funcion help list for .99b

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Fleet Officer
Fleet Officer
Posts: 1920
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This is the list of all the functions help text that .99b comes with. (thank dbgLog for this)

(< ...)
(<= ...)
(> ...)
(>= ...)
(add x1 x2 ... xn) -> z
(and exp1 exp2 ... expn) -> True/Nil
(append a b [...]) -> lists are concatenated
(apply ...)
(armGetHitPoints type) -> Hit points of armor
(armGetName type) -> Name of the armor
(armGetRepairCost type) -> Cost to repair 1 hit point
(armGetRepairTech type) -> Tech level required to repair
(armIsRadiationImmune type) -> True/Nil
(atmAddEntry ...)
(atmAtomTable ...)
(atmDeleteEntry ...)
(atmList ...)
(atmLookup ...)
(block ...)
(cat s1 s2 ... sn) -> string
(chrCancelRaiderOrders ...)
(chrComputeAmbushPos ...)
(chrCreateRaider ...)
(chrDeployFrigateRaid ...)
(chrDeployKronosaurus ...)
(chrGetPrimaryStronghold ...)
(chrOrderRaiders ...)
(chrRaidTransport ...)
(count list) -> number of items
(dbgLog string [string]*)
(dbgOutput string [string]*)
(divide x y) -> z
(domGainXP ...)
(domGetLevel ...)
(domGetTimeRequired ...)
(domInitRelationship ...)
(domInvokePower ...)
(domShowPower ...)
(enum list itemVar exp)
(enum list condition itemVar exp)
(envHasAttribute environmentUNID attrib) -> True/Nil
(eq ...)
(errblock ...)
(eval ...)
(filter list var boolean-exp) -> filtered list
(find source target) -> position of target in source (0-based)
(fncHelp ...)
(for var from to exp)
(gamSetCrawlImage imageUNID) -> True/Nil
(gamSetCrawlText text) -> True/Nil
(geq a b) -> True if a >= b
(gr a b) -> True if a > b
(huaCheckExperience ...)
(huaHuariDestroyed ...)
(huaIsGateToHuaramarca ...)
(huaSungDestroyed ...)
(if ...)
(int ...)
(intAmmoBoxOpen ...)
(intArmorEnhanceStatus ...)
(intArmorRepairAll ...)
(intAsteroidOnMining ...)
(intAutoInstall ...)
(intBarricadeUse ...)
(intBlackMarketBuyPrice ...)
(intBlackMarketOnDestroy ...)
(intBlackMarketOnInit ...)
(intBlackMarketPromotion ...)
(intBlackMarketSellPrice ...)
(intBushidoArmorEnhancement ...)
(intBushidoShieldEnhancement ...)
(intBushidoWeaponEnhancement ...)
(intBuyItems ...)
(intCalcExplosionType ...)
(intCommonwealthCrime ...)
(intCommonwealthOnDestroy ...)
(intCommonwealthOnInit ...)
(intComputeBuyPrice ...)
(intComputeSellPrice ...)
(intConsumeItem ...)
(intContainerGetExplosionType ...)
(intContainerOnDamage ...)
(intCorporateCrime ...)
(intCorporateGenerateEnhancement ...)
(intCorporateOnDestroy ...)
(intCorporateOnInit ...)
(intDestroyItems ...)
(intEnhanceWeaponUse ...)
(intFieldCrystalUse ...)
(intFleetCreateWingmen ...)
(intFleetCrime ...)
(intFleetDisperseWingmen ...)
(intFleetOnInit ...)
(intFleetPromotion ...)
(intHPEnhancement1 ...)
(intHPEnhancement2 ...)
(intHPEnhancement3 ...)
(intInstallAfterPurchase ...)
(intInstallDevicePrep ...)
(intItemEnhanceStatus ...)
(intJettisonItem ...)
(intLootAllItems ...)
(intMakayevArmorEnhancement ...)
(intMakayevWeaponEnhancement ...)
(intMassString ...)
(intRandomMessage ...)
(intRasiermesserArmorEnhancement ...)
(intRasiermesserWeaponEnhancement ...)
(intRingerBuyMargin ...)
(intRingerCrime ...)
(intRingerInstallDevicePrep ...)
(intRingerOnDestroy ...)
(intRingerOnInit ...)
(intRingerSellMargin ...)
(intRoundDown ...)
(intRoundUp ...)
(intSellItems ...)
(intSetCompatibleFuel ...)
(intShowContractDeliveryScreen ...)
(intTaikonBuyMargin ...)
(intTeratonBuyMargin ...)
(intTeratonGetLevelCurve ...)
(intTeratonGetValue ...)
(intTeratonMugging ...)
(intTeratonOnDestroy ...)
(intTeratonSellMargin ...)
(intZoanthropeOnObjDestroyed ...)
(intZoanthropeOnOrderChanged ...)
(isatom ...)
(iserror ...)
(isfunction ...)
(isint ...)
(item list index)
(itmCreate itemUNID count) -> item
(itmCreateByName criteria name [count]) -> item
(itmCreateRandom criteria levelDistribution) -> item
(itmEnumTypes criteria item-var exp)
(itmGetActualPrice item) -> actual price of a single item
(itmGetArmorInstalledLocation item) -> segment #
(itmGetArmorType item)
(itmGetAverageAppearing item) -> average number that appear randomly
(itmGetCategory item) -> item category
(itmGetCharges item) -> charges
(itmGetCount item)
(itmGetDamageType item) -> damage type
(itmGetData item attrib) -> data
(itmGetFrequency item) -> frequency
(itmGetGlobalData item attrib) -> data
(itmGetImageDesc item) -> imageDesc
(itmGetInstallCost item) -> cost
(itmGetLevel item) -> level
(itmGetMass item) -> mass of single item in Kg
(itmGetMaxAppearing item) -> max number that appear randomly
(itmGetName item flags)
(itmGetPrice item) -> price of a single item
(itmGetStaticData item attrib) -> data
(itmGetTypeData item)
(itmGetTypes criteria) -> list of itemUNIDs
(itmGetUNID item) -> itemUNID
(itmGetUseScreen item)
(itmHasAttribute item attrib) -> True/Nil
DEPRECATED: Use itmHasAttribute instead.
(itmHasReference item)
(itmIsDamaged item)
(itmIsEnhanced item) -> Nil or mods
(itmIsInstalled item)
(itmIsKnown item)
(itmMatches item criteria)
(itmSetCharges item charges) -> item
(itmSetCount item count) -> item
(itmSetDamaged item [True/Nil]) -> item
(itmSetData item attrib data) -> item
(itmSetEnhanced item mods) -> item
(itmSetGlobalData item attrib data) -> True/Nil
(itmSetKnown {item | itemUNID})
(itmSetReference item)
(korComputePlayerLevel ...)
(korEmptyFreighter ...)
(korEscortRecord ...)
(korFillFreighter ...)
(korFrigateDestroyed ...)
(korInitialize ...)
(korMissionFailure ...)
(korMissionStrongholdSuccess ...)
(korMissionSuccess ...)
(korMsgWelcome ...)
(lambda ...)
(leq a b) -> True if a <= b
(link ...)
(list i1 i2 ... in) -> list
(lnkAppend list item) -> list
(lnkRemove list index) -> list
(lnkRemoveNil list) -> list
(lnkReplace list index item) -> list
(loop condition exp)
(ls a b) -> True if a < b
(max x1 x2 ... xn) -> z
(min x1 x2 ... xn) -> z
(mneAllTargetsDestroyed ...)
(modulo x y) -> z
(multiply x1 x2 ... xn) -> z
(not exp) -> True/Nil
(objAddItem obj item [count])
(objAddRandomItems obj table count)
(objAddSubordinate obj subordinate) -> True/Nil
(objCanAttack obj) -> True/Nil
(objCharge obj amount) -> remaining balance
(objClearIdentified obj)
(objCommunicate obj senderObj msg [obj] [data])
(objCredit obj amount) -> new balance
(objDepleteShields obj)
(objDestroy obj) -> True/Nil
(objEnumItems obj criteria itemVar exp)
(objFireEvent obj event) -> result of event
(objFireItemEvent obj item event) -> result of event
(objGateTo obj node entrypoint [effectID])
(objGetArmorDamage obj armorSegment) -> damage to armor segment
(objGetArmorName obj armorSegment) -> name of armor (e.g., 'forward', etc.)
(objGetArmorType obj armorSegment) -> CArmorClass *
(objGetBalance obj) -> balance
(objGetBuyPrice obj item) -> price
(objGetCargoSpaceLeft obj) -> space left in Kg
(objGetCombatPower obj) -> 0-100
(objGetDamageType obj) -> damage type
(objGetData obj attrib) -> data
(objGetDestiny obj) -> 0-359
(objGetDistance obj destObj) -> distance in light-seconds
(objGetGlobalData obj attrib) -> data
(objGetID obj) -> objID
(objGetImageDesc obj) -> imageDesc
(objGetInstalledItemDesc obj item) -> 'installed as forward armor'
(objGetItems obj criteria) -> list of items
(objGetLevel obj) -> level
(objGetMass obj) -> mass in tons
(objGetMaxPower obj) -> power (in 1/10 MWs)
(objGetName obj flags) -> Name of the object
(objGetNearestStargate obj) -> obj
(objGetObjByID objID) -> obj
(objGetObjRefData obj attrib) -> obj
(objGetOpenDockingPortCount obj) -> count of open docking ports
(objGetOrderGiver obj [destroyReason]) -> obj
(objGetPos obj) -> vector
(objGetSellPrice obj item) -> price
(objGetShieldLevel obj) -> 0-100 (or -1 for no shields)
(objGetSovereign obj) -> sovereignID
(objGetStaticData obj attrib) -> data
DEPRECATED: Use typGetStaticData instead.
(objGetTarget obj) -> obj
(objGetVel obj) -> velVector
(objGetVisibleDamage obj) -> damage
(objHasAttribute obj attrib) -> True/Nil
(objHasItem obj item [count]) -> number of items (or Nil)
(objIncData obj attrib increment)
(objIncVel obj velVector) -> velVector
(objIsAbandoned obj) -> True/Nil
(objIsDeviceSlotAvailable ship) -> True/Nil
(objIsDockedAt obj stationObj) -> True/Nil
(objIsEnemy obj target) -> True/Nil
(objIsIdentified obj) -> True/Nil
(objIsKnown obj)
(objIsShip obj) -> True/Nil
(objIsUnderAttack obj) -> True/Nil
(objJumpTo obj posVector)
(objLowerShields obj)
(objMakeParalyzed obj ticks)
(objMatches obj source filter) -> True/Nil
(objMoveTo obj posVector)
(objProgramDamage obj hacker progName aiLevel code)
(objRegisterForEvents target obj)
(objRemoveItem obj item [count])
(objRepairArmor ship armorSegment [hpToRepair])
(objSendMessage obj sender msg)
(objSetData obj attrib data)
(objSetGlobalData obj attrib data)
(objSetIdentified obj)
(objSetKnown obj)
(objSetName obj name)
(objSetObjRefData obj attrib obj)
(objSetSovereign obj sovereignID) -> True/Nil
(objUnregisterForEvents target obj)
(or exp1 exp2 ... expn) -> True/Nil
(plyCharge ...)
(plyClearShowHelpRefuel ...)
(plyComposeString player string [arg1 arg2 ... argn]) -> string
(plyCredit ...)
(plyDestroyed ...)
(plyGetCredits ...)
(plyGetGenome player) -> 'humanMale | 'humanFemale
(plyGetInsuranceClaims ...)
(plyGetRedirectMessage ...)
(plyInsure ...)
(plyIsInsured ...)
(plyMessage ...)
(plyRedirectMessage ...)
(power x y) -> z
(random from to)
(random list)
(rollDice count sides bonus)
(scrEnableAction ...)
(scrExitDock ...)
(scrGetCounter ...)
(scrGetInputText ...)
(scrGetItem ...)
DEPRECATED: Use scrGetItem instead
(scrGetListEntry ...)
(scrIsFirstOnInit ...)
(scrRemoveItem ...)
(scrSetActionLabel screen action label [key])
(scrSetCounter ...)
(scrSetDesc ...)
(scrSetDisplayText screen ID text)
(scrSetInputText ...)
(scrSetListFilter ...)
(scrShowAction screen action shown)
(scrShowPane ...)
(scrShowScreen ...)
(seededRandom seed from to)
(seededRandom seed list)
(set ...)
(setq ...)
(shpAddEnergyField ship fieldUNID lifetime)
(shpCancelOrders ship)
(shpCanInstallArmor ship item) ->
(shpCanInstallDevice ship item) ->
(shpCanRemoveDevice ship item) ->
(shpConsumeFuel ship fuel)
(shpDamageArmor obj armorSegment damageType damage)
(shpDamageItem ship item)
(shpDecontaminate ship)
(shpEnhanceItem ship item [mods]) -> True/Nil
(shpEnhanceSRS ship)
(shpFixBlindness ship)
(shpGetArmor ship armorSegment) -> item struct
(shpGetArmorCount ship) -> number of armor segments
(shpGetArmorMaxHitPoints obj armorSegment) -> damage to armor segment
(shpGetClass ship) -> class UNID
(shpGetClassName class flags) -> class name
(shpGetDataField class field) -> data
(shpGetDirection ship) -> angle
(shpGetFuelLeft ship) -> fuel left
(shpGetFuelNeeed ship item) -> items needed
DEPRECATED: Use typGetGlobalData instead
(shpGetImageDesc class [rotationAngle]) -> imageDesc
DEPRECATED: Use itmGetCharges instead
(shpGetItemDeviceName ship item) -> device name of item (or -1)
(shpGetMaxSpeed ship) -> max speed in of lightspeed
(shpGetOrder obj) -> order
(objGetOrderTarget obj) -> obj
(shpGetShieldDamage ship) -> damage to shields
(shpGetShieldItemUNID ship) -> UNID (or Nil)
(shpGetShieldMaxHitPoints ship) -> max hp of shields
(shpInstallArmor ship item armorSegment)
(shpInstallAutopilot ship)
(shpInstallDevice ship item)
(shpInstallTargetingComputer ship)
(shpIsAutopilotInstalled ship)
(shpMakeBlind ship)
(shpIsFuelCompatible ship item) -> True/Nil
(shpIsRadiationImmune ship [item])
(shpIsRadioactive ship)
(shpIsSRSEnhanced ship)
(shpIsTargetingComputerInstalled ship)
(shpMakeBlind ship blindTime)
(shpMakeRadioactive ship)
(shpOrder ship order [target] [count]) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderAttack ship target) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderDock ship destination) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderEscort ship protect [formation]) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderFollow ship follow) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderGate ship [gate]) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderGoto ship obj) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderGuard ship base) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderHold ship [waitTime]) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderLoot ship station) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderMine ship base) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderPatrol ship center dist) -> True/Nil
(shpOrderWait ship waitTime)
(shpRechargeItem ship item charges)
(shpRechargeShield ship hpToRecharge)
(shpRefuelFromItem ship item) -> True/Nil
(shpRemoveDevice ship item)
(shpRepairItem ship item)
(shpSetCommandCode ship code) -> True/Nil
(shpSetController ship controller) -> True/Nil
DEPRECATED: Use typSetGlobalData instead
(shuffle list) -> shuffled list
(sovSetDisposition sovereignID targetSovereignID disposition)
(sqrt x) -> z
(staClearFireReconEvent station)
(staClearReconned station)
(staGetDockedShips station) -> list of docked ships
DEPRECATED: Use typGetGlobalData instead
(staGetImageVariant station) -> variant
(staGetMaxStructuralHP station) -> hp
(staGetStructuralHP station) -> hp
(staGetSubordinates station) -> list of subordinates (e.g., guardians)
(staGetType station) -> UNID
(staIsEncountered type) -> True/Nil
(staIsReconned station) -> True/Nil
(staSetActive station)
(staSetFireReconEvent station)
DEPRECATED: Use typSetGlobalData instead
(staSetImageVariant station variant)
(staSetInactive station)
(staSetStructuralHP station hp)
(strCapitalize string) -> string
(strFind string target) -> pos of target in string (0-based)
(strNumber ...)
(subst string arg1 arg2 ... argn) -> string
(subtract x y) -> z
(sunAttackTarget ...)
(sunOrderWing ...)
(switch ...)
(symAddEntry ...)
(symCreate ...)
(symDeleteEntry ...)
(symList ...)
(symLookup ...)
(sysAddEncounterEvent delay target encounterID gate)
(sysAddEncounterEventAtDist delay target encounterID distance)
(sysAddObjRecurringTimerEvent interval obj event)
(sysAddObjTimerEvent delay obj event)
(sysAddStargateTopology [nodeID] gateID destNodeID destGateID) -> True/Nil
(sysCalcTravelTime distance speed) -> time in ticks
(sysCancelTimerEvent obj event) -> True/Nil
(sysCreateEffect effectID anchor posVector)
(sysCreateMarker name pos sovereignID) -> marker
(sysCreateShip classID pos sovereignID [controller]) -> ship
(sysCreateStargate classID posVector gateID destNodeID destGateID) -> stargate
(sysCreateStation classID posVector) -> station
(sysCreateWeaponFire weaponID objSource posVector dir speed objTarget [detonateNow]) -> obj
(sysFindObject source filter) -> list of objects
(sysGetData [nodeID] attrib) -> data
(sysGetEnvironment vector) -> environmentUNID
(sysGetLevel [nodeID]) -> level
(sysGetName [nodeID]) -> name
(sysGetNavPathPoint sovereignID objFrom objTo C80ACD39ath) -> vector
(sysGetNode) -> nodeID
(sysGetNodes) -> list of nodeIDs
(sysGetObjectByName source name) -> obj
(sysGetStargateDestinationNode [nodeID] gateID) -> nodeID
(sysGetStargates [nodeID]) -> list of gateIDs
(sysGetSystemType [nodeID]) -> systemUNID
(sysGlobals ...)
(sysHasAttribute [nodeID] attrib) -> True/Nil
(sysPoolUsage ...)
(sysSetData [nodeID] attrib data) -> data
(sysStopTime duration except)
(sysTicks ...)
(sysVectorAdd vector vector) -> vector
(sysVectorAngle vector) -> angle of vector
(sysVectorDistance vector [vector]) -> distance in light-seconds
(sysVectorDivide vector scalar) -> vector
(sysVectorMultiply vector scalar) -> vector
(sysVectorPolarOffset center angle radius) -> vector
(sysVectorRandom center radius minSeparation [filter]) -> vector
(sysVectorSpeed vector) -> of light speed
(sysVectorSubtract vector vector) -> vector
(typGetGlobalData unid attrib) -> data
(typGetStaticData unid attrib) -> data
(typIncGlobalData unid attrib [increment]) -> new value
(typSetGlobalData unid attrib data) -> True/Nil
(unvGetTick) -> time
(unvUNID string) -> ('itemtype unid name) or ('shipclass unid name)
(vecSetElement ...)
Crying is not a proper retort!
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Betel, is (plyMessage ...) gone ?
now we have plyComposeMessage
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Fleet Officer
Fleet Officer
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I think you are confused digdug plyComposeMessage is not a function in the vanilla transcendence but plyMessage is
Crying is not a proper retort!
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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probably yes, i'm confused.

I just read "Added %1% replaceable parameters to (plyComposeMessage)" in here: ... n0.99.html

and I remember that the bug with the Huari was related to a message function, oh, it was plyComposeString ?
Militia Captain
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(chrDeployKronosaurus ...)
What does this do? Deploy a Kronosaurus?
[schilcote] It doesn't have to be good, it just has to not be "wow is that the only thing you could think of" bad
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Fleet Officer
Fleet Officer
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yep it is an internal function you can see it at

line 1655 in the CharonPirates.xml
Crying is not a proper retort!
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