Dwarf Fortress (Tombsink Succession Game)

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Shrike wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
Shrike wrote:which is a bit larger than a regular one, so be careful of FPS.
Well that answers the question of whether I'll be able to take a turn. Probably for the best.
Take an early one and get in before the place is on fire.

Twir, I think making the taming work is fine (we won't need it for a while, hopefully). I'm not sure about the clean DF folder...when it's your turn, give it a go, and if it hopelessly corrupts we'll savescum to the last good save.

theres your problem
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Yeah, I've heard of it.

I'm going through the wiki for today, working out what I'm gonna do before I even touch the map (I've looked over the place, but that's it). So I'll update on progress in 1-2 days. :)
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The account of Rith Savortrigòth, Tombsink Expedition Leader, Part 1.

1st Granite


Well. We're here. The wagon's broke, and this is as good a place as any to start my own land of freedom and justice. For me only, of course. Those peasants can BOW BEFORE MY MIGHT AND TERROR. Once I've got the whole "fortress of doom" up and running....Tombsink. That's a good name. A bit far from water for my liking....how am I supposed to take over the world without a decent dam to power my doom weapons? Still, Our Glorious Leader wanted me out of the mountainhomes for good...not that I even know who our leader IS these days....who cares anyway? IT SHOULD BE ME! I AM DESTINED FOR GREATNESS.....I'll show them ALL.

Still. I have a job. I have a miner, plus my own MSc (Geology), and a few more minions with various skills. I don't pretend to take interest in them....alright, minions....let's case this joint.

2nd Granite

Hey, lookin' good. This big...phyllite thing here should make an excellant statue of yours truly once we've taken a look to make sure it's stable enough. Don't want me toppling over and crushing the pathetic sheeple....actually, that'd be kinda cool. Let's see if we can do that....
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Later that day......

oooh. This is pretty awesome. I have to say. Obviously not as awesome as me, but still pretty awesome. This whole thing's hollow, and there's some tetrahedrite down here at the bottom. I'm fairly sure having our entrance at the top of a potentially unstable pile of rock that we are mining from underneath isn't the best idea....maybe we can make a new entrance later....this cave will do for now though, and it'll make a right spiffy DOOM WEAPON when it's time to claim my rightful place as god-emperor of the Land of Soaking. Or maybe a tower that shoots flaming exploding poison bolts at invaders. Or that statue of me. Maybe a tower shaped like me that is also a doom weapon. Hmmm.....I'll put my fortress of certain death heeere.....and my Endless Path of Torment there......hey, is that?....
"You have struck native silver!"
"You have struck native silver!"
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To be Continued...

This cave is literally too good to be true. As well as the aforementioned copper ore down there, It's probably possible (although not exactly safe) to set the whole thing up to collapse at the pull of a lever. That'd take out the only entrance, but hey, the gobbos would be dead. Or it can be turned into some kind of guard tower/windmill tower fairly easily. Just take out the ramps, seal off any extra entrances and build up a bit more on top. The thing is pretty big all the same. I'm looking forward to playing the mad scientist here, since I've taken the liberty of embroidering around the actual character. So right now, the goal of our fortress is officially "Stay alive, and ultimately screw the world, except the traders keeping us alive until we don't need them any more". I'll update at the end of each season in future, so...maybe another day or two. I've messed up my initial build a little..the native silver is in a cavern right *under* that building area. Still. First year gets the sharp, pointy copper weapons. Probably. Or silver warhammers.


Note to self: Seal one of the two ways into the cave, and make sure there isn't a third. Also, learn to write better IC stuff.[/i]
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20th Granite.

Things are going so well! We'll have this doom fortress up in no time. The minions report the caves go down quite deep, and have....things....in them. Hardly a helpful hazrd description. I've ordered them sealed for now.

28th Granite

The Passage of Endless Tormet (or whatever I was calling it) is postponed. We need these rooms up.....and MORE MINIONS. WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO HAUL ALL THIS-



Wha-? What? What just happened? Oh....just a dream.....

Sorry guys, I'm an idiot. Starting the fort where I did lead to a mass slaughter-fest, with a doomed, panicked fort that I couldn't control. So I'm going back to just *before* then, and doing an entrance right *beside* that. Or getting the dwarves to wall it off while they're still willing to work. Good thing I keep backups, eh? I tried about 10 different ways to save the fort, but "Store Item in Stockpile" took priority at all stages to "Wall off the beast that is killing us". So we're back to the 8th Granite, and I'm keeping the fort well away from that cave.....which really needs to be sealed and/or caved-in at the entrance. Fortunately, there's good surface minerals on this embark, so we don't lose much.
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15th Granite

After dreaming several weeks of hard work (which WASN'T HELPFUL, might I add), getting ripped open and having my minions slaughtered....I am having second thoughts about that cave. There's something....wrong....about it. And I've heard strange noises while working on the entrance. I'm worried that perhaps there is something down there that....is best left well alone.

I have ordered the construction on the old lair halted. Better safe than sorry. Plus we can move a temporary base up to that brook at the edge of our claim. In the long term, the fort will need to move to a more central location so we can defend it better. But right now...I just want that cave gone. Plus a waterside entrance makes sense for our ultimate goal of destroying those FOOLS back at the Mountainhomes. THEY LAUGHED. ALL OF THEM. BUT I WILL SHOW THEM ALL!

We're back on track! The new entrance is literally right next to the brook in the corner of our map. We'll need it eventually to build any kind of hydro-scheme based on the brook, and I'll put in a tunnel to a more practical location towards the end of my year. Save-scumming was bad, but the fort is alive!*

*for now.
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Ok. I'm gonna admit it. I'm out of my depth here. I've got a fort started....BUT....there's a troll between the base and the wagon. When the dwarves run out to grab stuff, they get clobbered. I've forbidden EVERYTHING from the wagon, but I don't know if I'm gonna get the second of the injured dwarves back (one is a lost cause, and too far to retrieve. So we're down a farmer and going to need a memorial slab). We'll see. If things go to hell, I'll abandon the place, and Schl can reclaim/restart/whatever he wants to do..or give the mess over if schil wants to try saving the place...and I'll put myself to the back of the list and go learn how to run stuff properly before the next go. The land here is NICE. Unfortunately, the neighbours are not.

Edit: Expedition leader is back. I'm getting her to build a drawbridge....and then I'm grabbing what wood I can get and sealing the fort.....shouldn't be too hard to tunnel over to the wagon and start getting supplies back without braving the troll.

Edit 2: The trapped farmer finally died. Took months of battering by the Troll.....update later tonight
Last edited by Song on Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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I'm game for whatever you want to do. Reclaim will offer good story opportunities, but then so will just continuing the fortress as it is.
[schilcote] It doesn't have to be good, it just has to not be "wow is that the only thing you could think of" bad
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Seasonal Update: End of Spring

Such a busy season. Since that damnable wagon broke, things have been hectic. If only we'd made it to the river first. Still. We have our claim, and it's a big one. And rich! There's silver EVERYWHERE! I think a silver weapon that fires a stream of toxic water is in order once we have some toxic water to shoot. But alas, we do not. Still. I have enough on my plate commanding my minions about their toils on the Grand Doom Fortress of Tombsink.

After our abortive attempt to colonise the cave, I found where we are on the map, and whatdyaknow....that pit has a name! "Blightedcave the Untoward Pits". Nice name. Wish I could convert it into a lair...but with a name like that, and the noises, and that strange dream....I'm leaving that place well alone until I've got more arrow-fodder to throw at it. Or a means of flooding it. That could actually work quite well....
This is literally as high as you can scroll the map, pretty much. The farms are one Z level up, the bedrooms will be one Z level down.
This is literally as high as you can scroll the map, pretty much. The farms are one Z level up, the bedrooms will be one Z level down.
2ndSlate.png (31.72 KiB) Viewed 14691 times
The new fort is in the nor'west corner of our claim....very close to the border. We can't actually see past our borders..the heat-haze is a bit strong, thus this new site is NOT the best place to keep our administrative centre. Too vulnerable to surprise attack. But we've got a brook for power and water, and it's close enough that it can be diverted into an underground reservoir if required.

As the minions were bringing the supplies over from the broken wagon (curse that confounded axle!), a wild troll came out of nowhere and savaged one of them. I'm told she was our only fight-competant dwarf, and half of our farming team. I'm not so sure if that's a good thing, given that she lost. Yet....I may be evil, but I can appreciate good minions. And this girl was a GOOD minion. Even as she lay, broken on the sand, she never gave up....and her surprising resiliance to being pounded into the ground gave me the time to issue the orders required to keep the rest of the Crimson Oil alive while the troll was busy.....we had a few goes at saving here. Heck, even *I* had a go (good minions with a high damage absorbing ability do not come cheap!)..but sadly...
Alaspoorminion.png (3.28 KiB) Viewed 14691 times
....we could not save her. After a month or so of being smashed by the brute, she died. I'm not letting anyone out to retrieve the body, or the rest of the goods from the wagon....in fact, I'm keeping everyone in or around the new fort entrance. Later on, we can recover the goods from the wrecked wagon (that blasted troll smashed it, not that it was going anywhere with a broken axle)....and give that loyal minion a fitting memorial to her sacrifice.*

So now what? I have workstations for brewing, mechanical work, masonry (YAY!), carpentry, and apparently we have a dining room now, although it's just a table near the lever for the drawbridge that secures our abode. And my "office" is PATHETIC compared the to laboratory I commanded back at the mountainhomes.....still. We have a secure base of operations to begin my conquest of this pathetic continent. However, some of our supplies are strewn around the wagon remains, and the track they were being carried along when the troll struck....we may well need that stuff before we can really get things going.

I think a tunnel back towards the wagon is in order...eventually, we should consolidate in the centre of our claim, so as to defend it properly. It also makes for less time spent aboveground without protection....now. How to teach that troll that crossing the Mighty Savortrigòth is the worst mistake in this world?

....I need some cages, those geary/chainy things, three live billygoats and some spikes. You don't hurt my minions. Only *I* have that privilege...

Onwards to summer. We're going to have such fun here...

-Rith Savortrigòth, God Empress

Geez that was tough. I tried my best to save our second farmer (who as Rith says, is fighting-trained), but it was never gonna work. She was pretty well smashed, and al I could do was turn off "collect wounded", forbid everything left in the wagon wreck, and work to secure our entrance in case the troll came over. I think I've done pretty well....I'm going to replace the drawbridge with a door, since I'm having trouble setting the bridge working (yes, it is connected to the lever). We have three stonefall traps inside our entrance, and a few basic things cobbled together. Rith [who is rather optimistic about her new fort, for some reason] also has an office....the accommodation block was going well, but I stopped work to save Rith from the troll and secure the fort. We're also pretty good on food, although we REALLY need more farmers....


Oh, and I think quite a few of our seeds were in the wagon when it got smashed, and some other stuff got dropped by the dead dorf. I probably won't be able to retrieve them during my turn. So we may be short on farming for a while, even though we do have 2 farming plots.

*Seriously. This dwarf gets the BEST tomb we can. Future rulers of Tombsink: Find out what she liked, get some, and create of it a fine and fitting tomb for the most loyal of Rith's minions. Because without her, I'd be saying "Sorry, I killed the fort, time to reclaim it". And this way is FAR more interesting....and FUN!
I think this one is broken.
I think this one is broken.
Uhoh.png (7.75 KiB) Viewed 14691 times
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19th Hematite (First Summer Update)

More minions have arrived! Five of them, bringing my horde up to a terrifying TEN underlings. But as well as the usual useless lot of skills underlings bring, I now have a second farmer and a cook. I've immediately started planning work on a new kitchen.

In other news....the minions inform me that we do not have an anvil. Apparently it "wasn't on the list, or got eaten by the troll". I ordered them flogged as an example. This base is SWIMMING in silver and copper ores, but we cannot make anything sharp and pointy unless....

....wait. You there! Generic Minion Number Three! Was there a glass-smith in the new batch? Good....good.....

If we cannot make our deathtraps out of METAL......then LET THEM EAT GLASS! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh, and the drawbridge is working. Things are looking pretty good here, actually.

Yup. My preset equipment list from the lay newb pack has worked very well...except there doesn't seem to be an anvil. Since you can't build anvils without other anvils, we're gonna have to improvise until we can buy one. So I'm building a tomb for the dead farmer, expanding the farming area, building a kitchen...then seeing if I can work on getting some glass-producing gear set up in accordance with the insane plan of Rith to embed broken glass in her enemies brains.

The new minions are:

1X Pump operator
1X Farmer (Wooo!)
1X Potash maker (He's got a little bit of medical experience, so he's now the Chief Medical Dwarf)
1X Glass-maker (Heheh. I don't think Rith's plan will come to pass before she has to step down (and I've planned how that works), but he *might* be useful.)
1X Cook (Also wooo!)

I'm gonna see if any of them have medical skills. We'll need them.

It looks like in the long term, we'll be exporting silver/silver alloys/goods made of silver/alloys to fund the fort. There's no shortage of the stuff around the place.

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Ok, I've finished summer, working on the write-up...will post tomorrow.

Question: Should we keep this succession game here, or move it over to the DF forums? I don't mind either way, but I'd like to avoid spamming the Trans forums with non-trans stuff unless everyone's good with it.

Also: There is a metric [REDACTED]ton of silver around this fort. Looks like we're ready for werewolves when the next version of DF comes out, if Tombsink is still going then.
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Shrike wrote: Question: Should we keep this succession game here, or move it over to the DF forums? I don't mind either way, but I'd like to avoid spamming the Trans forums with non-trans stuff unless everyone's good with it.
[schilcote] It doesn't have to be good, it just has to not be "wow is that the only thing you could think of" bad
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Hahahaha. Got ya. :twisted:

(Sorry, I'm bored now that no one's dying in the fort and I've got to work out what to write. :P)
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Seasonal Update: End of Summer

Finally! A bed I can sleep on! The room is terrible, so I'll be moving out into a better room as soon as I can. I've also commissioned a tomb for myself.....just a basic one, until I can have something more....fitting. You never know when the angry village mob will turn up, and you want to leave something behind. Hopefully a charred crater, but I'll settle for an ominous vault.

I've renamed the current facility Tombsink North. It's going well, but once the current additions are done, I'll leave it as-is. The main Tombsink facility will be built to the south-east, and accessed by a tunnel that passes by the tombs. By the end of this year, I should be able to have the first few chambers dug. I'm also fitting some furnaces and a large cistern. if the fools can get them set up without burning or drowning anyone, it'll be a miracle. I just hope some guillable trader who hasn't heard of the bounty on my head turns up and sells us an anvil...otherwise we're really in trouble.


(There's an error in this: The "Garbage dump" is in fact a refuse dump. The garbage dump is the quantum-stone-pile. I think I've missed a workshop somewhere....)

I've captioned this one because I've basically DONE on this level for the year. Just a little bit of work to get stuff set up for the cistern, and that's it.

This is one Z-level above the previous map, and accessed via the up-ramps in the old stockpiles. There's a still, farmers workshop, and some farm plots.

And this is the tomb level, which is (again) one Z-level above the main Tombsink North complex, but this time, to the south, and accessed by the tunnel to where the main facility will be when it's built (At least, in the mind of Rith. Given this is a succession game, who knows where it'll go eventually? :P

At the top is the farmers coffin (can't give a tomb posthumously), and below that is Riths WIP tomb, which I'm going to have smoothed/engraved.

There's one other Z-level UNDER the main complex, but it's not interesting at all. Just the beginnings of a rather wierd cistern, some bedrooms and so forth.


I'm hoping to get the cistern done before I end my turn, but who knows. Given my lack of experience with pressure (although I *have* read the wiki), it's probably best that the cistern is finished/filled by someone more experienced. Or, you know, turned into a pit we can throw peeps into.
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I got plenty of cistern experience. You could always name your engineer Schilcote and consult him.
[schilcote] It doesn't have to be good, it just has to not be "wow is that the only thing you could think of" bad
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schilcote wrote:I got plenty of cistern experience. You could always name your engineer Schilcote and consult him.
Well, I filled *some* of it, then stopped so as to avoid Unforeseen Consequences. The reservoir is double-locked: Pull the lever near it, and the drawbridge opens, then unforbid the door...and then dorfs can go in. The lever is near the drawbridge, on the accomodation level.

Oh, and the Cistern Fill lever is right next to the "Open/Close Main Entrance" lever. Don't mix them up or the bedrooms may flood.

We now have an anvil, an internal water supply (of sorts), some smelters and a smiths workshop made out of aforementioned anvil. We do NOT have any coal, so we still can't make anything. Which sucks. I'll do a write-up of autumn later.

We would have rather a *lot* of money/credit with the merchants, but ummm...well....wait till I write up the next update....

Current deathtoll: 2 (I am awesome)
Current population: 17 or so....we've had another bunch of migrants since the first. We had a reasonably good metalcrafter.....he promptly decided to go caving. An Elk Bird ripped him in half, then died...I think he either mortally wounded it, or one of the "SOCKS!!!!!!!" dwarves running in after him/her/it killed it.

Rith's tomb is now engraved, and looks really wacko. But we're getting some nicely skilled engravers this way.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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