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Fleet Admiral
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Or you can just put maxStructureHitpoints on everything. That seems to be what makes Sung Fortress walls destructible.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I'll check out what maxStructureHitpoints does, although I don't want to override every station in Trans.

Here's what I'm thinking about how a Ranx Destroyer would look like in DySys:
Ranx Destroyer.png
Ranx Destroyer.png (177.58 KiB) Viewed 6357 times
Any thoughts?
Btw, I'll need to find some renderer for Wings, so that's on the TODO list (I have blender and Truespace, but they are not noob friendly!).
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All in all, great looking ships. One thing I noticed though is the front seems disproportionate to the wings. Widening the wings and slanting them back would make it seem more aggressive, and more balanced.
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It looks promising, I'd tinker with the engine a bit but otherwise it looks great.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

So I am working on having retaliation fleets, and with Prophet's help, am using this:

Code: Select all

;; spawn to get the squad
						(if cnt
							(for i 1 cnt
								(block (ship)
									(setq ship (sysCreateShip Retaliationshiptype pos sov))
									(shpOrder ship 'escort theLeader)
									(shpOrder ship 'gate)
						(setq name (typGetDataField (objGetSovereign aDestroyer) 'name))
						(plyMessage gPlayer "The Ranx Retaliate against "name"!")
If the leader dies, the rest of the squad just bail and gate out. Is there some way to enumerate a "chain of command" (as in, when the leader dies, a wingman becomes the leader and inherits the orders until there are none left ) to stop them from gating out?
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After a chat on IRC here is what I came up with... it has not been tested, but it should be something to work from

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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I keep getting "The Ares attack Nil!", but for the CW version of this, I get "The CW attack Ares Sect!"-- Is there something wrong with the SysFindObject?
Here is the code:

Code: Select all

				(block Nil
						; Look for CW stations in the system
						(setq stationList (sysFindObject gSource "T:commonwealth;A"))

						; If we found at least one, then pick a random one
						(setq TargetStation (random stationList))
						(objIncData gSource "RPCCWRetaliate" 3)
						;for some reason the switch condition doesn't work
						;check if gTarget isn't Nil
							(not (eq gTarget Nil ))-->
								(leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 9)
									(setq Retaliationshiptype &scSandstorm;)
								(and (geq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 10) (leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 13))
									(setq Retaliationshiptype &scTundra;)
								(and (geq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 14) (leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 20))
									(setq Retaliationshiptype &scChasm;)
								(and (geq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 21) (leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 25))
									(setq Retaliationshiptype &scDeimos;)
								;If none of the above apply,
									(setq Retaliationshiptype &scPhobos;)
							;; decide where the reinforcements are coming from here we use the nearest gate
							(setq pos (sysFindObject nil "GN"))
							;; determine what soverign the ships will have, (here we use the sov of the destroyed station)
							(setq sov &svAres;)
							(setq theLeader (sysCreateShip Retaliationshiptype pos sov))
								(leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 9)
									(setq cnt 6)
								(and (geq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 10) (leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 13))
									(setq cnt 6)
								(and (geq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 14) (leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 20))
									(setq cnt 6)
								(and (geq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 21) (leq (objGetData gSource "RPCAresRetaliate") 25))
									(setq cnt 3)
								;If none of the above apply,
									(setq cnt 2)
							;; order the leader to attack the destroyer then gate out
							(shpOrder theLeader 'attack TargetStation)
							; I guess- this is only until I get working attack fleets
							(shpOrder theLeader 'attackNearestEnemy)
							(shpOrder theLeader 'gate)
							;; in case the single ship is not enough, spawn more ships
							(if cnt
								(for i 1 cnt
									(block (ship)
										(setq ship (sysCreateShip Retaliationshiptype pos sov))
											(shpOrder ship 'escort theLeader)
											(shpOrder ship 'gate)
							(setq name (typGetDataField (objGetSovereign TargetStation) 'name))
							(plyMessage gPlayer "The Ares attack "name"!")
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Here is an example of how I would treat the task. I tried to comment as much as possible. Particularly read the XXX comments :D

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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I was just messing with StealhX's mod and had the normal Eridani start, but then I got blasted by sandstorms...
Turns out that the I also need to account for system level in the <AttackCW> event...

For all those experienced Trans players out there...
So, what will the the system level that the Ares should be attacking the CW at?
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

So I'm bugtesting the attack events and the Ares don't seem to attack a CSC. I have this:

Code: Select all

<StationType UNID="&stCWHQ;"
            name=               "(CW HQ)"
            sovereign=          "&svCommonwealthFleet;"
            shipEncounter=      "true"
            scale=              "ship"

            level=              "10"
            attributes=         "friendly, commonwealth, commonwealthFleet, commonwealthMilitary, genericClass, fleetLaw, CWHQ"

			<Ship	count="1"	class="&scCSCHQ;" orders="hold">

				<Names definiteArticle="true">CSC HQ</Names>


					<Ship     count="3"		class="&scDSAquilaCruiser;"	orders="patrol" patrolDist="50"/>						
					<Ship     count="2d2"	class="&scCenturion;"		orders="patrol" patrolDist="15"/>
					<Ship 	  count="2d2"	class="&scCenturionX;"		orders="patrol" patrolDist="15"/>
					<Ship     count="2d2"	class="&scBritannia;"		orders="patrol" patrolDist="15"/>
What is the appropriate Object Criteria to use instead of (sysFindObject gSource "AT:commonwealth; ")?
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You could just use "ATE" for active, station, enemy.

See here for a list of all the known criteria: http://wiki.neurohack.com/transcendence ... t_criteria
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I've got the framework, but there's still some things to figure out:

I want to know what the community thinks on how the Transcendence economy works. Is it based on 'ores' ? In that case, it would make sense if the Ranx/Ringers etc created some kind of mining station and started mining efforts that way.
I want to know how to have the Ranx, from a random fortress in a system, start building stations according to criteria such as "+ 50 asteroids in the area of 50 ls".
Any ideas on how to imlplement this in code?

B.-Attack Fleets
Problem with attack fleets is that they just keep coming, and the system is obliterated.
In this bugtest run, I was ambushed by 4 Phobii and promptly died, even in my capship....

C.-Station Creation
If stations litter the system, how am I going to increase a sov's presence in a system?- More ships? If I'll use ships, what would they do, 'wander?
<Just to remind myself later>
I'll check out what maxStructureHitpoints does, although I don't want to override every station in Trans.
*Possible Answer*-> I'll need to see what staSetStructuralHP does.

D.-What level have the Ares penetrated the CW defenses?
For all those experienced Trans players out there...
So, what will the the system level that the Ares should be attacking the CW at?
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Drako Slyith
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Location: Researching how to make St. Kats star go supernova.

For the economy, you could try this:

Code: Select all

(block (buildLocation)
(setq buildLocation (sysFindObject gSource "nt:asteroid"))
(if (leq (count (sysFindObject buildLocation "t:asteroid; N:50")) 50)
         ;;Put your build code here

That code will find the nearest asteroid, and make sure that it has 50 asteroids within 50 ls. If it is, where I put ";;Put your build code here" you could put whatever code you have to build.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

What do I use for staSetStructuralHP? I was going to use aObjectDestroyed as in

Code: Select all

(staSetStructuralHP aObjDestroyed 100)
for the <OnDestroy> event, but it's not working. I think it has something to do with the fact that stations get replaced with a "destroyed" version of themselves.
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Drako Slyith
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Location: Researching how to make St. Kats star go supernova.

I'm not sure why that isn't working. There is a field in ships (and stations I think) you can use in the <ShipType> or <StationType> tags like the name, score, dockscreen, ect.
It's this:

Code: Select all

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