Elemental Shift (Alpha)

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Fleet Admiral
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Alandra wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 8:09 pm
Hi Song, thanks for all your hard work here! What a variety of ships, items, sovereigns, equipment!
Thanks! It's taken me a while to reply unfortunately, though in my defense the second month was down to me breaking my shoulder.
Alandra wrote: The difficulty was sometimes surprising. Getting toasted by the Himal early on when I thought I was well-equipped made me lol and play more slowly. "Why are my stilettos taking so long to reach them? Oh, I'm dead." Later on, some souped-up Kobol warlords devoured me quite unexpectedly.
I do intend Elemental Shift to be harder than the core game, though I'll readily admit that I do sometimes overdo it. The Antarctica/Aquila fight for example has turned into a nightmare. It's a problem that long-term modders often run into: we know the game so well that our idea of what's normal or easy is far from what everyone else thinks. I'm not sure the Kobol stuff is entirely my doing though. Most of their stuff is just renamed, and they're horrible in vanilla as well.
Alandra wrote: I see that your custom mission scripting sometimes means things fail to trigger. On the Sandoval scanning mission, no marauders appeared. On the Ion9 fetch-quest, the new "Dvalin-valuable" tag did not appear on any items.
This is actually the opposite mostly: Because of how some legacy stations work, overriding their stationtypes locks in older versions of that mission code....which then breaks as the game updates. I'll see if I can take a look at those two. Not sure what's up with Sandoval, probably something odd with the marauder upgrades breaking the vanilla code. Hopefully as the game updates to divorce mission code and dockscreens from stationtypes hint hint George this will become less of a problem.
Alandra wrote: The sheer variety of ammo can be confusing, although ammo availability seems fairly well balanced. One exception was the BEL, which I had a very hard time finding ammo for. I believe there was only one Bushido vendor in the outer realm, and the fleet carriers couldn't re-arm me, so I had to rely on a Teraton fabricator.
Ammo availability is an absolute pain to troubleshoot in current versions. I'll take another look at it and see what I can do. I try to come up with naming codes for missiles to make things easier to visually parse, but there's only so much I can do unfortunately. There's always room for improvement though (especially if George fixes the stuff that breaks a bunch of lategame missiles).
Alandra wrote: I found 50 gaian nano cannons in a processor wreck. =) Probably not supposed to happen, but I greatly appreciated it, bc the credits and rin allowed me to try out more of the new equipment. I found the cannon itself surprisingly mediocre for a level 9 weapon of an unresisted damage type.
Heheheheh. Definitely not supposed to happen, but this one's George's fault, not mine! The Gaian terraformer has ancient code hidden in the game engine that's designed to make it fabricate ammunition from the wrecks it destroys. For the default ship using thermo cannons this works just fine. But if you swap it to a non-ammo weapon (and this works on any gun), then it still tries to do it, and instead fabricates extra guns every time it destroys a wreck. Leave a terraformer long enough and you can get hundreds of the things. I think one of the community engine devs looked into it and may have found a fix, but unfortunately it's not something I can do anything about.

...it took months of head-scratching to work out what was going on with that.

And yeah, exotic weapons are often pretty terrible. All I can say is the algorithm thinks it's fine, but it's not really intended for the player to go wild with.
Alandra wrote: Anywho, I hope this helps.
It does! A belated thanks for playing and sharing your feedback.

I'll hopefully be able to resume some small-scale development soon as my arm function comes back, but currently my typing time is limited and mostly taken up by my job (even with halved hours while I recover).
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Hello there!

I hope your well, reading about your troubles i figure i wish u the best as is custom ;-)

A very Nice mod spinning around in it. Gave me some new chills and grills; for example:
Since i run Vanilla and it's extensions in challange or perma, i thought i would get away whit it, in a Mako interceptor as well.
I always run whitout sheild to conserve fuel... and man, dit i do some fancy dancing and dodging i havent done since Asteroids!
Followed by my untimely demise... ofc xD
A blast of fun injection this mod is.... in short, congratulations ^^

A little later i just had to go spinning in an Armstrong, and plan to buy a Sigyn later on, just cus.. u know.. we can :)

Than all the sudden the fun stopped whit some buggy old station.. and even system ( Sol system -Near starts expansion) both generate an game update,
and than result in me not being able to load the game anymore (see below for some detail).
And yes i know it is alpha, and my current solution is to save / duplicate save file before jump / station dock. Altho this is somewhat tiresome.
( ( i also might try solutions Nr2, blow up said station and system, and reroll savescum ''not guilty'' court decision xD ) )

Some ingame weapons say they might (most likely) be very unbalanced atm, so i avoid those for now, ill have a blast whit them later ;-)
Which brings me to autons... nice very nice detail, looks like alot of effort went into balancing that, quite impressive acutally.
Minor micro things tho; vanilla allows side weapons on said autons if defaulth powergrid allows it, in your mod not only your autons,
but also those said vanilla autons no longer can do side-weapons. No dought for balance, but since i was actually excited about putting
some wd40 and wd5 side on my autons ( after i found an nami autonbay) i kinda was disapointed,
due to being not in line whit logic? / natural expectations? not sure, was kinda said moment saving up that stack of loot, now unuseable...
Anyway, as said i expect u dit that for balance, altho for real balance i would have rather expected a drone number limit...,
cus 20-30 ( or even 100 ( mostly Luminare battle autons)) drones will almost likely deal whit whatever u throw them at.... same as in vanilla+CC tho ;-)
Now that i have typed... drone limit, please dont nerf into the ground xD
But if u do balance around drone limit, pls do ignore mule autons toward limit... and update
those to ''not being able to have guns fitted et all''... ect ect not count jenna ect ect...
Right of the bat 20 or slightley less should satisfy the need and have upgrade paths count for all of them.
Ofc that would be an recomendation, my experiance says that around 30 to 40 it becomes 2easy and even hard to control them in core engine around 60 or so.

Right... imma of spinning some more... below some details about the crash... hf, and fly save -billboard in eridany-

Cannot load a game file cus of typechange;

Errors reads: mining station update, ore gets expensive update, vanilla// Sol system unk unk -Near stars expansion

just in case pictures dont work;

Unable to load evD789CommandersLog (d78911d2) because its type changed.

-Loaded game file version: 1.9.2 (1.9.402.0)
-Extension: Corporate Hierarchy Vol 1 [1.4.3]
-Extension: Corporate Command [1.4.3]
-Extension: Near Stars Vol 1 [1.2.2]
-Extension: Near Stars Expansion [1.0.2]
-Extension: EI Freighter Autons [1.0b2]
-Extension: Commander's Log [3.00]
-Extension: Song 'N' AssumedPseudonym's Superior Sounds
-Extension: Elemental Shift (Alpha 0.97.11)
-Extension: The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack [1.0.5]
-Using API version: 35

Apperantley this was not the faulth of said mod, commanderslog.. quote;
Song wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:56 pm

This is actually the opposite mostly: Because of how some legacy stations work, overriding their stationtypes locks in older versions
of that mission code....which then breaks as the game updates. I'll see if I can take a look at those two. Not sure what's up with Sandoval,
probably something odd with the marauder upgrades breaking the vanilla code. Hopefully as the game updates to divorce mission code and
dockscreens from stationtypes hint hint George this will become less of a problem.

PS Sandoval has 1in 5 or so that he doesn't spawn while scanning, either intentional or oversight in vanilla.


( Sol system from -near starts? expansion )

error log:

Code: Select all

2022-12-31 06:46:50	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Start logging session
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Direct3D
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Screen: 1920 x 1080
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Scale: 1.00
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Background blt: Enabled
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Use Direct X: Enabled
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Use GPU compositing: Enabled
2022-12-31 06:46:50	LogPixelsY: 96
2022-12-31 06:46:50	DeviceType: 0x1
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2022-12-31 06:46:50	[DX] Buffer Format: 22
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Graphics quality maximum: 31 ms; 4 cores.
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Transcendence 1.9.2
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itGromeCombatArmor = 0x00310179
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stJaxStronghold = 0x00310333
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stRogueCaptureController = 0xDE110137
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueHideawayLocator = 0xDE110323
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueBaseLocator = 0xDE110324
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity efDarkFireHitDefault = 0xDE110609
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itGromeCombatArmor = 0x00310179
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stJaxStronghold = 0x00310333
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stRogueCaptureController = 0xDE110137
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueHideawayLocator = 0xDE110323
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueBaseLocator = 0xDE110324
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity efDarkFireHitDefault = 0xDE110609
2022-12-31 06:46:53	Loading user collection.
2022-12-31 06:46:54	Loading news.
2022-12-31 06:46:54	All resources downloaded.
2022-12-31 06:47:00	Unable to load evD789CommandersLog (d78911d2) because its type changed.
2022-12-31 06:48:29	End logging session
Design type d78911d2.jpg
Design type d78911d2.jpg (16.38 KiB) Viewed 23484 times
TypeChange.jpg (18.85 KiB) Viewed 23484 times
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Fleet Admiral
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Updated to 0.98

(I should really change the version numbering system)

After two years, most of it spent not modding, I've got a new version of the mod out. This will probably break existing savefiles. Download link will be in the OP when I get back and finish editing it.

There's too much to really put in bullet points, but I'll cover the basics:

Armor Overhauls and Same-level Sets

Traditionally, Transcendence introduces an armor material in light armor at one level, then medium at a higher level, then heavy/superheavy, then an advanced medium variant. The problem with this approach is that because of the innate resistance curve in the game a higher level armor will recieve better resistance (and have a higher expected HP total) than a lower one, thus a higher level "heavy" armor is effectively an entirely different armor to a lower level "light" one, and is also inherently better. This penalises smaller vessels that can't fit heavier armor.

An alternative approach that some of the Elemental Shift armors in earlier versions (and some vanilla/expansion content like the Omsk and Novaya lines) use is what I and the other EU team folks refer to as "same-level sets". In this, armor has all mass classes introduced at once. This is a direction that George has indicated he'd like to move in, but it hasn't until now had very widespread use.

So I've gone through and updated most of the purchasable armors in the game to make them use this system. This has been a lot of work, because while I can (and do) just override the stock armors, if I change the level of an ingame armor, any ships or stations that use it will have their balance altered. To avoid this, all vanilla armors stay roughly where they are, though I have done some rebalancing work on them as well. Instead, they get overridden to rename them as required and new items added to make a full set around them.

For example: Plasteel armor in vanilla comes in Light, Standard, Heavy, Hardened, and Advanced variants at levels 3, 4, 5, 5, and 6. In Elemental Shift, Plasteel armor is only at level 3, so the vanilla light plasteel armor is kept as-is and a full set of balanced level 3 armor is constructed around it minus the light armor already present. Standard Plasteel armor is then renamed to "medium advanced plasteel armor" and a new set constructed around that, and so on.

This turns five armors into 24 (25 if I feel like going back and adding a super heavy not-hardened-plasteel-any-more armor), and requires a rename to another set to make room via freeing up material names and....yeah. This has been a lot of work. That's just the plasteel armors. I've also done titanium, ceramic, reactive, blast, ceralloy, orthosteel, gusoku (okay that didn't have more than one existing item but it counts), hexphase, and many others as well.

It's also exposed an oversight in the vanilla game code that I can't, at this time, fix: shop inventories are not designed for there to be a very large pool of items to draw from. In my testing around halfway through this work, I discovered that shops were no longer selling full sets of armor. This is because the numberoccuring value for most armors is 1d4, with some being 1d6. So for a full set of 4-6 segments, you usually need a shop to roll the same item more than once when deciding what inventory to carry. This becomes less and less likely as you increase the pool of items it can draw from. I don't have an elegant solution to this, it's something George would have to look at, but for now I've standardised on 1d6 as the new standard numberoccuring value for armor. This will mess up some station loot drops, but it's an acceptable price for the reduced annoyance.

Not all armors have been upgraded this way, not even all my armors are done yet, and I'll be updating with small patches to add more over time. I'm just tired of churning these out for now. I've done some rebalancing work at the same time to try to make things semi-consistent between materials.

The Great 2024 Playership Cull

A lot of the starting ships in 0.97 weren't that interesting, or were overly specialised. I've greatly reduced the number of ships available to start the game in, and tried to make them a bit different. Here's the current lineup:
  • Volga/A-class freighter - This is a heavily armored freighter, similar in performance to an EI500. You start off with a very efficient package fission reactor that will last a good while if power consumption is managed effectively.
  • Naga-class gunship - Tweaked a little from how it was, but still the same in principle. A high-speed light-gunship that can outfly, if perhaps not outfight, a Wolfen of the same level.
  • Ronin/B-class gunship - It's a Ronin/B. Reliable and efficient, but nothing especially exciting. You can't really go wrong with it though.
  • Altay-class gunship - The Altay is my interpretation of the meth enforcer as a commercial gunship. Coming from Kartal, the Altay now acts as a very respectable medium to large gunship. The starting version has a very hard-hitting but slow-firing kinetic howitzer that requires ammunition.
  • Oromo-class gunship - Buy this if you really like early-game mining. You trade firepower and survivability for a setup that lets you beeline to an asteroid field and start blasting.
  • EI100/M-class missileship - More or less unchanged. If you enjoy having time to think between actions, savouring the moments between engaging autopilot, or have a book to read, the EI100/M is for you. It is also the most powerful combat vessel out of any of the starting ships after a few upgrades.
  • Sotho-class heavy gunship - A fairly traditional heavy gunship. Has a +omni slot for its main gun but pays for it in absolutely abysmal thrust to weight ratio.
  • Mako-class interceptor- Fragile speedster. Don't get hit.
  • Mouse-class gunship - Because sometimes you get compelled to travel to the core while flying something almost completely unsuited to the job. Challenge ship
In addition:
  • The Sapphire and Wolfen from core have been reworked - the Sapphire has been buffed and the Wolfen has been brought down to a level-appropriate Wolfen/A hull.
  • The constellation, as before, has a weapon and auton change
As well as this there's a lot of new items, weapons, original armors, etc. There's more I'd have liked to get into this version....but it'll do for now.

Known bugs
  • All instances of the Manticore have been renamed to fit the Makayev naming theme better except the starting playership in Corporate Command. This is because the way that ship is set up is particularly annoying (spread across core, CC, and the CC resource library) and I missed it. I'll go back and fix that later.
  • The gaian weapon duplication bug still isn't fixed because that's a core bug and we haven't really had a core update in the last few years
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Updated to 0.98.1

This patch will likely break savegames due to some shenanigans with entities. I wasn't planning to push it out so quickly, but the anarchists were just a bit too powerful with the rebalancing of their armor so I've gone in and adjusted them. Because I don't really do proper version control that's brought some baggage with it. The fresh version is as always available in the OP.
  • Anarchists now have generally fewer ships around their stations
  • Anarchist encounters now use their full range of ships and a more reasonableset of escorts
  • Anarchists can no longer throw 49 hornets at the player at once in an extreme edge-case
  • Anarchist small stations do not have reinforcements (for now)
  • Fixed an incorrect maneuverrate value on the Sapphire
  • Expanded the Pacific Defense level 3 laminate armor to a full range
  • IMP9 launcher no longer tracks, is more damaging
  • Put in the revamp of the Artemis launcher that was supposed to be in 0.98, it is for now using thermo fragmentation missiles rather than the buggy broken plasma stuff. When the engine supports the original idea it'll be swapped back.
  • Fixed some typos
  • Removed a deprecated type and broke savegames in the process (sorry)
  • Renamed some UNIDs to meet the current standard
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Updated to 0.98.2
  • Finished the process of moving all manticores to the new name (Raróg-class heavy gunship). Please report any cases where this doesn't happen outside of dockscreens (which I don't care about much), or where descriptive text on ships are for the in-dev name for this class when I was feeling more spiteful about how pronouncable new names should be (this class has been difficult to rename given how many of the blasted things there are across vanilla, CC, and the CC library).
  • The starting and shipyard Raróg (manticore) class now use heavy armor, as per their hull stats. This may cause balance issues but I'm not even going to try messing with the Novaya system.
  • Raróg moved to the more modern class-based armor limits, as a side effect the speed changes from armor loadouts will be at slightly different points of segment mass.
  • Rebalanced kabuto's nanoregenerative (formerly duralloy) armor to appropriately match the rarity
  • Added a full range of V70 powered armor at level 6
  • Rebalanced some of the Makayev weapons

    Known issue: once again, the ship order has been scrambled a bit by renaming the Manticore. This is a core thing, I can't change it unless I override every single vanilla playership (which I'm not doing, at least not for now). So the EI500 and Freyr will appear at the start of the list, then the sapphire and wolfen, then the Raróg/Manticore and constellation, then the other ES ships.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Updated to 0.98.3
  • Rebalanced most of the new and modified weapons in the mod. Things aren't perfect, but they're matching the armor meta considerably better.
  • More dual and omni weapons use dual slots. This is not universal - it's used as a tool where poweruse can't get things into the balance band without getting excessive.
  • Rarity values for various weapons and missiles adjusted, as well as prices
  • Reverted to the vanilla system for interaction and projectile HP rather than hardcoding them
  • Talon are once again Talon, and are a neutral faction. They have lore, it's not in the mod yet - one day I'll get some mission coding worked out and get them fleshed out.
  • Wolfen/X now uses a dragonfly rather than the ion disruptor it had in the previous version
  • Britannia/X now uses a rasiermesser launcher
  • Dummied-out the Artemis launcher since the balance numbers were not working and it was broken anyway. Existing launcher in a savefile will still work but honestly...ignore them.
  • Tweaked and updated various language elements
This is still an ongoing and quite hefty cleanup process, so there'll likely be more patches to clean up ship slot counts. The increase in two-slot weapons was a happpy accident - I've wanted to get more of them into the game, and it turns out to be more or less required to get some omni and dual weapons to balance within tolerances with the current algorithm. This should make gunships with large numbers of weapon slots more useful as they now have things to use them. Lower-level freighters may have to make trade-offs between a really good omni and being able to fit a missile launcher. I'll be tweaking the number of weapon-compatible slots on freighters in the next patch - I suspect some ships will need one or two more slots unlocked in order to make these guns viable.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Updated to 0.98.4
  • Outlaw arms cache encounters have been tweaked: their ships vary a little and they now use more robust containers. They'll still explode, but it takes a bit more to set them off. There's some new dockscreen text as well.
  • Rebalanced Magthor and L-series composite armors (I'd missed them in previous passes)
  • Rebalanced and renamed the remaining vanilla solar armors
  • Added same-level sets for the level 5 and 6 solar armor
  • Fixed an oversight which had accidentally removed the damage resistance profile for solar armor
  • Fixed a separate oversight that had dropped the lower-level solar armor to level 3, not level 4
  • Solar armors are renamed to indicate their set more effectively.
  • XMH converted to a same-level set and slightly renamed (XMH-A) to leave room for more sets later
  • Swapped the Regulus and Regulus II military autons to 360 facing spritesheets and remastered hero images (Thank you AssumedPseudonym).

    As always the link in the first post has been updated.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Updated to 0.98.5

Quick hotfix after nearly getting one-shot during a test run:
  • Curator vaults now use a level table for their guns and have weaker (but still powerful) guns at lower levels, their current gun in the middle and higher end of their range, and a small chance for better guns at the upper end of their level range.
  • Tweaked the Curator vault guard settings and fixed some sloppy coding at the same time

    This may need some fine-tuning, but will hopefully make them just a little less prone to one-shotting the player when they first turn up. They still hit very hard, but the low-end gun is both less powerful and easier to dodge.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Updated to 0.98.6

Some fairly significant changes here, some of which might cause some problems but will hopefully at least fix the existing ones:
  • Massive blast plate now masses 12t, not 13t, making it physically possible to use and actually in the correct mass class.
  • Added placeholder content notes on Talon station dockscreens
  • Added a stationtypeoverride to fix the vanilla bug where IMU stations don't sell the mining gear they stock
  • Commonwealth mining colonies shouldn't be as common in endgame systems (this is an ongoing problem with not having stations to fill gaps in the endgame system generation)
  • Fixed a previous fix removing the shipbroker option from Rasiermesser factories
  • Black market manticores renamed as per all the other ones now.
  • Makayev manufacturing plant no longer sells black market ships
  • Black market shipyards should now properly stock the CC BM ships
  • Armored startons now disappear slightly later in the game
  • Fleet stations appear later in the game
  • Fleet depots now unique in-system
  • Cleaned up the description text on the Volga and a few items
  • Commonwealth drydocks have a wider range in which they appear
  • Outlaw weapon caches now have levelled guards for the containers. This hasn't been finetuned, so may be a little iffy at some levels.
  • Altay (meth enforcer) now uses a new sprite by Arisaya
  • Added in-progress versions of some new Kartal ships I'm working on with the rest of the Expanded Universe team. These aren't common, and they aren't finished, but they'll turn up now and then. Most of them aren't in shipyards yet.
  • Added some new weapons to Kartal - rapid-fire ion and particle weapons and a pair of thermonuclear howitzers using universal ammunition similar to their kinetic howitzers. There's a third in the code, but set to NotRandom for the time being because of a bug in Transdata making it impossible to balance.
  • Increased the rate of fire on the Tripoli
  • The Viking and Viking II now use four armor segments, not two.
  • The belger gunships and battlepods are temporarily no longer purchaseable while I pull them for reworking.
There's likely to be some new issues with lategame station spawns from these changes, but in the longer term I've got some plans to add some more level-appropriate stations, as well as more outer realm content in general.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Updated to 0.98.7
  • Lategame CW mining colony now has correct selling criteria for equipment
  • Militia fortress now has functioning defensive guns based on the little turrets visible on the sprite (thank you AssumedPseudonym for working out the placements)
  • Updated the Adventurer Outfitters to more modern code, tweaked setup, and have a slightly wider operating range
  • Adventurer Outfitters will now always have some fuel rods in stock (randomly selected based on system level)
  • Cleaned up some language entries here and there
As always the download link in the opening post has been updated, though in this case it's also been moved down the page a little.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Fleet Admiral
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Updated to 0.98.8
  • Oromo playership now starts with worse armor, but gets a shield
  • Oromo playership no longer starts with armor patches
  • Oromo playership no longer has better agility than the base Oromo
  • Base Oromo class has reduced rotational acceleration to reflect it being a heavier ship
  • Oromo II no longer gets improved agility over the I as it isn't really a hull upgrade (yet)
  • Removed overwrites of some NAMI missiles (notably the M2 and M5, KM100 and KM110) that are no longer necessary in the current version
  • Yavuz-class destroyers and Ejder-class frigates in commonwealth service now have level-dependent weapon setups
  • All larger Kartal ships now have full internals, including drives (thank you Nym for the placements). These are still being tuned somewhat
  • Nerfed agility on the Kartal tankers
  • Updated the Szell ships to 360 facings and updated hero images (also thank you Nym)
  • Updated Volga series freighter sprites and hero art to feature factory-applied Makayev Standard Rust Blotches (thank you Arisaya)
  • Completed the Varun series of howitzers with the Varun 500 at level 6.
  • Volga/A playership no longer starts with a fission reactor, gets some fuel to make up for it.
  • M1 Hades missile has a modern explosion effect now rather than the legacy sprite-based animation, does more damage.
  • M4 Taurus missile generally improved, is now appropriately balanced for its level
  • Minor tweaks to the KM700 Halberd missile
  • Mikeno-class hyperfreighter now uses a modern hull element, is not updated to 360-facings because of memory limitations in the game
  • General weapon rebalance tweaks here and there

22/11/24: Reuploaded as 0.98.8a: Fixed some typos and cleaned up playership descriptions.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Fleet Admiral
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Updated to 0.98.9

This is a fairly major update. It should be compatible with existing saves but may cause some oddities. You won't get most of the major changes without starting a new game. Updated download has been added to the OP as usual.
  • Greatly reduced the number of guards on Anarchist gatherings to reflect that they now have better ships
  • Sung vessels now have reactors. These are basically vendor trash, you can use them if you *really* want to. Despite the flavor text the Sung cannot in fact remotely detonate them if you install one.
  • Sung vessels and stations now have their own guns, similar but different to the ones they were using before. They also have a set of upgraded weapons for use at levels 6 (uncommon) and 7 (universal).
  • Replaced the Yoroi S100 on the Steel and Earth slavers with a new Sung shield based on the superconducting shield generator. This currently can't regenerate HP due to an oversight in the core game (see below).
  • Sung armor (not including Dragon) has been normalised at level 5. Wind Slavers now use an ultralight armor, not light. Earth Slavers use a massive armor. Steel Slavers continue to have medium armor. Note: Sung armor is not upgraded with level in the same way that their guns are. An earth Slaver in Jiang's Star will have just as much health as one in Sanctuary, but will have better damage output.
  • Dragon Slaver firerateadj adjusted from 10 to 15, secondary weaponry upgraded.
  • Most commercial reactors have had their names altered to indicate the type of reactor eg "Nova 10 reactor" is now "Nova 10 fusion reactor". Zero-point reactors currently don't do this to save space.
  • Additional systems have been added to the outer realm, using a mixture of adding back in dummied-out systems and adding a few new ones. This should add some breathing space before Point Juno and give a higher chance of finding CSCs.
  • Jiang's Star is now level 7 to force a weapon upgrade on the Sung capital- this may impact other station spawns and if I find a more elegant way to do this then I'll probably change it to that later.
  • Changed FireRateAdj on the Wolfen/A and Wolfen/B from 20 to 30 (this should make outlaw arms caches more reasonable).
  • Changed the name of the existing Nandao bolt canon and reverted the effect to the vanilla one (it was overriding it to a *very* old SM&M++ era effect that's worse than the vanilla one), changed the description text of the ammunition to reflect that it is used by more than one weapon now.
  • Centauri warlord camps have slightly fewer guards in level 1 systems which should make Eridani a little less hectic.
  • Added the Koshiba-150 antimatter reactor at level 6
  • Added the 220NX fusion reactor at level 7
  • SN1200 reactor is now the SN1250 reactor, generates 125MW not 120MW, has a larger fuel tank, and is now a rare item rather than uncommon.
Known issues:
  • Sung shields do not regenerate HP after being damaged. There is code for the Superconducting Shield Generator in the vanilla game that lets ships using it regen their shields using coils....but this appears to be entirely engine-side and is exclusively for this pair of items. Because I therefore can't copy it, the Sung can't regen their shields. I'm looking into options for fixing this, but it's tricky because I'm not much of a scripter myself.
  • The Sung in general haven't been playtested as much as I'd like, so there may be some oddities in how their things perform. Their weapon upgrade is fairly compacted by the nature of the area it occurs in: there's a very small band of level 6 systems and it's technically difficult to add an extra system after Jiang's Star the way I really want to (the systems in each region, like the New Beyond or the UT, are defined in one place while the links between those regions are defined in another. So while I could add an extra system after Jiang's Star I'd have to overwrite even more if I wanted that system to link to the outer realm rather than Jiang's Star and I'm not in a position to do that yet).
  • Because the Huaramarca system is set as level 6 for some reason, some of the Sung invasion force will spawn with upgraded equipment (besides the Dragon, which will always have it. Considering it's a secret mission at the end of a secret mission chain and is supposed to be hard....eh, not my problem for now. At least the loot will be better if you survive it.
  • The additional Outer Realm systems have been added using an overwrite of the human space map XML, as there is no override function that can inject systems into an existing string. This may conflict with other mods. Unfortunately this isn't really possible to do any other way with the current API.
  • A new bug with the balancestats function has been identified that means that any armor massing over 16 tonnes cannot be accurately balanced (the effects of extra mass are not modelled). This has the effect that the balance of R4000 Hexphase (formerly P1000) hexphase is significantly worse than it algorithmically should be, and the impact on the CSC's performance ingame is somewhat unknown. I'll look at solutions to this in a later patch (which may be as simple as dropping the armor mass to the maximum mass that the engine can currently consider).

I haven't really gotten much, or any, feedback since I started releasing new versions of the mod this year. If folks could change that it'd be great. I know we've got a small community, but it does feel like shouting into the void sometimes and its hard to consistently improve things without hearing anything about how it's working (or not working) for other people)
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Fleet Admiral
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Location: At the VSS Shipyards in the frontier, designing new ships.

On the sung shield issue, we have a PR up now for getting that fixed https://github.com/kronosaur/TranscendenceDev/pull/102
(shpOrder gPlayership 'barrelRoll)

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Fleet Admiral
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Updated to 0.98.10
  • Fixed the level 5 balanced common armor set (Duralloy armor) being unfinished. They now have their correct masses, HP, and costs.
  • Added a new PD device at level 6. This is currently a bit unfinished.
  • Fixed some typos and language issues
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Updated to 0.98.11

The big change in this update is the first part of a significant overhaul to the Huari. As with the Sung I've never really liked them having commercial gear and felt there was room for them to have something a bit more interesting. Since I'd already done the Sung, I decided to have a go and this version has the first pass on that. In terms of performance the new equipment has a very different approach than Sung gear: it's extremely high quality, but made in relatively small quantities too late to save the empire from the mass-produced slaveships of the Sung. Huari equipment is extremely rare outside of their ships and stations, and at some point I'm planning to update their station XML so that players can trade for this equipment after befriending the Huari. The big stumbling block is currency - the Huari don't really need credits so finding a suitable way for the player to earn the nice loot is a challenge I need to handle later.

As well as this, I've done some more work on the Urak, turned polymesh into something people might consider using, and done a number of bugfixes including fixing an entire same-level set that got left with placeholder values by accident. As with any update that alters ships and stations you'll need to start a fresh savegame to get the most out of this version of the mod.

  • Added custom equipment to the Huari - Chiqtana cannon, Champi howitzer, Qunpi powered armor, and the Yakkoya shield generator. These replace the stock commercial equipment (except for the simulated armor on stations, which I haven't touched yet).
  • Rebalanced vanilla polymesh armor and expanded it into a same-level set at level 3. It's not terrible any more!
  • Added a new gun for Urak outposts, the Urak Repeater. I'm not certain this gun is working as intended yet, it needs some more testing. I may need to make it more accurate than it currently is.
  • Reduced firerateadj on the Urak outpost since it no longer lands all its damage in a single hit
  • Renamed the urak flak battery to the dual urak repeater, tweaked the stats a bit.
  • Urak destroyers now have levelled weapon layouts - they'll use the advanced mass driver for the first two systemlevels they appear in (or earlier, if spawned through unusual means), then they're upgunned to the dual repeater. This is experimental and the balance may need to be completely altered at some point.
  • Added code that will hopefully allow the Sung shield (Teng Pai deflector) to use its regen items when fitted to NPC ships....in the next version of the game (and hopefully the dev builds that George uses for streaming). Unfortunately the rest of us will just have to wait a bit for that to kick in.
  • The Steel Slaver now has ignoreshieldsdown set to 'true' to work around an AI oversight in 1.9.2 so it no longer runs away forever when the shield drops (since in the current version of the game it cannot regenerate the shield).
  • Most of the EUC-prototype Kartal ships now use superconducting shields and have coils on-board to replenish their HP. This is currently not entirely balanced but since the player never fights these under normal circumstances it's probably fine.
  • Added back in levelled damage repair parties on some capital ships and super/hyperfreighters.
  • Removed extra spaces from the names of some armor items
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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