Strange Katami

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Fleet Admiral
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Random Markov insanity.

Code: Select all

<+Katami> george /did/ code 
<+Katami> george made that one code works
<+Katami> george decided to pick something new on the forums :D code 
<+Katami> george made 21 tickets code monkey 
<+Katami> george made that gates ships learning without lessons? :o
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Lol. That's too lucid to be a markov chain really.....
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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RPC wrote:Lol. That's too lucid to be a markov chain really.....
I swear it was a markov chain, I have the commands that did it! Remember its been on IRC as long as I have, the databases are big, old, and have thousands and thousands of words to build from.
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