hpbonus, how it works and the value displayed in the game

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Militia Commander
Militia Commander
Posts: 342
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To anyone who can answer this, or obviously George cuz he is the Transcendence god :D

OK, i've been trying to make sense of how exactly hpbonus works for shields.

digdug made this mod so that you can test how much damage a particular damage type does to "standard" shield of any level from 1 to 25.

There's is a full table here but it happens to be outdated as of RC8
http://wiki.neurohack.com/transcendence ... ves_1.0rc1

So, recalculated all the values and came up with the new tables here.


Now the first table in that spreadsheet is made up of the values I got from using digdug's mod and are basically the percentage damage that a particular damage type does against a particular shield.

The second table is a formula I made which is what i expect the game to display. Also, there is a hpbonus column at the bottom of the second table which will let you enter specific values for hpbonus for different shields.
I made an assumption about how the game displays +/- x% values here.
The assumption is that if a shield has 100hp and has a +100% to particle damage, it means that the shield has an effective hp of 200 against all particle damage. That means that if the shield without any bonus to particle damage can normally take 10 hits of a certain type of particle weapon, this shield with the +100% bonus can take 20 hits.
Assuming that this assumption is right, the values displayed in the game are inaccurate. Or maybe the formula I have arrived at is wrong. I would like to know which.

The formulae I have used are,
Final damage = Damage * leveladjust/(hpbonus+100)
where leveladjust is a value from the table depending on the type of damage and the level of the shield.

The formula I have used for the +/-x% value that I expect the game to display is
+/-x% = ((100*hpbonus)+10000-(100*leveladjust))/leveladjust

I would like to know if the discrepancy is caused by the formulae I have used or if I have misunderstood how the game displays the values or anything else.

An easy example is a Laser Deflector, which shows +205%

EDIT: Started my post with a hello George, thanks to alterecco :D
EDIT2: put up the one line example.
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