepairTech type) 9)

											; Can't repair if damage is too much
											(ls (subtract maxHP damage) (divide maxHP 4))

											; Repair
											(block Nil
												(objRepairArmor gPlayerShip armorSeg)
												(setq repaired True)

										(block Nil
											(objSetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude" 
												(subtract (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 1))
											(scrShowPane gScreen "RepairArmor")

										(scrShowPane gScreen "NoDamage")

									(scrShowPane gScreen "UnableToRepair")

					<Action id="actionDone" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)

					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDockServices; 'RefuelShipDesc))

					<Action id="actionContinue" default="1" cancel="1">
						<ShowPane pane="Default"/>

					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDockServices; 'RepairArmorDesc))

					<Action id="actionContinue" default="1" cancel="1">
						<ShowPane pane="Default"/>

					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDockServices; 'NoDamageDesc))

					<Action id="actionContinue" default="1" cancel="1">
						<ShowPane pane="Default"/>

					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDockServices; 'UnableToRepairDesc))

					<Action id="actionContinue" default="1" cancel="1">
						<ShowPane pane="Default"/>

					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDockServices; 'TooRichDesc))

					<Action id="actionContinue" default="1" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
			<Text id="Welcome">
					"\"Welcome, Pilgrim! Your journey to the Galactic Core "
					"will be long and arduous but we are here to help those "
					"of pure spirit and in true need.\""
			<Text id="WelcomeNonPilgrim">
					"\"Welcome! Domina asks that we help those in need. Our powers in "
					"the material world are at your service.\""

			<Text id="NoDamageDesc">
					"\"Your vessel is undamaged. There is no need for repairs.\""
			<Text id="RefuelShipDesc">
					"\"Your vessel has been refueled. Go in peace and spread the teachings of Domina.\""
			<Text id="RepairArmorDesc">
					"\"Your vessel has been repaired as best as we could manage. "
					"Devote your life to Domina and your spirit shall be similarly healed.\""
			<Text id="TooRichDesc">
					"\"Please forgive us, but it is the wish of Domina that we "
					"help only those truly in need.\""
			<Text id="UnableToRepairDesc">
					"\"The damage to your vessel is beyond our capability to repair. "
					"Open yourself to Domina and leave your worthless ship behind.\""

	<!-- Donate Screen
	<DockScreen unid="&dsSistersDonate;"
			nestedScreen=		"true"
			inherit=			"&dsDockScreenBase;"
					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDonate; 'Welcome))
					<Action id="actionDonateCredits">
							(and (setq lastDonation (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersLastDonation"))
									(leq (subtract (unvGetTick) lastDonation) 1000)
								(scrShowPane gScreen "NotNeeded")

							(scrShowScreen gScreen &dsDominaTithe;)
					<Action id="actionDonateItem">
						(scrShowScreen gScreen &dsDominaDonateItem;)
					<Action id="actionDone" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
					(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsSistersDonate; 'NotNeededDesc))
					<Action id="actionContinue" default="1" cancel="1">
						(scrShowPane gScreen "Default")
			<Text id="actionDonateCredits">"Donate [C]redits"</Text>
			<Text id="actionDonateItem">"Donate [I]tem"</Text>
			<Text id="Welcome">
					"\"Domina cannot help us without our participation. Certain items "
					"are useful to her in maintaining her connection with us. "
					"And, of course, we use your donations in our own efforts.\n\n"
					"\"Please donate generously; your sacrifices will be rewarded.\""
			<Text id="NotNeededDesc">
					"\"Thank you for your consideration, but we have sufficient "
					"money for our needs. We would appreciate more useful items, however.\""

	<!-- Domina Donate Item


	<DockScreen UNID="&dsDominaDonateItem;"
			type=				"itemPicker"
			nestedScreen=		"true"
			inherit=			"&dsDockScreenBase;"

			dataFrom=	"player"
			list=		"*U"

					(block (donationEntry)
						(setq gItem (scrGetItem gScreen))
						(setq gMaxCount (itmGetCount gItem))
						(scrEnableAction gScreen 'actionDonateItem True)
							(not gItem)
								(block Nil
									(scrEnableAction gScreen 'actionDonateItem Nil)
									(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsDominaDonateItem; 'NoItemsDesc))
							(not (setq donationEntry (domGetDonationEntry gItem)))
								(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsDominaDonateItem; 'DonateGenericDesc))
							;	If the item increases Domina relationship, say so
							(gr (@ donationEntry 2) 0)
								(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsDominaDonateItem; 'DonateDominaItemDesc))
							;	If this helps the Sisters, say so
							(not (eq (@ donationEntry 1) 0))
								(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsDominaDonateItem; 'DonateUsefulItemDesc))
							;	Otherwise, generic item
							(scrSetDesc gScreen (typTranslate &dsDominaDonateItem; 'DonateGenericDesc))

					<Action id="actionDonateItem" name="Donate this Item" default="1" key="D">
							(gr gMaxCount 1)
								(scrShowPane gScreen "Quantity")

							(eq gMaxCount 1)
								(block Nil
									(setq gItem (scrRemoveItem gScreen 1))
									(scrShowPane gScreen "Donate")

					<Action name="Leave" cancel="1" key="L">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)

					showCounter=	"true">

					(block Nil
						(scrSetDesc gScreen (cat "How many items do you wish to donate?"))
						(scrSetCounter gScreen gMaxCount)

					<Action name="Donate" default="1" key="D">
						(block (count)
							(setq count (scrGetCounter gScreen))
							(if (gr count gMaxCount)
								(scrSetCounter gScreen gMaxCount)
								(block Nil
									(setq gItem (scrRemoveItem gScreen count))
									(scrShowPane gScreen "Donate")

					<Action name="Cancel" cancel="1" key="C">
						<ShowPane pane="Default"/>

			<Donate noListNavigation="true">
					(block (table entry criteria)
						;	Get the donation entry
						(setq entry (domGetDonationEntry gItem))
						; Deal with the entry that we found


							; This should never happen, but we have it just in case
							(not entry)
								(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"We thank you for your donation and your good intentions. Go in peace.\"")

							; If the entry has no increase in att or rel, then we output the message
							; from the entry
							(and (eq (item entry 1) 0) (eq (item entry 2) 0))
								(scrSetDesc gScreen (cat "\"" (item entry 3) "\""))

							; Otherwise, do more calculations

							(block (incAtt incRel totalValue bonusText)

								; Compute the total value of the donation. Note that we use objGetBuyPrice
								; so that items like fresh fruit are computed correctly. Also, our TradeDesc
								; indicates that the Sisters pay actual price for items.
								(setq totalValue (multiply (objGetBuyPrice gSource gItem) (itmGetCount gItem)))
								; Calculate the increase in attitude
									; If 0, then we get no increase in attitude
									(eq (item entry 1) 0)
										(setq incAtt 0)

									; If -1, then each item counts for +1 attitude
									(eq (item entry 1) -1)
										(setq incAtt (itmGetCount gItem))

									; Otherwise, depends on the value of the item
									(setq incAtt (divide totalValue (item entry 1)))

								; Calculate the increase in relationship
								(if (or (eq (item entry 2) 0)
										(not (eq (objGetProperty gPlayerShip 'characterClass) &unidPilgrimClass;))
									(setq incRel 0)
									(setq incRel (multiply (itmGetCount gItem) (item entry 2)))
								;	Calculate bonus text
									(and (gr incAtt 0) (gr incRel 0))
										(setq bonusText
											(cat "\n\n\"Your relationship to Domina is stronger and you've helped to support our abbey.\"")
									(gr incRel 0)
										(setq bonusText
											(cat "\n\n\"Your relationship to Domina is stronger.\"")
									(gr incAtt 0)
										(setq bonusText
											(cat "\n\n\"You've helped to support our abbey.\"")
								; Display the appropriate message

									; If we donated rotted food, then special message
									(and (itmMatches gItem "* +FreshFood;") (eq totalValue 0))
										(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"Such an offering is hardly fitting! Uncloud your mind before communing with Domina.\"")
									; If donation is not enough, then disappointed message
									(and (eq incRel 0) (eq incAtt 0))
										(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"We thank you for your donation and your good intentions. Go in peace.\"")

									; Otherwise, message specified in table
									(scrSetDesc gScreen (cat "\"" (item entry 3) "\"" bonusText))

								; Increase attitude and relationship

								(objIncData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude" incAtt)
								(if (gr incRel 0)
									(domGainXP incRel)
								; Record stats
									(eq incRel 0)
									(itmMatches gItem "* +Slaves;")
										(typIncGlobalData &stDomina; "slavesOffered" (itmGetCount gItem))
									(typIncGlobalData &stDomina; "psionicsOffered" (itmGetCount gItem))

					<Action name="Continue" cancel="1" default="1" key="C">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)
			<Text id="DonateDominaItemDesc">
					"\"We are grateful for your contribution to Domina's cause.\n\n"
					"\"" (itmGetName gItem 0x41) (if (gr (itmGetCount gItem) 1) " are " " is ")
					"filled with resonant energies. Domina will be very pleased.\""
			<Text id="DonateUsefulItemDesc">
					"\"We are grateful for your contribution to Domina's cause.\n\n"
					"\"" (itmGetName gItem 0x41) (if (gr (itmGetCount gItem) 1) " are " " is ")
					"useful to us in serving Domina.\""
			<Text id="DonateGenericDesc">
					"\"We are grateful for your contribution to Domina's cause.\""
			<Text id="NoItemsDesc">
					"\"We are grateful for your good intentions, but you have no items to donate.\""

	<!-- Domina Tithe Screen


	<DockScreen UNID="&dsDominaTithe;"
			nestedScreen=		"true"
			inherit=			"&dsDockScreenBase;"

					showCounter=	"true">

					(block Nil
						(setq gMaxCount (plyGetCredits gPlayer))
						(scrEnableAction gScreen 'actionDonate (gr gMaxCount 0))
						(if (gr gMaxCount 0)
							(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"We are devoutly grateful for your generosity. How many credits do you wish to donate?\"")
							(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"We are devoutly grateful for your good intentions. Unfortunately, you have no credits to give.\"")
						(scrSetCounter gScreen gMaxCount)

					<Action id="actionDonate" name="Donate" default="1" key="D">
						(block (count)
							(setq count (scrGetCounter gScreen))
								(eq count 0)
									(scrExitScreen gScreen)

								(gr count gMaxCount)
									(scrSetCounter gScreen gMaxCount)
								(block (donationCounts tithe totalLevels minDonation netWorth)
									; Compute the player's net worth
									(setq netWorth (plyGetCredits gPlayer))
									(setq netWorth (add netWorth 1000))

									(setq totalLevels 0)
									(objEnumItems gPlayerShip "dI" theItem
										(setq netWorth (add netWorth (itmGetPrice theItem 'credit)))

									; Tithe is 10% of net worth (but no less than 1000 credits)
									(setq tithe (max 1000 (divide (intRoundUp netWorth 100) 10)))

									; Charge
									(setq gCost count)
									(plyCharge gPlayer gCost)

									(if (geq gCost tithe)
										(setq donationCounts True)

									; For each 10% of total that the player donates, increate
									; the sisters' attitude by 1.
									(if donationCounts
										(block Nil
											(objIncData gPlayerShip 'sistersAttitude (divide gCost tithe))

											; Remember when we donated
											(objSetData gPlayerShip "sistersLastDonation" (unvGetTick))

											; Show thanks
											(scrShowPane gScreen "Thanks")

										; Else, not as grateful
										(scrShowPane gScreen "NotEnough")

					<Action name="Cancel" cancel="1" key="C">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)


					desc=""Thank you for your generous contribution. Your faithful support enables us to help the truly needy. May the blessings of Domina illuminate your way."">

					<Action name="Continue" default="1" key="C" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)

					desc=""Thank you for your token contribution. May Domina's influence open your heart."">

					<Action name="Continue" default="1" key="C" cancel="1">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen)

	<!-- Sisters Decontamination -->

	<DockScreen UNID="&dsSistersDecon;"
			nestedScreen=		"true"

					(if (and (gr (plyGetCredits gPlayer) 0) 
							(leq (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 0))
						(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"Forgive us, child, but we cannot allow your ship to contaminate our shrine.\"")
						(block Nil
							(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"Your vessel has been purified. Devote your life to Domina and your spirit shall be similarly cleansed.\"")
							(objIncData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude" -1)
							(shpDecontaminate gPlayerShip)

					<Action name="Continue" default="1" cancel="1" key="C">
						(scrExitScreen gScreen (shpIsRadioactive gPlayerShip))

	<!-- Contemplate Domina Screen
		NOTE: Deprecated in 1.3 (API 22)

		gPrevScreen: Must be set to the name/UNID of the screen to
				navigate to when done.
		gPrevPane: Must be set to the name of the pane to navigate
				to when done.
		gBonus: Increases/decreases chance of getting through to domina.
				-1 to -10	= decreases chance
				0			= no bonus
				1 to 10		= increases chance


	<DockScreen UNID="&dsContemplateDomina;">


					desc="Luminous veils dance in your head as your consciousness strains to hear the distant voice of Domina's mind...">

					<Action name="Continue" default="1" cancel="1" key="C">
						(block (roll attitude contemplate)
							; consume
							(setq attitude (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude"))
							(setq contemplate Nil)
							(if (gr attitude 0)
								(block Nil
									(setq attitude (subtract attitude 1))
									(objSetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude" attitude)
									(setq contemplate True)

							; Random result
							(setq roll (subtract (random 1 20) gBonus))
							(if (gr gBonus 0)
								(setq gBonus (subtract gBonus 1))

							; If we listened to the story, we always get the stargate
							(if (objGetData gSource "freeSanctum")
								(block Nil
									(if (eq (sysGetLevel) 1)
										(block Nil
											(setq contemplate True)
											(setq roll 8)
									(objSetData gSource "freeSanctum" Nil)

								(not contemplate)
									(scrShowPane gScreen "Nothing")

								; Gain in relationship
								(leq roll 2)
									(block Nil
										(domGainXP 10)
										(if (eq (random 1 3) 1)
											(domGainXP 10)
										(scrShowPane gScreen "Domina")

								; All stations in system mapped
								(leq roll 4)
									(block Nil
										(enum (sysFindObject gPlayerShip "Ts -uncharted;") obj
											(objSetKnown obj)
										(scrShowPane gScreen "MapSystem")

								; Outbound stargate revealed
								(leq roll 8)
									(block Nil
										(setq gDest (sysGetObjectByName gSource "Outbound"))
										(if (and gDest (not (objIsKnown gDest)))
											(block Nil
												(objSetKnown gDest)
												(scrShowPane gScreen "RevealStargate")

											(scrShowPane gScreen "Nothing")

								(scrShowPane gScreen "Nothing")


					desc="Your disembodied mind hurtles through space in the wake of a photon. Stars dance around you like fireflies. Nebulous veils part before you to reveal a fragment of the Eternal Pattern.\n\nYou feel the blessing of Domina upon you. She urges you to continue your journey to the Galactic Core.">

					<Action name="Continue Contemplating" default="1" key="C">
						(if (gr (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 0)
							(scrShowPane gScreen "Default")
							(scrShowPane gScreen "NoMoreContemplating")

					<Action name="Leave" cancel="1" key="L">
						(scrShowScreen gScreen gPrevScreen gPrevPane)

					desc="Images and patterns dance in your head like spinning galaxies. You see with the eyes of Domina but the visions blast your brain like a nova.\n\nWhen you recover from your reverie you remember only some mundane information about the position of stations in this star system.">

					<Action name="Continue Contemplating" default="1" key="C">
						(if (gr (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 0)
							(scrShowPane gScreen "Default")
							(scrShowPane gScreen "NoMoreContemplating")

					<Action name="Leave" cancel="1" key="L">
						(scrShowScreen gScreen gPrevScreen gPrevPane)

					desc="Your contemplation ends as your rational mind considers the impossibility of communicating across the light-years.">

					<Action name="Continue Contemplating" default="1" key="C">
						(if (gr (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 0)
							(scrShowPane gScreen "Default")
							(scrShowPane gScreen "NoMoreContemplating")

					<Action name="Leave" cancel="1" key="L">
						(scrShowScreen gScreen gPrevScreen gPrevPane)


					(scrSetDesc gScreen (cat "A connection with Domina is denied to you, but your brief attempt points the way to your destiny's end.\n\nStep through the " (objGetName gDest) " to the next system and you will be one step nearer to your goal."))

					<Action name="Continue Contemplating" default="1" key="C">
						(if (gr (objGetData gPlayerShip "sistersAttitude") 0)
							(scrShowPane gScreen "Default")
							(scrShowPane gScreen "NoMoreContemplating")

					<Action name="Leave" cancel="1" key="L">
						(scrShowScreen gScreen gPrevScreen gPrevPane)

					desc=	""You must not abuse the kindness of Domina. You must give of yourself to receive her blessing."">

					<Action name="Leave" default="1" cancel="1" key="L">
						(scrShowScreen gScreen gPrevScreen gPrevPane)




	sistersAttitude: Abstract measure of the sisters' attitude towards the player
	sistersLastDonation:	Time at which the player donated last (Nil if never)
	sistersStory:	State of story-telling
	slaveReward:	Number of slaves for which player has already been rewarded
	slaveSales:		Proceeds from slave sales
	slavesFreed:	Number of slaves freed to commonwealth authorities

	<Sovereign UNID="&svSistersOfDomina;"
			name="Sisters of Domina"
			alignment="constructive chaos"

					; This only applies to stations of the Sisters.
					(not (objMatches gSource Nil "sTAV +sistersOfDomina;"))

					; If the player ship is radioactive, then we need to
					; decontaminate.
					(shpIsRadioactive gPlayerShip)
						(list &dsSistersDecon; 10)
<!-- GLOBALS -->
		(block Nil
			(setq domGetDonationEntry (lambda (theItem)
				(block (entry)
						;	First check to see if the item itself has a donation entry
						(setq entry (eval (itmGetStaticData theItem "00182001_Donation")))
						;	If the item doesn't tell us anything then look for an entry
						;	in the donation table

						(block Nil
							(setq table (typGetStaticData &stSistersOfDomina; "DonationTable"))
							(enumwhile table (not entry) thisEntry
									; If the criteria in the table is Nil, then we always match. This
									; is for the last (default) entry.
									(not (setq criteria (@ thisEntry 0)))
										(setq entry thisEntry)

									; If the criteria is an integer, then we see if this is the UNID
									; of the item.
									(isint criteria)
										(if (eq (itmGetType theItem) criteria)
											(setq entry thisEntry)

									; If the criteria matches, then we have an entry
									(itmMatches theItem criteria)
										(setq entry thisEntry)
declare the stuff you are using by it's unid, and if it is really a PIA: you might want to add declarations like an Adventure has to
Flying Irresponsibly In Eridani......

I don't like to kill pirates in cold blood ..I do it.. but I don't like it..
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
Posts: 941
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:56 am

Hey, gunship. Check out the API 29 page on the Ministry. George explains the changes to drive power use there.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Commander
Militia Commander
Posts: 451
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Location: repairing armor

Thanks! That's helpful to know.

In case anyone else needs the links:

API 29 page

DigDug's Transcendence changelog
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Militia Captain
Militia Captain
Posts: 521
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Location: The place where I belong

Yes... Oh yes... Now working again!
I don't know how it can be, but probably it may a registry error.
I doing some registry cleaning and other maintenance, and I trying it again. It working!!!!
Alright, I will surely update that mod again.
Download Transcendence mods from Reinvented Workbench Project!
Click this link!
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