RPC's Mega Permadeath challenge

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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

It's WE4, and I have to say it's really handy. The mini mining laser let me get through the one weapon limit of FAD's carrier :D
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Ok, update:
I haven't been so happy to see ferians in my life :D
ferians!.png (221.57 KiB) Viewed 6757 times
Here are my current stats, and a nice find today: the Advanced LRS :D
AdvLRS!.jpg (136.26 KiB) Viewed 6757 times

Code: Select all


Adventure	The Network
Commonwealth Fleet rank	Civilian
Commonwealth militia rank	Lieutenant
Genome	Human male
Money (credits)	3,552
Score	36,540
Ship class	Zephyr-class Enforcement Ship
Time played	3 hours and 55 minutes
Version	1.07a


Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping	


Enemy ships destroyed	475
Enemy stations destroyed	39
Friendly ships destroyed	4


Profit on goods and materials	343,027
Profit on luxury goods	612


Honored permadeath	
Never destroyed friendly stations	
Never invoked powers of Domina	


Molotok bounty hunter	2
Charon frigate	1
Centauri monitor	1
Drake-class missileship	5
Ronin/C-class gunship	1
Denier-class gunship	9
Viking II-class gunship	1
Zoanthrope raider	9
Wind slaver	2
Revelations-class missileship	2
medium IAV Pilgrim-class medium IAV	1
Plague-class gunship	2
Sotho-class gunship	2
Hammerhead II-class gunship	9
Urak sentinel	22
T31-class armed transport	2
Corsair II-class gunship	20
EI500-class freighter	1
Oromo-class gunship	3
EI100-class freighter	5
Separatist-class heavy interceptor	5
Viking-class gunship	43
Centauri heavy raider	21
Borer II-class gunship	12
Super Hornet-class battlepod	14
Ronin/A-class gunship	3
Zulu II-class gunship	9
Himal interceptor	11
Zulu-class gunship	5
Hornet-class battlepod	66
Hammerhead-class gunship	6
light IAV	2
Borer-class gunship	29
Corsair-class gunship	78
Tenhove-class sentinel	35
Centauri light raider	11
Centauri raider	25


Sapiens compound	1
Sung slave camp	1
Anarchist Settlement	1
Charon Pirates stronghold	4
Fortress of the Charon Pirates	1
Outlaw Haven	1
outlaw palladium mine	5
Abbasid Outpost	1
Anarchist Gathering	1
Charon Pirates outpost	1
Himal Refuge	2
Outlaw Camp	1
outlaw titanium mine	10
Anarchist Camp	3
Centauri Warlords Camp	5
Charon Pirates cache	1


Systems visited	10
Never reached Jiang's Star	
Never reached Point Juno	
Never reached Heretic	
Never reached the Galactic Core	


Abbasid Expansion	
Adapting AI	
Alarm Clock	
Anarchist Expansion	
Asteroid Scanner	
Captain's log 3.1	
Cargo summary	
cargo summary - dsCargohold hook	
cargo summary - dsJettison hook	
cargo summary - dsLoot hook	
Cl Renamer module	
Commonwealth Investment Group	
CW Fleet with Custom Ships	
Deadelus BC304	
Dynamic Systems Stuff	
Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override	
Extension d001b151	
Extension d1000002	
Extension d1000003	
Extension d12b0032	
Extension d12b0037	
Extension d1601100	
Extension d202c203	
Extension d2119df4	
Extension d211ba20	
Extension d211dc80	
Extension d25ccc01	
Extension d512ad00	
Extension dcaf2400	
Extension dfab0000	
Extension dfab0001	
Extension dfff0000	
Extension dfff0001	
Extension dfff0002	
Extension dfff0003	
Extension dfff0004	
Extension e1951000	
Extension e1e1c000	
Extension e3d50000	
Himal Expansion	
Homing laser cannon	
Luminous Expansion	
Mac's new sounds mod	
Mined asteroids explode	
Nerefir Carrier	
No Domina powers	
Orbital Space Station	
Osaka Playership	
Outlaw Expansion	
Pentient Expansion	
Planet Systems	
Playership drones 3	
Playership drones 3: Domina overwrite	
Playership drones 3: Ships part 1	
Playership drones 3: Ships part 2	
Playership drones 3: Ships part 3	
Point Juno with Custom Ships	
Ranx Escourt Mod	
sandbox scanner	
SFS Space Staions	
SFS Space Station Tink	
Shrike's Ultimate Overhaul 0.01a	
Starburn Defensive Drones	
Stargate Dock 'n' Go Override v2	
Tech Analyzer	
Transpace Jumpdrive Beacons	
UGW Base	
UGW extras	
UGW mule	
UGW screens	
UGW screens2	
UGW wingmen	
Umbra Class Aerospace Fighter	
Universal Savings Bank	
Visual Damage	
Weapons Extended 4	
Worst Case Scenario by FAD	
zombie gun	


Tenhove-class sentinel	1
Solar Drone	3


Continuous EMP Device	
Dash Merc's rotolooter	
advanced plasteel armor	
light Omsk armor	
mark I Omsk deflector	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
blue lancer cannon	
Enhanced Autopilot	
hardened plasteel armor	
heavy plasteel armor	
Nova-100 reactor	
omnidirectional laser cannon array	
Cyclotron S1200 deflector	
Nova-50 reactor	
solar armor	
Zephyr High Intensity Beam	
alternadual recoilless cannon	
CLAW cannon	
DK10-KE penetrators Arbalest	
Dual Scattergun, full choke	
laser cannon array	
miners's cargo hold	
Nova-25 reactor	
omni recoilless cannon	
repair droid	
rookie hanger bay	
tritium propulsion upgrade	
Zastava FASOR beam	
Comet laser blaster	
Long range Bolide laser	
Mankiri laser blaster	
mining laser	
NAMI TK30 Trident cannon	
small bussard ramscoop	
laser cannon	


Commonwealth habitat missions	1
Commonwealth militia missions	0
CSC missions	0
Mining colony missions	2
Money earned on missions	1,050
Slaves freed	3


blue lancer cannon	2,998
omnidirectional laser cannon array	7
Zephyr High Intensity Beam	6,104
alternadual recoilless cannon	4
CLAW cannon	2
DK10-KE penetrators Arbalest	1
dual Bolide laser blaster	15
Dual Scattergun, full choke	5
laser cannon array	1
omni recoilless cannon	341
Zastava FASOR beam	4
Comet laser blaster	6
Long range Bolide laser	4
Mankiri laser blaster	2
mining laser	1,528
NAMI TK30 Trident cannon	4
laser cannon	5
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Commonwealth Pilot
Commonwealth Pilot
Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:42 pm
Location: Katratzi, Scarran base

going to give this a try
one small suggestion.. is it possible to group the smaller sized mods into say one zip file thats ~5mb so there is less to download in total.. chrome crashes with so many tabs open :o
or have all of this made into one single file( using a more compressive format such as 7zip)
or is file size limited to 5mb on xelerus?
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Good luck durbanator.
Each of the mods are separate, so I would have to get permission from all authors to combine them.
I'd suggest downloading Dynamic Systems V4, Weapons Extended, NoPowers, Fellow Pilgrims, and the Network. Those mods form the core of the challenge :D
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
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Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
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I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Well, my permadeath ended prematurely.
premature.png (110.06 KiB) Viewed 6779 times

Code: Select all


Adventure	The Network
Commonwealth Fleet rank	Civilian
Commonwealth militia rank	Lieutenant
Genome	Human male
Money (credits)	1,802
Score	19,047
Ship class	Zephyr-class Enforcement Ship
Time played	4 hours and 6 minutes
Version	1.07a


Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping	


Enemy ships destroyed	480
Enemy stations destroyed	40
Friendly ships destroyed	4


Profit on goods and materials	343,027
Profit on luxury goods	612


Game resurrections	1
Never destroyed friendly stations	
Never invoked powers of Domina	


Molotok bounty hunter	2
Charon frigate	1
Barbary-class gunship	1
Centauri monitor	1
Drake-class missileship	6
Ronin/C-class gunship	1
Denier-class gunship	9
Viking II-class gunship	4
Zoanthrope raider	9
Wind slaver	2
Revelations-class missileship	2
medium IAV Pilgrim-class medium IAV	1
Plague-class gunship	2
Sotho-class gunship	2
Hammerhead II-class gunship	9
Urak sentinel	22
T31-class armed transport	2
Corsair II-class gunship	20
EI500-class freighter	1
Oromo-class gunship	3
EI100-class freighter	5
Separatist-class heavy interceptor	5
Viking-class gunship	43
Centauri heavy raider	21
Borer II-class gunship	12
Super Hornet-class battlepod	14
Ronin/A-class gunship	3
Zulu II-class gunship	9
Himal interceptor	11
Zulu-class gunship	5
Hornet-class battlepod	66
Hammerhead-class gunship	6
light IAV	2
Borer-class gunship	29
Corsair-class gunship	78
Tenhove-class sentinel	35
Centauri light raider	11
Centauri raider	25


Marauder compound	1
Sapiens compound	1
Sung slave camp	1
Anarchist Settlement	1
Charon Pirates stronghold	4
Fortress of the Charon Pirates	1
Outlaw Haven	1
outlaw palladium mine	5
Abbasid Outpost	1
Anarchist Gathering	1
Charon Pirates outpost	1
Himal Refuge	2
Outlaw Camp	1
outlaw titanium mine	10
Anarchist Camp	3
Centauri Warlords Camp	5
Charon Pirates cache	1


Systems visited	10
Never reached Jiang's Star	
Never reached Point Juno	
Never reached Heretic	
Never reached the Galactic Core	


Abbasid Expansion	
Adapting AI	
Alarm Clock	
Anarchist Expansion	
Asteroid Scanner	
Captain's log 3.1	
Cargo summary	
cargo summary - dsCargohold hook	
cargo summary - dsJettison hook	
cargo summary - dsLoot hook	
Cl Renamer module	
Commonwealth Investment Group	
CW Fleet with Custom Ships	
Deadelus BC304	
Dynamic Systems Stuff	
Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override	
Extension d001b151	
Extension d1000002	
Extension d1000003	
Extension d12b0032	
Extension d12b0037	
Extension d1601100	
Extension d202c203	
Extension d2119df4	
Extension d211ba20	
Extension d211dc80	
Extension d25ccc01	
Extension d512ad00	
Extension dcaf2400	
Extension dfab0000	
Extension dfab0001	
Extension dfff0000	
Extension dfff0001	
Extension dfff0002	
Extension dfff0003	
Extension dfff0004	
Extension e1951000	
Extension e1e1c000	
Extension e3d50000	
Himal Expansion	
Homing laser cannon	
Luminous Expansion	
Mac's new sounds mod	
Mined asteroids explode	
Nerefir Carrier	
No Domina powers	
Orbital Space Station	
Osaka Playership	
Outlaw Expansion	
Pentient Expansion	
Planet Systems	
Playership drones 3	
Playership drones 3: Domina overwrite	
Playership drones 3: Ships part 1	
Playership drones 3: Ships part 2	
Playership drones 3: Ships part 3	
Point Juno with Custom Ships	
Ranx Escourt Mod	
sandbox scanner	
SFS Space Staions	
SFS Space Station Tink	
Shrike's Ultimate Overhaul 0.01a	
Starburn Defensive Drones	
Stargate Dock 'n' Go Override v2	
Tech Analyzer	
Transpace Jumpdrive Beacons	
UGW Base	
UGW extras	
UGW mule	
UGW screens	
UGW screens2	
UGW wingmen	
Umbra Class Aerospace Fighter	
Universal Savings Bank	
Visual Damage	
Weapons Extended 4	
Worst Case Scenario by FAD	
zombie gun	


Tenhove-class sentinel	1
Solar Drone	3


Continuous EMP Device	
Dash Merc's rotolooter	
advanced plasteel armor	
light Omsk armor	
mark I Omsk deflector	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
blue lancer cannon	
Enhanced Autopilot	
hardened plasteel armor	
heavy plasteel armor	
Nova-100 reactor	
omnidirectional laser cannon array	
Cyclotron S1200 deflector	
Nova-50 reactor	
solar armor	
Zephyr High Intensity Beam	
alternadual recoilless cannon	
CLAW cannon	
DK10-KE penetrators Arbalest	
Dual Scattergun, full choke	
laser cannon array	
miners's cargo hold	
NAMI missile launcher	
Nova-25 reactor	
omni recoilless cannon	
repair droid	
rookie hanger bay	
tritium propulsion upgrade	
Zastava FASOR beam	
Comet laser blaster	
Long range Bolide laser	
Mankiri laser blaster	
mining laser	
NAMI TK30 Trident cannon	
small bussard ramscoop	
laser cannon	


Commonwealth habitat missions	1
Commonwealth militia missions	0
CSC missions	0
Mining colony missions	2
Money earned on missions	1,050
Slaves freed	3


blue lancer cannon	3,099
omnidirectional laser cannon array	7
Zephyr High Intensity Beam	6,104
alternadual recoilless cannon	4
CLAW cannon	2
DK10-KE penetrators Arbalest	1
dual Bolide laser blaster	15
Dual Scattergun, full choke	5
laser cannon array	1
omni recoilless cannon	341
Zastava FASOR beam	4
Comet laser blaster	6
Long range Bolide laser	4
Mankiri laser blaster	2
mining laser	1,529
NAMI TK30 Trident cannon	4
laser cannon	5
I'm going to try this again :twisted:
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:17 pm

So pathetic! xD

Adventure The Network
Commonwealth Fleet rank Civilian
Fate Destroyed by a Centauri heavy raider in the Eridani System
Genome Human male
Money (credits) 833
Score 590
Ship class Sapphire-class yacht
Time played 7 minutes and 38 seconds
Version 1.07a


Enemy ships destroyed 12
Enemy stations destroyed 3


Profit on goods and materials 770


Honored permadeath
Never backtracked
Never destroyed friendly ships or stations
Never invoked powers of Domina


Centauri heavy raider 5
Centauri light raider 4
Centauri raider 3


Centauri Warlords Camp 3


Systems visited 1
Never reached Rigel Aurelius
Never reached St. Katharine's Star
Never reached Jiang's Star
Never reached Point Juno
Never reached Heretic
Never reached the Galactic Core


Asteroid Scanner
Dynamic Systems Stuff
Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override
Extension d001b151
Extension dcaf2400
Extension dcba0040
Extension dcba0060
Extension dcba0070
Extension dcba0072
Nerefir Carrier
No Domina powers
Weapons Extended 4


Kusarigama laser turret
class I deflector
3 damaged segments of reactive armor
segment of reactive armor
Dash Merc's rotolooter
Enhanced Autopilot


12 helium³ fuel rods
damaged Centauri recoilless


Dash Merc's rotolooter
Enhanced Autopilot
Kusarigama laser turret
reactive armor
class I deflector
recoilless cannon


Commonwealth habitat missions 1
CSC missions 0
Money earned on missions 300


Kusarigama laser turret 88
recoilless cannon 281
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Well, although I'm not playing a perma (I'm trying to at least win first), but Rigel is soooooo beautiful.
rigel.png (157.36 KiB) Viewed 6737 times
Also, I found the Advanced LRS in game as loot, which is pretty awesome :D
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Also, the difference between the normal LRS and the Sandbox LRS :D
the difference.png
the difference.png (132.19 KiB) Viewed 6734 times
It's very subtle, but it's there :D
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 203
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:16 pm
Location: Brazil - RS

I'll try this "RPC's Mega Permadeath challenge".... :twisted:
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?


Adventure The Network
Commonwealth Fleet rank Civilian
Commonwealth militia rank Lieutenant
Commonwealth militia rank Lieutenant
Fate Shattered by a Daryl Noble in the Opia System
Genome Human male
Korolov rank Apprentice
Money (credits) 13,446
Score 10,713
Ship class Sapphire-class yacht
Time played 13 hours and 55 minutes
Version 1.07a


Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system


Enemy ships destroyed 824
Enemy stations destroyed 66
Friendly ships destroyed 23


Profit on goods and materials 925,890
Profit on medical supplies 560


Game resurrections 26
Never destroyed friendly stations
Never invoked powers of Domina


Earth Slaver 3
Zoanthrope behemoth 4
Kobol gunship 3
Molotok bounty hunter 2
Atonement-class heavy gunship 23
Charon frigate 1
Steel slaver 13
Ranx gunship 3
Drake-class missileship 4
Repentant-class gunship 36
T55-class armed transport 3
Heliotrope destroyer 2
Meth enforcer 14
Denier-class gunship 6
Viking II-class gunship 9
Zoanthrope raider 13
Wind slaver 15
Wolfen-class gunship 1
Heliotrope gunship 12
Revelations-class missileship 4
Plague-class gunship 11
Sotho-class gunship 5
Hammerhead II-class gunship 41
Urak sentinel 4
Pilgrim-class EI200 Freighter 1
T31-class armed transport 8
Corsair II-class gunship 30
EI500-class freighter 4
Oromo-class gunship 5
Separatist-class heavy interceptor 6
Viking-class gunship 66
Centauri heavy raider 6
Borer II-class gunship 43
Super Hornet-class battlepod 19
Earthzone-class armed shuttle 14
Zulu II-class gunship 11
Himal interceptor 10
Zulu-class gunship 15
Hornet-class battlepod 99
Hammerhead-class gunship 35
Borer-class gunship 36
Corsair-class gunship 102
Tenhove-class sentinel 44
Centauri light raider 12
Centauri raider 26


Penitent Sanctum 2
outlaw pteracnium mine 2
Sung fortress 1
outlaw duranium mine 7
Penitent Shrine 5
Anarchist Hangar 1
Death Drug Cartel outpost 2
outlaw ceralloy mine 1
Sapiens compound 2
Sung slave camp 1
Anarchist Settlement 1
Charon Pirates stronghold 5
Fortress of the Charon Pirates 1
Heliotrope outpost 1
Outlaw Haven 1
outlaw palladium mine 4
Sapiens camp 1
Anarchist Gathering 4
Himal Refuge 2
Outlaw Base 2
Outlaw Camp 3
outlaw titanium mine 10
Anarchist Camp 2
Centauri Warlords Camp 4
Charon Pirates cache 1


Systems visited 22
Never reached Jiang's Star
Never reached Point Juno
Never reached Heretic
Never reached the Galactic Core


Abbasid Expansion
Adapting AI
Alarm Clock
Anarchist Expansion
Asteroid Scanner
Captain's log 3.1
Cargo summary
cargo summary - dsCargohold hook
cargo summary - dsJettison hook
cargo summary - dsLoot hook
Cl Renamer module
Commonwealth Investment Group
CW Fleet with Custom Ships
Deadelus BC304
Dynamic Systems Stuff
Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override
Extension d001a001
Extension d001a002
Extension d001a003
Extension d001a004
Extension d001a005
Extension d001a006
Extension d001a007
Extension d001a903
Extension d001b068
Extension d001b151
Extension d1000002
Extension d1000003
Extension d12b0032
Extension d12b0037
Extension d1601100
Extension d202c203
Extension d2119df4
Extension d211ba20
Extension d211dc80
Extension d25ccc01
Extension d512ad00
Extension dcaf2400
Extension dfab0000
Extension dfab0001
Extension dfff0000
Extension dfff0001
Extension dfff0002
Extension dfff0003
Extension dfff0004
Extension e1951000
Extension e1e1c000
Extension e3d50000
Himal Expansion
Homing laser cannon
Luminous Expansion
Mac's new sounds mod
Mined asteroids explode
Nerefir Carrier
No Domina powers
Orbital Space Station
Osaka Playership
Outlaw Expansion
Pentient Expansion
Playership Drones
Playership Drones: Domina Overwrite
Playership Drones: Linked Weapons
Playership Drones: No Juan Carlos
Playership Drones: Ships part 1
Playership Drones: Ships part 2
Playership Drones: Ships part 3
Point Juno with Custom Ships
Ranx Escourt Mod
sandbox scanner
SFS Space Staions
SFS Space Station Tink
Shrike's Ultimate Overhaul 0.01a
Starburn Defensive Drones
Stargate Dock 'n' Go Override v2
Tabinka Class Mk.III Battleship
Tech Analyzer
Transpace Jumpdrive Beacons
UGW Base
UGW extras
UGW mule
UGW screens
UGW screens2
UGW wingmen
Umbra Class Aerospace Fighter
Universal Savings Bank
Visual Damage
Weapons Extended 4
Worst Case Scenario by FAD
zombie gun


omni dual mark I howitzer
blue dual particle beam
mining laser
Yoroi MX shield generator
4 segments of carbide carapace
150NX reactor
large bussard ramscoop
Dash Merc's rotolooter
Advanced Long Range Scanner
Enhanced Autopilot
miners's cargo hold


advanced repair droid


Ferian miner 7
Ronin/B-class gunship 1
Oromo-class gunship 1
Earthzone-class armed shuttle 4
Ronin/A-class gunship 2
Tenhove-class sentinel 2
Solar Drone 6


carbide carapace
large bussard ramscoop
advanced repair droid
Bushido thermo cannon
Dash Merc's rotolooter
Dwarg holochroal armor
Gusoku armor
linked thermo cannon
Mammoth 50MW deflector
omni dual mark I howitzer
omni lancer cannon array
Yoroi MX shield generator
150NX reactor
blast plate
heavy ceralloy armor
heavy Sung armor
light Omsk armor
linked Akan 600 turret
Mammoth 25MW deflector
omni Shuriken neutron blaster
omni slam cannon
patch spider
Rasiermesser Akan 600 turret
Titan 440 fusion drive
Advanced Long Range Scanner
blue dual particle beam
Bushido hard x-ray laser
ceralloy armor
Dwarg cnidocyst launcher
Enhanced Autopilot
Glaive Particle Blaster
Hellfire repeater
light blast plate
medium bussard ramscoop
Nanite Shield
Nova-100 reactor
omni NAMI missile launcher
Rasiermesser Akan 30 launcher
Cyclotron S1200 deflector
Makayev slam cannon
NAMI close spread PK25 Cannon
Nova-50 reactor
OC-particle beam weapon
Penitent cannon
plasteel armor
alternating turbolaser cannon
Cyclotron S55 deflector
double titanium barricade
dual Bolide laser blaster
miners's cargo hold
NAMI high momentum AK15 Partisan
NAMI missile launcher
Nova-25 reactor
orange turbolaser cannon
tritium propulsion upgrade
turbo CLAW cannon
turbolaser cannon
capacitor dual laser cannon
capacitor turbolaser cannon
mining laser
reactive armor
small bussard ramscoop
alternating laser cannon
Browning orange laser
Centauri turbo recoilless
class I deflector
DM400 missile rack
OC-laser cannon
Plumbata minigun
recoilless cannon


Commonwealth habitat missions 1
Commonwealth militia missions 2
Commonwealth militia missions 2
CSC missions 0
Korolov escort missions 2
Money earned on missions 900
Slaves freed 11


Bushido thermo cannon 11
linked thermo cannon 68
omni dual mark I howitzer 898
omni lancer cannon array 5
omni Shuriken neutron blaster 17
omni slam cannon 261
blue dual particle beam 2,080
Bushido hard x-ray laser 187
Dwarg cnidocyst launcher 1
Dwarg cnidocyst nodule 1
Glaive Particle Blaster 53
Hellfire repeater 1
KM550 Broadsword missile 45
omni NAMI missile launcher 690
Rasiermesser Akan 30 launcher 8
Fragmenting Akan 30 shell 2
GIAT-Armalite light howitzer 28
KM500 Stiletto missile 199
KM510 Firecracker missile 12
KM520 Baselard missile 28
Makayev slam cannon 2
NAMI close spread PK25 Cannon 937
OC-particle beam weapon 1,915
Penitent cannon 1
Tracing Akan 30 shell 6
XM300 Reaper missile 4
alternating turbolaser cannon 3
dual Bolide laser blaster 4
KM110 Starburst missile 104
NAMI high momentum AK15 Partisan 4
NAMI missile launcher 208
orange turbolaser cannon 8
turbo CLAW cannon 4
turbolaser cannon 1,607
capacitor dual laser cannon 13
capacitor turbolaser cannon 528
KM100 Longbow missile 455
mining laser 4,102
alternating laser cannon 5
Browning orange laser 4
Centauri turbo recoilless 5
DM400 missile rack 1
KM60 Engdong missile 51
laser cannon 25
OC-laser cannon 4
Plumbata minigun 52
recoilless cannon 1,593

I got shattered....
Needless to say, it was an interesting experience.
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2767
Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:03 am
Location: Traveling in the TARDIS

That is quite a lot of mods, it looks kinda fun to try out. Not sure if I can manage though.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Yeah, it's a fundamentally different experience from Vanilla, and why I love the game so much :D
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Ok, I officially love PlayershipDrones! :D
AWESOME.png (179.41 KiB) Viewed 6652 times
I can't wait to fight a Phobos :twisted:
Also, gravity again:
In Action.png
In Action.png (126.88 KiB) Viewed 6652 times
Current stats:

Code: Select all


Adventure	The Network
Commonwealth Fleet rank	Civilian
Commonwealth militia rank	Major
Commonwealth militia rank	Major
Genome	Human male
Korolov rank	Apprentice
Money (credits)	2,052,115
Money (rin)	10,926
Money (rins)	10,926
Score	55,547
Ship class	Ranx dreadnought
Time played	1 day
Version	1.07a


Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system	


Enemy ships destroyed	1564
Enemy stations destroyed	81
Friendly ships destroyed	34


Profit on goods and materials	1,205,301
Profit on medical supplies	9,721


Game resurrections	63
Never destroyed friendly stations	
Never invoked powers of Domina	


Xenophobe worldship	1
Ventari destroyer	18
Polar II-class freighter	2
Tundra-class heavy gunship	11
Space Newt	16
Ranx dreadnought	30
Polar-class freighter	4
Aurochs-class transport	1
Kobol gunship	23
Luminous drone	33
Earth Slaver	42
Zoanthrope behemoth	8
Sandstorm-class gunship	61
Dwarg master	12
Molotok bounty hunter	2
Atonement-class heavy gunship	38
Charon frigate	1
Steel slaver	26
Ranx gunship	209
Sung transport	1
Drake-class missileship	4
Repentant-class gunship	48
T55-class armed transport	3
Heliotrope destroyer	2
Meth enforcer	15
Denier-class gunship	6
Viking II-class gunship	22
Zoanthrope raider	72
Sung Pilgrim	2
Wind slaver	160
Wolfen-class gunship	1
Heliotrope gunship	12
Revelations-class missileship	4
Plague-class gunship	13
Sotho-class gunship	5
Hammerhead II-class gunship	45
Urak sentinel	4
T31-class armed transport	8
Corsair II-class gunship	34
EI500 pilgrim-class EI500 Freighter	2
EI500-class freighter	4
Oromo-class gunship	5
Separatist-class heavy interceptor	6
Viking-class gunship	66
Centauri heavy raider	6
Borer II-class gunship	46
Super Hornet-class battlepod	22
Earthzone-class armed shuttle	14
Zulu II-class gunship	11
Himal interceptor	10
Zulu-class gunship	15
Hornet-class battlepod	100
Hammerhead-class gunship	35
Borer-class gunship	36
Corsair-class gunship	102
Tenhove-class sentinel	47
Centauri light raider	12
Centauri raider	26


Kobol Warlords camp	2
Ares outpost	2
Penitent Sanctum	4
Ranx outpost	1
Ventari colony	3
Dwarg fortress	2
outlaw pteracnium mine	2
Sung fortress	2
outlaw duranium mine	7
Penitent Shrine	6
Anarchist Hangar	1
Death Drug Cartel outpost	3
outlaw ceralloy mine	1
Sapiens compound	2
Sung slave camp	1
Anarchist Settlement	1
Charon Pirates stronghold	5
Fortress of the Charon Pirates	1
Heliotrope outpost	1
Outlaw Haven	1
outlaw palladium mine	4
Sapiens camp	1
Anarchist Gathering	4
Himal Refuge	2
Outlaw Base	2
Outlaw Camp	3
outlaw titanium mine	10
Anarchist Camp	2
Centauri Warlords Camp	4
Charon Pirates cache	1


Systems visited	36
Never reached Jiang's Star	
Never reached Point Juno	
Never reached Heretic	
Never reached the Galactic Core	


Abbasid Expansion	
Adapting AI	
Alarm Clock	
Anarchist Expansion	
Asteroid Scanner	
Captain's log 3.1	
Cargo summary	
cargo summary - dsCargohold hook	
cargo summary - dsJettison hook	
cargo summary - dsLoot hook	
Cl Renamer module	
Commonwealth Investment Group	
CW Fleet with Custom Ships	
Deadelus BC304	
Dynamic Systems Stuff	
Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override	
Extension d001a001	
Extension d001a002	
Extension d001a003	
Extension d001a004	
Extension d001a005	
Extension d001a006	
Extension d001a007	
Extension d001a903	
Extension d001b068	
Extension d001b151	
Extension d1000002	
Extension d1000003	
Extension d12b0032	
Extension d12b0037	
Extension d1601100	
Extension d202c203	
Extension d2119df4	
Extension d211ba20	
Extension d211dc80	
Extension d25ccc01	
Extension d512ad00	
Extension dcaf2400	
Extension dfab0000	
Extension dfab0001	
Extension dfff0000	
Extension dfff0001	
Extension dfff0002	
Extension dfff0003	
Extension dfff0004	
Extension e1951000	
Extension e1e1c000	
Extension e3d50000	
Himal Expansion	
Homing laser cannon	
Luminous Expansion	
Mac's new sounds mod	
Mined asteroids explode	
Nerefir Carrier	
No Domina powers	
Orbital Space Station	
Osaka Playership	
Outlaw Expansion	
Pentient Expansion	
Playership Drones	
Playership Drones: Domina Overwrite	
Playership Drones: Linked Weapons	
Playership Drones: No Juan Carlos	
Playership Drones: Ships part 1	
Playership Drones: Ships part 2	
Playership Drones: Ships part 3	
Point Juno with Custom Ships	
Ranx Escourt Mod	
sandbox scanner	
SFS Space Staions	
SFS Space Station Tink	
Shrike's Ultimate Overhaul 0.01a	
Starburn Defensive Drones	
Stargate Dock 'n' Go Override v2	
Tabinka Class Mk.III Battleship	
Tech Analyzer	
Transpace Jumpdrive Beacons	
UGW Base	
UGW extras	
UGW mule	
UGW screens	
UGW screens2	
UGW wingmen	
Umbra Class Aerospace Fighter	
Universal Savings Bank	
Visual Damage	
Weapons Extended 4	
Worst Case Scenario by FAD	
zombie gun	


Ferian miner	7
Zoanthrope raider	2
Ronin/B-class gunship	1
Oromo-class gunship	1
Earthzone-class armed shuttle	9
Ronin/A-class gunship	2
Tenhove-class sentinel	2
Galaxy Drone	2
Solar Drone	8


Guisarme Positron Blaster	
heavy orthosteel armor	
hellfire heavy ion blaster	
Hyperion reactor	
carbide carapace	
Corporate Railgun	
Gaian barricade	
green ion blaster	
ion blaster	
Koshiba-500 reactor	
large bussard ramscoop	
linked ion blaster	
linked Rasiermesser launcher	
Luminous Cortex	
medium Omsk armor	
omni Katana star cannon	
orthosteel armor	
quadrocarbide armor	
Rasiermesser launcher	
Tharsis plate	
transuranic armor	
V300 powered armor	
advanced repair droid	
Ares ER lightning cannon	
Bushido Nagamaki star cannon	
Bushido thermo cannon	
Dash Merc's rotolooter	
dual TeV 5 blaster	
Dwarg holochroal armor	
Gusoku armor	
heavy blast plate	
high momentum tritium cannon	
launcher-mounted Katana star cannon	
linked thermo cannon	
Makayev V-h howitzer	
Mammoth 50MW deflector	
Mangonel Light Howitzer	
Northwind Inactive Armor	
omni dual mark I howitzer	
omni lancer cannon array	
Ranx Beam Rifle	
SN2500 reactor	
tritium-3He cannon	
Yoroi MX shield generator	
150NX reactor	
blast plate	
Bushido Nandao bolt launcher	
heavy ceralloy armor	
heavy Sung armor	
light Omsk armor	
linked Akan 600 turret	
linked TeV 9 blaster	
Mammoth 25MW deflector	
omni Shuriken neutron blaster	
omni slam cannon	
patch spider	
Rasiermesser Akan 600 launcher	
Rasiermesser Akan 600 turret	
TeV 9 blaster	
Titan 440 fusion drive	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
blue dual particle beam	
blue lancer cannon	
Bushido hard x-ray laser	
Bushido kozuka neutron blaster	
ceralloy armor	
Dwarg cnidocyst launcher	
Enhanced Autopilot	
Enhanced Autopilot	
Glaive Particle Blaster	
hardened plasteel armor	
Hellfire repeater	
light blast plate	
medium bussard ramscoop	
Nanite Shield	
Nova-100 reactor	
omni NAMI missile launcher	
Rasiermesser Akan 30 launcher	
Cyclotron S1200 deflector	
Dwarg xiphon cannon	
Makayev high impact slam cannon	
Makayev high speed slam cannon	
Makayev slam cannon	
NAMI close spread PK25 Cannon	
Nova-50 reactor	
OC-particle beam weapon	
particle beam weapon	
Penitent cannon	
plasteel armor	
alternating turbolaser cannon	
Cyclotron S55 deflector	
double titanium barricade	
dual Bolide laser blaster	
dual fast-fire laser cannon	
miners's cargo hold	
NAMI high momentum AK15 Partisan	
NAMI missile launcher	
Nova-25 reactor	
orange turbolaser cannon	
tritium propulsion upgrade	
turbo CLAW cannon	
turbolaser cannon	
capacitor dual laser cannon	
capacitor turbolaser cannon	
Long range Bolide laser	
mining laser	
reactive armor	
small bussard ramscoop	
alternating laser cannon	
Browning orange laser	
Centauri turbo recoilless	
class I deflector	
depleted uranium recoilless cannon	
DM400 missile rack	
OC-laser cannon	
Plumbata minigun	
recoilless cannon	


Commonwealth habitat missions	1
Commonwealth militia missions	4
Commonwealth militia missions	4
CSC missions	0
Korolov escort missions	2
Money earned on missions	900
Slaves freed	21


Gotha-400 seeker	357
Gotha-8000 seeker	39
Guisarme Positron Blaster	19
hellfire heavy ion blaster	3
Corporate Railgun	4,598
Gotha-10 missile	106
green ion blaster	6
ion blaster	43
linked ion blaster	2,774
linked Rasiermesser launcher	219
Rasiermesser launcher	283
Ares ER lightning cannon	1
Bushido Nagamaki star cannon	1
Bushido thermo cannon	11
dual TeV 5 blaster	1
high momentum tritium cannon	19
launcher-mounted Katana star cannon	2,755
linked thermo cannon	718
Makayev V-h howitzer	11
Mangonel Light Howitzer	686
omni dual mark I howitzer	2,003
omni lancer cannon array	5
Ranx Beam Rifle	2,162
tritium-3He cannon	92
linked Akan 600 turret	234
linked TeV 9 blaster	1,462
omni Shuriken neutron blaster	1,274
omni slam cannon	261
Rasiermesser Akan 600 launcher	3,257
Rasiermesser Akan 600 turret	208
TeV 9 blaster	2
blue dual particle beam	2,116
blue lancer cannon	4
Bushido hard x-ray laser	187
Bushido kozuka neutron blaster	2
Dwarg cnidocyst launcher	1
Dwarg cnidocyst nodule	1
Glaive Particle Blaster	79
Hellfire repeater	1
KM550 Broadsword missile	45
omni NAMI missile launcher	690
Rasiermesser Akan 30 launcher	540
shield reaper Akan shell	23
Akan 30 shell cartridge	402
Dwarg xiphon cannon	3
Fragmenting Akan 30 shell	568
GIAT-Armalite light howitzer	28
high speed Akan 30 shell	1,863
KM500 Stiletto missile	199
KM510 Firecracker missile	12
KM520 Baselard missile	28
Makayev high impact slam cannon	2
Makayev high speed slam cannon	3
Makayev slam cannon	2
NAMI close spread PK25 Cannon	937
OC-particle beam weapon	1,915
particle beam weapon	1
Penitent cannon	1
Tracing Akan 30 shell	941
XM300 Reaper missile	4
alternating turbolaser cannon	3
dual Bolide laser blaster	4
dual fast-fire laser cannon	8
KM110 Starburst missile	104
NAMI high momentum AK15 Partisan	4
NAMI missile launcher	208
orange turbolaser cannon	8
turbo CLAW cannon	4
turbolaser cannon	1,607
capacitor dual laser cannon	13
capacitor turbolaser cannon	528
KM100 Longbow missile	455
Long range Bolide laser	1
mining laser	5,526
alternating laser cannon	5
Browning orange laser	4
Centauri turbo recoilless	5
depleted uranium recoilless cannon	1
DM400 missile rack	1
KM60 Engdong missile	51
laser cannon	422
OC-laser cannon	4
Plumbata minigun	52
recoilless cannon	1,593
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Ok screenshot update:
My test station spawned O.o
uh oh.png
uh oh.png (110.41 KiB) Viewed 6677 times
And YESSSS! :twisted:
YES.png (90.04 KiB) Viewed 6677 times
Xenophobes and Ranx, my two fav factions :mrgreen:
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 5421
Joined: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:10 am
Location: Somewhere in the Frontier on a Hycrotan station, working on new ships.

:) Awesome! a working weapon slot system!
(shpOrder gPlayership 'barrelRoll)
(plySetGenome gPlayer (list 'Varalyn 'nonBinary))
Homelab Servers: Xeon Silver 4110, 16GB | Via Quadcore C4650, 16GB | Athlon 200GE, 8GB | i7 7800X, 32GB | Threadripper 1950X, 32GB | Atom x5 8350, 4GB | Opteron 8174, 16GB | Xeon E5 2620 v3, 8GB | 2x Xeon Silver 4116, 96GB, 2x 1080ti | i7 8700, 32GB, 6500XT
Workstations & Render machines: Threadripper 3990X, 128GB, 6900XT | Threadripper 2990WX, 32GB, 1080ti | Xeon Platinum 8173M, 48GB, 1070ti | R9 3900X, 16GB, Vega64 | 2x E5 2430L v2, 24GB, 970 | R7 3700X, 32GB, A6000
Gaming Systems: R9 5950X, 32GB, 6700XT
Office Systems: Xeon 5318Y, 256GB, A4000
Misc Systems: R5 3500U, 20GB | R5 2400G, 16GB | i5 7640X, 16GB, Vega56 | E5 2620, 8GB, R5 260 | P4 1.8ghz, 0.75GB, Voodoo 5 5500 | Athlon 64 x2 4400+, 1.5GB, FX 5800 Ultra | Pentium D 3.2ghz, 4GB, 7600gt | Celeron g460, 8GB, 730gt | 2x Athlon FX 74, 8GB, 8800gts 512 | FX 9590, 16GB, R9 295x2 | E350, 8GB | Phenom X4 2.6ghz, 16GB, 8800gt | random core2 duo/atom/i5/i7 laptops
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