Elemental Shift (Alpha)

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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Alandra wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 8:09 pm
Hi Song, thanks for all your hard work here! What a variety of ships, items, sovereigns, equipment!
Thanks! It's taken me a while to reply unfortunately, though in my defense the second month was down to me breaking my shoulder.
Alandra wrote: The difficulty was sometimes surprising. Getting toasted by the Himal early on when I thought I was well-equipped made me lol and play more slowly. "Why are my stilettos taking so long to reach them? Oh, I'm dead." Later on, some souped-up Kobol warlords devoured me quite unexpectedly.
I do intend Elemental Shift to be harder than the core game, though I'll readily admit that I do sometimes overdo it. The Antarctica/Aquila fight for example has turned into a nightmare. It's a problem that long-term modders often run into: we know the game so well that our idea of what's normal or easy is far from what everyone else thinks. I'm not sure the Kobol stuff is entirely my doing though. Most of their stuff is just renamed, and they're horrible in vanilla as well.
Alandra wrote: I see that your custom mission scripting sometimes means things fail to trigger. On the Sandoval scanning mission, no marauders appeared. On the Ion9 fetch-quest, the new "Dvalin-valuable" tag did not appear on any items.
This is actually the opposite mostly: Because of how some legacy stations work, overriding their stationtypes locks in older versions of that mission code....which then breaks as the game updates. I'll see if I can take a look at those two. Not sure what's up with Sandoval, probably something odd with the marauder upgrades breaking the vanilla code. Hopefully as the game updates to divorce mission code and dockscreens from stationtypes hint hint George this will become less of a problem.
Alandra wrote: The sheer variety of ammo can be confusing, although ammo availability seems fairly well balanced. One exception was the BEL, which I had a very hard time finding ammo for. I believe there was only one Bushido vendor in the outer realm, and the fleet carriers couldn't re-arm me, so I had to rely on a Teraton fabricator.
Ammo availability is an absolute pain to troubleshoot in current versions. I'll take another look at it and see what I can do. I try to come up with naming codes for missiles to make things easier to visually parse, but there's only so much I can do unfortunately. There's always room for improvement though (especially if George fixes the stuff that breaks a bunch of lategame missiles).
Alandra wrote: I found 50 gaian nano cannons in a processor wreck. =) Probably not supposed to happen, but I greatly appreciated it, bc the credits and rin allowed me to try out more of the new equipment. I found the cannon itself surprisingly mediocre for a level 9 weapon of an unresisted damage type.
Heheheheh. Definitely not supposed to happen, but this one's George's fault, not mine! The Gaian terraformer has ancient code hidden in the game engine that's designed to make it fabricate ammunition from the wrecks it destroys. For the default ship using thermo cannons this works just fine. But if you swap it to a non-ammo weapon (and this works on any gun), then it still tries to do it, and instead fabricates extra guns every time it destroys a wreck. Leave a terraformer long enough and you can get hundreds of the things. I think one of the community engine devs looked into it and may have found a fix, but unfortunately it's not something I can do anything about.

...it took months of head-scratching to work out what was going on with that.

And yeah, exotic weapons are often pretty terrible. All I can say is the algorithm thinks it's fine, but it's not really intended for the player to go wild with.
Alandra wrote: Anywho, I hope this helps.
It does! A belated thanks for playing and sharing your feedback.

I'll hopefully be able to resume some small-scale development soon as my arm function comes back, but currently my typing time is limited and mostly taken up by my job (even with halved hours while I recover).
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 163
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Hello there!

I hope your well, reading about your troubles i figure i wish u the best as is custom ;-)

A very Nice mod spinning around in it. Gave me some new chills and grills; for example:
Since i run Vanilla and it's extensions in challange or perma, i thought i would get away whit it, in a Mako interceptor as well.
I always run whitout sheild to conserve fuel... and man, dit i do some fancy dancing and dodging i havent done since Asteroids!
Followed by my untimely demise... ofc xD
A blast of fun injection this mod is.... in short, congratulations ^^

A little later i just had to go spinning in an Armstrong, and plan to buy a Sigyn later on, just cus.. u know.. we can :)

Than all the sudden the fun stopped whit some buggy old station.. and even system ( Sol system -Near starts expansion) both generate an game update,
and than result in me not being able to load the game anymore (see below for some detail).
And yes i know it is alpha, and my current solution is to save / duplicate save file before jump / station dock. Altho this is somewhat tiresome.
( ( i also might try solutions Nr2, blow up said station and system, and reroll savescum ''not guilty'' court decision xD ) )

Some ingame weapons say they might (most likely) be very unbalanced atm, so i avoid those for now, ill have a blast whit them later ;-)
Which brings me to autons... nice very nice detail, looks like alot of effort went into balancing that, quite impressive acutally.
Minor micro things tho; vanilla allows side weapons on said autons if defaulth powergrid allows it, in your mod not only your autons,
but also those said vanilla autons no longer can do side-weapons. No dought for balance, but since i was actually excited about putting
some wd40 and wd5 side on my autons ( after i found an nami autonbay) i kinda was disapointed,
due to being not in line whit logic? / natural expectations? not sure, was kinda said moment saving up that stack of loot, now unuseable...
Anyway, as said i expect u dit that for balance, altho for real balance i would have rather expected a drone number limit...,
cus 20-30 ( or even 100 ( mostly Luminare battle autons)) drones will almost likely deal whit whatever u throw them at.... same as in vanilla+CC tho ;-)
Now that i have typed... drone limit, please dont nerf into the ground xD
But if u do balance around drone limit, pls do ignore mule autons toward limit... and update
those to ''not being able to have guns fitted et all''... ect ect not count jenna ect ect...
Right of the bat 20 or slightley less should satisfy the need and have upgrade paths count for all of them.
Ofc that would be an recomendation, my experiance says that around 30 to 40 it becomes 2easy and even hard to control them in core engine around 60 or so.

Right... imma of spinning some more... below some details about the crash... hf, and fly save -billboard in eridany-

Cannot load a game file cus of typechange;

Errors reads: mining station update, ore gets expensive update, vanilla// Sol system unk unk -Near stars expansion

just in case pictures dont work;

Unable to load evD789CommandersLog (d78911d2) because its type changed.

-Loaded game file version: 1.9.2 (1.9.402.0)
-Extension: Corporate Hierarchy Vol 1 [1.4.3]
-Extension: Corporate Command [1.4.3]
-Extension: Near Stars Vol 1 [1.2.2]
-Extension: Near Stars Expansion [1.0.2]
-Extension: EI Freighter Autons [1.0b2]
-Extension: Commander's Log [3.00]
-Extension: Song 'N' AssumedPseudonym's Superior Sounds
-Extension: Elemental Shift (Alpha 0.97.11)
-Extension: The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack [1.0.5]
-Using API version: 35

Apperantley this was not the faulth of said mod, commanderslog.. quote;
Song wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:56 pm

This is actually the opposite mostly: Because of how some legacy stations work, overriding their stationtypes locks in older versions
of that mission code....which then breaks as the game updates. I'll see if I can take a look at those two. Not sure what's up with Sandoval,
probably something odd with the marauder upgrades breaking the vanilla code. Hopefully as the game updates to divorce mission code and
dockscreens from stationtypes hint hint George this will become less of a problem.

PS Sandoval has 1in 5 or so that he doesn't spawn while scanning, either intentional or oversight in vanilla.


( Sol system from -near starts? expansion )

error log:

Code: Select all

2022-12-31 06:46:50	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Start logging session
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Direct3D
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Screen: 1920 x 1080
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Scale: 1.00
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Background blt: Enabled
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Use Direct X: Enabled
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Use GPU compositing: Enabled
2022-12-31 06:46:50	LogPixelsY: 96
2022-12-31 06:46:50	DeviceType: 0x1
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Caps: 0x00020000
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Caps2: 0xe0020000
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Caps3: 0x000003a0
2022-12-31 06:46:50	DevCaps: 0x001bbef0
2022-12-31 06:46:50	DevCaps2: 0x00000051
2022-12-31 06:46:50	[DX] Buffer Format: 22
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Graphics quality maximum: 31 ms; 4 cores.
2022-12-31 06:46:50	Transcendence 1.9.2
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itGromeCombatArmor = 0x00310179
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stJaxStronghold = 0x00310333
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stRogueCaptureController = 0xDE110137
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueHideawayLocator = 0xDE110323
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueBaseLocator = 0xDE110324
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity efDarkFireHitDefault = 0xDE110609
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itGromeCombatArmor = 0x00310179
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stJaxStronghold = 0x00310333
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity stRogueCaptureController = 0xDE110137
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueHideawayLocator = 0xDE110323
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity itRogueBaseLocator = 0xDE110324
2022-12-31 06:46:52	WARNING: Duplicate entity efDarkFireHitDefault = 0xDE110609
2022-12-31 06:46:53	Loading user collection.
2022-12-31 06:46:54	Loading news.
2022-12-31 06:46:54	All resources downloaded.
2022-12-31 06:47:00	Unable to load evD789CommandersLog (d78911d2) because its type changed.
2022-12-31 06:48:29	End logging session
Design type d78911d2.jpg
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