Game crashes when agreeing to do Teraton Research!!!

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Militia Lieutenant
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I was in the system that contains CSC Terra, where you get the mission to hunt down the CSC Antarctica. SouthWest there is a planet with a commonwealth colony and a Teraton Nest. I agree to do research with them and when I hit "C" button to continue dialogue, the game crashed to the desktop. Just wanted to let ya'll know... :(
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Fleet Admiral
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Got a copy of debug.log?

(You only need the bit that relates to the session that you had the crash in.)
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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10/07/2010 15:42:35 Start logging session
10/07/2010 15:42:37 Transcendence 1.03
10/07/2010 15:42:43 Loading extension: Extensions\619_EncounterExpansions\Abbasid
10/07/2010 15:42:43 Loading extension: Extensions\619_EncounterExpansions\Anarchists
10/07/2010 15:42:43 Loading extension: Extensions\619_EncounterExpansions\Himal
10/07/2010 15:42:43 Loading extension: Extensions\619_EncounterExpansions\Luminous Expansion
10/07/2010 15:42:44 Loading extension: Extensions\619_EncounterExpansions\Outlaws
10/07/2010 15:42:44 Loading extension: Extensions\619_EncounterExpansions\Penitence
10/07/2010 15:42:44 Loading extension: Extensions\619_EncounterExpansions\Salvagers
10/07/2010 15:42:45 Loading extension: Extensions\627_NewPlayableStockShips\NewPlayableStockShips-vol1 small
10/07/2010 15:42:45 Loading extension: Extensions\627_NewPlayableStockShips\NewPlayableStockShips-vol2 arena
10/07/2010 15:42:46 Loading extension: Extensions\627_NewPlayableStockShips\NewPlayableStockShips-vol3 capital
10/07/2010 15:42:46 Loading extension: Extensions\627_NewPlayableStockShips\NewPlayableStockShips-vol4 supercapital
10/07/2010 15:42:46 Loading extension: Extensions\627_NewPlayableStockShips\NewPlayableStockShips-vol5 megaships
10/07/2010 15:42:46 Loading extension: Extensions\627_NewPlayableStockShips\NewPlayableStockShips-vol6 autons
10/07/2010 15:42:47 Loading extension: Extensions\627_NewPlayableStockShips\NewPlayableStockShips-vol7 extras
10/07/2010 15:42:47 Loading extension: Extensions\760_SFSpaceStations\SFSpaceStations 1_01
10/07/2010 15:42:47 Loading extension: Extensions\AlmightyWrench\AlmightyWrench
10/07/2010 15:42:47 Loading extension: Extensions\AsteroidsShip\Asteroidship
10/07/2010 15:42:48 Loading extension: Extensions\BattlestarGalactica\Battlestar Galactica
10/07/2010 15:42:48 Loading extension: Extensions\CIIDB\Item Database
10/07/2010 15:42:48 Loading extension: Extensions\CommonwealthBribe\Bribe
10/07/2010 15:42:48 Loading extension: Extensions\dealerstations\EIdealer
10/07/2010 15:42:49 Loading extension: Extensions\dealerstations\ExoticsDealer
10/07/2010 15:42:49 Loading extension: Extensions\dealerstations\NAMIdealer
10/07/2010 15:42:49 Loading extension: Extensions\DockScreenFramework\CommonFunctions
10/07/2010 15:42:49 Loading extension: Extensions\DockScreenFramework\Framework
10/07/2010 15:42:50 Loading extension: Extensions\DockScreenFramework\ScreenHook_ShipInterior
10/07/2010 15:42:50 Loading extension: Extensions\Grand Wolven\Grand Wolfen
10/07/2010 15:42:50 Loading extension: Extensions\living ship playership\living ship
10/07/2010 15:42:53 Loading extension: Extensions\MerchantEmporium\MerchantEmporium
10/07/2010 15:42:53 Loading extension: Extensions\Militia_mission_pay
10/07/2010 15:42:53 Loading extension: Extensions\newplayerships\new ships
10/07/2010 15:42:53 Loading extension: Extensions\NoDockNavBeacon
10/07/2010 15:42:53 Loading extension: Extensions\One TRILION Card
10/07/2010 15:42:53 Loading extension: Extensions\playerstations\Player Stations
10/07/2010 15:42:54 Loading extension: Extensions\Psionic idolknight\idolknight
10/07/2010 15:42:54 Loading extension: Extensions\Rin Card
10/07/2010 15:42:54 Loading extension: Extensions\SI CMS\Battle Station
10/07/2010 15:42:54 Loading extension: Extensions\SolarItems
10/07/2010 15:42:54 Loading extension: Extensions\StarChart\Galactic Star Chart
10/07/2010 15:42:54 Loading extension: Extensions\thrusters
10/07/2010 15:42:55 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Hardware\VUIHardware
10/07/2010 15:42:55 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Software\AsteroidScanner2
10/07/2010 15:42:55 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Software\Catalogues
10/07/2010 15:42:55 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Software\cyberdecks
10/07/2010 15:42:55 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Software\DamageIndicator
10/07/2010 15:42:55 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Software\NavigationD2
10/07/2010 15:42:55 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Software\StarChartsD3
10/07/2010 15:42:56 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\Software\TargetingSystem
10/07/2010 15:42:56 Loading extension: Extensions\VUI\VirtualUserInterface
10/07/2010 15:42:56 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_alternativeWeapons
10/07/2010 15:42:56 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_digdugweapons
10/07/2010 15:42:56 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_dockscreens
10/07/2010 15:42:57 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_illegalWeapons
10/07/2010 15:42:57 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_NewWeapons
10/07/2010 15:42:57 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_NorthwindEquipmentPack
10/07/2010 15:42:57 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_sovereignWeapons
10/07/2010 15:42:57 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_unknownWeapons
10/07/2010 15:42:58 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_weaponRandomizer
10/07/2010 15:42:58 Loading extension: Extensions\WE3\WE_WeaponsExtended
10/07/2010 15:43:12 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 16:30:03 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 16:30:33 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 16:37:41 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 16:55:58 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 16:57:44 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 17:11:28 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 17:16:20 Loaded game file version: 0
10/07/2010 17:17:01 Loaded game file version: 0
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Fleet Admiral
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Arrgh. Caps-lock, dude. :evil:
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Militia Lieutenant
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Trust me, I don't like it either. Just did it to differentiate between my words and the debug log easily.
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Fleet Admiral
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Try italics or bold or putting the debug log in a

Code: Select all

debug log wrote:quote
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Fleet Officer
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It's really not about you having beaten the game, vanilla or not (i personaly have never completed the game), it is more about the fact, that when you play a game with that many mods, the chance of finding an error in the vanilla game is really minimal... all those mods may contain (read: do contain) some code that is incompatible with some other code... It is bound to happen sooner or later.

So, when making a bug report like this, try as hard as you can to nail it down to which mod is causing the problem or, failing that, if it is vanilla that is the problem, find out what in vanilla is causing it (and then report it!) ... otherwise, well, it's use is minimal :/

I am not saying that reporting this is bad, just that with that many mods, well, anything could have happened. Not much to report against vanilla...
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Militia Lieutenant
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I understand what your saying but for what it's worth, this is the first time this has ever happened. My game has never crashed b4 with this setup of mods. Now the only factor that is different is doing the research thing at the teraton nest I mentioned above. That is why I came to the conclusion that it must be something with it in particular. I never did the research thing b4, idk maybe I overlooked it in my previous games.

Has this happened to anyone else?
Any ideas?
All Saints Have a Past & All Sinners Have A Future...
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