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Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:52 am
by digdug
not Bryce 5.5c, please
THe rendering engine is too old.
If you are starting from scratch I suggest Blender.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:57 pm
by Aury
Blender 2.5+

Don't even bother trying to learn anything prior to that.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:46 pm
by Atarlost
Wolfy's just a blender hater. If I could learn it from the manuals with no previous 3d experience it can't be that bad.

Re: Graphic Development

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:33 pm
by Resident-Pyromaniac
Personally, Modelling is easy, but the rendering and texturing always get me.
I use Rhinoceros and DOGA-L3.

Re: Graphic Development

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:17 am
by Atarlost
The OP's links seem to have died at last.

The rotator script for Blender is here:

Code: Select all

# rotation script


# first press the big render button and make

# sure it looks how the first frame should be,

# then press alt + p to run this script and

# it'll save to the 'rotated' directory.


# june 18 2005 s

# aug 6 2005 s & db

FILENAME = "MakayevCruiser"



dodebug = 0

dorolls = 0

doleftrolls = 1

dorightrolls = 1

import Blender

import math

from Blender import *

from Blender.Scene import Render

# code by timmeh (#blenderchat)

def save_frame(frameno):

	scn = Scene.GetCurrent()

	context = scn.getRenderingContext()



	# should probably set a frame and at the end of the prog render

	# the animation instead of rendering each frame one by one.

	# that would also give the advantage of being able to render to

	# a video directly (i think).

	context.setRenderPath("rotated/%s%02d-" % (FILENAME, frameno))




# code by timmeh (#blenderchat)

def save_roll_frame(frameno):

	scn = Scene.GetCurrent()

	context = scn.getRenderingContext()



	# should probably set a frame and at the end of the prog render

	# the animation instead of rendering each frame one by one.

	# that would also give the advantage of being able to render to

	# a video directly (i think).

	context.setRenderPath("rotated/%sroll%03d-" % (FILENAME, frameno))




def to_rad(a):

	return a * math.pi / 180

def set_angle(obj, degrees):


		sigma = to_rad(0 - degrees)

		x = math.cos(sigma)

		y = math.sin(phi) * math.sin(sigma)

		obj.RotZ = math.atan2(y, x)


		obj.RotZ = - degrees * math.pi / 180

# main

# get object

obj = Blender.Object.Get(OBJECTNAME)

# calc phi

phi = to_rad(CAMERAANGLE)

# debug, rotates once (doesn't render, see 3d view)

if dodebug:

	set_angle(obj, 45)



	# 40 normal rotations

	for i in range(40):

		set_angle(obj, i * 9)



	# 400 rolls

	if dorolls:

		if doleftrolls:

			# left rolls

			for j in range(5):

				obj.RotY = to_rad((5 - j) * 9)

				for i in range(40):

					set_angle(obj, i * 9)


					save_roll_frame(j * 40 + i)

		# right rolls

		if dorightrolls:

			for j in range(5):

				obj.RotY = - to_rad((j + 1) * 9)

				for i in range(40):

					set_angle(obj, i * 9)


					save_roll_frame(200 + j * 40 + i)

	# restore back to normal

	obj.RotZ = 0

	obj.RotY = 0

as I use it. This rotates the model under the camera and lights. The tutorials for it are lost unfortunately.

Re: Graphic Development

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:04 pm
by andrewpen
how do you make the bmp masks