RPC's Mega Permadeath challenge

General discussion about anything related to Transcendence.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

First Phobos sighted!
here we go!.png
here we go!.png (131.23 KiB) Viewed 7326 times
overpowered!.png (117 KiB) Viewed 7326 times
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

w00t! I finished at least once!
Now if I could only do a perma....

Heretic was so beautiful. Especially with Dig's mod :D
2nd time-wanted rocky.png
2nd time-wanted rocky.png (188.33 KiB) Viewed 7306 times
and here's my map btw:
my map.jpg
my map.jpg (142.32 KiB) Viewed 7306 times

Code: Select all


Adventure	The Network
Commonwealth Fleet rank	Fleet captain
Commonwealth Fleet rank	Fleet captain
Commonwealth militia rank	Major
Commonwealth militia rank	Major
Fate	Left Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
Genome	Human male
Korolov rank	Apprentice
Money (credits)	1,257,640
Money (rin)	113,368
Money (rins)	113,368
Score	130,066
Ship class	Ranx dreadnought
Time played	1 day and 5 hours
Version	1.07a


Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system	
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists	
Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists	


Enemy ships destroyed	2378
Enemy stations destroyed	92
Friendly ships destroyed	43
Friendly stations destroyed	1


Profit on goods and materials	1,963,460
Profit on luxury goods	2,333


Game resurrections	107
Never invoked powers of Domina	


Iocrym command ship	1
Phobos-class dreadnought	4
Iocrym sentinel	19
Xenophobe worldship	8
Deimos-class destroyer	8
Chasm-class heavy gunship	32
Cometfall-class missileship	6
Ventari destroyer	25
Polar II-class freighter	10
Tundra-class heavy gunship	53
Space Newt	33
Ranx dreadnought	50
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship	4
Polar-class freighter	9
Aurochs-class transport	1
Kobol gunship	37
Luminous drone	82
Aurochs-class mine layer	1
Xenophobe defender	29
Earth Slaver	65
Zoanthrope behemoth	8
Sandstorm-class gunship	201
Ares sentry	20
Dwarg master	15
Huygens Explorer	1
Molotok bounty hunter	2
Centurion-class heavy gunship	17
Atonement-class heavy gunship	40
Charon frigate	1
Steel slaver	37
Ranx gunship	316
Sung transport	1
Xenophobe fighter	190
Drake-class missileship	4
Repentant-class gunship	54
T55-class armed transport	3
Heliotrope destroyer	2
Meth enforcer	15
Denier-class gunship	6
Viking II-class gunship	22
Zoanthrope raider	73
Sung Pilgrim	2
Wind slaver	175
Wolfen-class gunship	1
Heliotrope gunship	12
Revelations-class missileship	4
Plague-class gunship	13
Sotho-class gunship	5
Hammerhead II-class gunship	48
Urak sentinel	4
T31-class armed transport	8
Corsair II-class gunship	34
EI500 pilgrim-class EI500 Freighter	2
EI500-class freighter	4
Oromo-class gunship	5
Separatist-class heavy interceptor	6
Viking-class gunship	66
Centauri heavy raider	6
Borer II-class gunship	47
Super Hornet-class battlepod	22
Earthzone-class armed shuttle	14
Zulu II-class gunship	11
Himal interceptor	10
Zulu-class gunship	15
Hornet-class battlepod	100
Hammerhead-class gunship	35
Borer-class gunship	36
Corsair-class gunship	102
Tenhove-class sentinel	48
Centauri light raider	12
Centauri raider	26


Ares commune	1
Ares shipyard	2
Kobol Warlords camp	5
Ares outpost	4
Penitent Sanctum	5
Ranx outpost	1
Rogue Fleet cache	1
Ventari colony	3
Dwarg fortress	2
outlaw pteracnium mine	2
Sung fortress	3
outlaw duranium mine	7
Penitent Shrine	6
Anarchist Hangar	1
Death Drug Cartel outpost	3
outlaw ceralloy mine	1
Sapiens compound	2
Sung slave camp	1
Anarchist Settlement	1
Charon Pirates stronghold	5
Fortress of the Charon Pirates	1
Heliotrope outpost	1
Outlaw Haven	1
outlaw palladium mine	4
Sapiens camp	1
Anarchist Gathering	4
Himal Refuge	2
Outlaw Base	2
Outlaw Camp	3
outlaw titanium mine	10
Anarchist Camp	2
Centauri Warlords Camp	4
Charon Pirates cache	1


Systems visited	51
Never reached Jiang's Star	
Never reached the Galactic Core	


Abbasid Expansion	
Adapting AI	
Alarm Clock	
Anarchist Expansion	
Asteroid Scanner	
Captain's log 3.1	
Cargo summary	
cargo summary - dsCargohold hook	
cargo summary - dsJettison hook	
cargo summary - dsLoot hook	
Cl Renamer module	
Commonwealth Investment Group	
CW Fleet with Custom Ships	
Deadelus BC304	
Dynamic Systems Stuff	
Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override	
Extension d001a001	
Extension d001a002	
Extension d001a003	
Extension d001a004	
Extension d001a005	
Extension d001a006	
Extension d001a007	
Extension d001a903	
Extension d001b068	
Extension d001b151	
Extension d1000002	
Extension d1000003	
Extension d12b0032	
Extension d12b0037	
Extension d1601100	
Extension d202c203	
Extension d2119df4	
Extension d211ba20	
Extension d211dc80	
Extension d25ccc01	
Extension d512ad00	
Extension dcaf2400	
Extension dfab0000	
Extension dfab0001	
Extension dfff0000	
Extension dfff0001	
Extension dfff0002	
Extension dfff0003	
Extension dfff0004	
Extension e1951000	
Extension e1e1c000	
Extension e3d50000	
Himal Expansion	
Homing laser cannon	
Luminous Expansion	
Mac's new sounds mod	
Mined asteroids explode	
Nerefir Carrier	
No Domina powers	
Orbital Space Station	
Osaka Playership	
Outlaw Expansion	
Pentient Expansion	
Playership Drones	
Playership Drones: Domina Overwrite	
Playership Drones: Linked Weapons	
Playership Drones: No Juan Carlos	
Playership Drones: Ships part 1	
Playership Drones: Ships part 2	
Playership Drones: Ships part 3	
Point Juno with Custom Ships	
Ranx Escourt Mod	
sandbox scanner	
SFS Space Staions	
SFS Space Station Tink	
Shrike's Ultimate Overhaul 0.01a	
Starburn Defensive Drones	
Stargate Dock 'n' Go Override v2	
Tabinka Class Mk.III Battleship	
Tech Analyzer	
Transpace Jumpdrive Beacons	
UGW Base	
UGW extras	
UGW mule	
UGW screens	
UGW screens2	
UGW wingmen	
Umbra Class Aerospace Fighter	
Universal Savings Bank	
Visual Damage	
Weapons Extended 4	
Worst Case Scenario by FAD	
zombie gun	


2 linked Xenophobe ion lancers	
Makayev mark V howitzer	
Ranx Beam Rifle	
launcher-mounted Katana star cannon	
Nanite Shield	
segment of heavy Tharsis plate	
23 segments of transuranic armor	
Hyperion reactor	
Titan 440 fusion drive	
Dash Merc's rotolooter	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
Enhanced Autopilot	


393 Quantumsphere shells	
damaged Iocrym cocoon	
2 damaged segments of heavy Iocrym armor	
Iocrym Avalanche cannon	
Iocrym cybernetic tower	
2 damaged positron lancers	
2 segments of heavy ithalium armor	
2 segments of massive Tharsis plate	
4 cases of Ringer ambrosia	
7 chests of jasmine pearl tea	
damaged Ares light plasma archcannon	
damaged Iocrym repeller	
damaged plasma cannon	
Iocrym repeller	
segment of diamond lattice armor	
2 NAMI heavy launchers	
2 segments of heavy Tharsis plate	
2 segments of ithalium armor	
2 segments of P1300 Hexphase armor	
24 hadron-vacuum fuel cells	
29 Ares Warhammer nukes	
3 barrels of orthosteel nanos	
3 segments of hexacarbide armor	
319 Gotha-8000 seekers	
4 segments of heavy orthosteel armor	
41 M2 Vulcan missiles	
Ares type L archcannon 	
Bill Positron Blaster	
damaged Invincible-class reflector	
Guisarme Positron Blaster	
hellfire heavy ion blaster	
Hyperion reactor	
Northstar S-89B Graviton Shield	
10 damaged worldship armor plates	
10 segments of Tharsis plate	
106 TM7 warheads	
17 segments of orthosteel armor	
175 Gotha-42 fragmenting missiles	
2 barrels of Ares nanos	
2 damaged Chimera Fusion Cannons	
2 damaged Fusionfire Keres howitzers	
2 green ion blasters	
2 large bussard ramscoops	
2 Luminous Cortexs	
2 R9 deflectors	
2 tritium injectors	
231 Gotha-30 missiles	
25 98R high-flux MAGs	
28 segments of P450 Hexphase armor	
297 Gotha-20 missiles	
3 enhanced segments of orthosteel armor [+Ion]	
3 gems of contrition	
3 Koshiba-500 reactors	
3 portable autodocs	
3 segments of medium Omsk armor	
3 segments of quadrocarbide armor	
378 Gotha-600 missiles	
4 damaged Koshiba-500 reactors	
4 damaged segments of transuranic armor	
4 enhanced segments of orthosteel armor [+20%]	
4 segments of light ithalium armor	
6 98R high-flux MAG ammunition boxes	
6 damaged Ares lightning turrets	
7 damaged segments of orthosteel armor [+Ion]	
7 segments of transuranic armor	
8 CRM500 Running Man mines	
barrel of ithalium paste	
damaged Ares micronuke cannon	
damaged green ion blaster	
damaged ion blaster	
damaged omni PK50 Heavy Morning Star cannon	
damaged Rasiermesser launcher	
damaged segment of Tharsis plate	
Dvalin Casaba howitzer	
enhanced green ion blaster [+Fast]	
jumpdrive beacon two	
omni Katana star cannon	
orange ion blaster	
portable shipwright	
Rasiermesser launcher	
red ion blaster	
Red Strelka ammunition box	
Structural Reinforcement Field	
TM7 warhead ammunition box	
13 CRM100 Fatboy mines	
13 damaged Xenophobe ion lancers	
13 Luminous 5care algorithms	
1395 Ares micronukes	
15 segments of Gusoku armor	
15 segments of Northwind Inactive Armor	
169 Red Strelka missiles	
17 Ranx Beam Rifles	
17 segments of advanced ceralloy armor	
19 FRM300 Fruitfly mines	
2 Ares ER lightning cannons	
2 barrels of dyon dust	
2 box of Starburn Galaxy Droness	
2 Bushido Nagamaki star cannons	
2 cases of cyanavir	
2 damaged high momentum tritium cannons	
2 damaged high speed tritium cannons	
2 damaged Makayev mark V howitzers	
2 damaged segments of advanced ceralloy armor	
2 damaged SN2500 reactors	
2 ion power capacitors	
2 Lithobolos Light Howitzers	
2 RZ-series gunpod magazines	
2 Xenophobe ion lancers	
25 2K Siege MAGs	
25 3K Siege MAGs	
3 advanced repair droids	
3 Mangonel Light Howitzers	
3 momentum thermo ammunition boxes	
3 Neuros personal media players	
30 damaged Ranx Beam Rifles	
34 chests of jinn-khan	
3K Siege MAG ammunition box	
4 decayed etherium field crystals	
4 SN2500 reactors	
423 Nandao Flux cartridges	
48 Messenger IV missiles	
5 segments of P150 Hexphase armor	
50 TM3 warheads	
568 pteracnium fuel rods	
6 medium armor repair kits	
6 segments of light orthosteel armor	
7 gems of despair	
aft mounted Trebuchet Light Howitzer	
Ares Campaign Ribbon	
Ares thunderbolt cannon	
Ares turbo lightning cannon	
CDM archive	
damaged aft mounted Trebuchet Light Howitzer	
damaged Bushido Nodachi star cannon	
damaged Lithobolos Light Howitzer	
damaged Mammoth 50MW deflector	
damaged Mangonel Light Howitzer	
damaged Nephren B700 shield generator	
damaged Red dual TeV 9 blaster	
damaged segment of advanced ceralloy armor [+Kinetic]	
damaged transpace jumpdrive	
damaged tritium-3He cannon	
damaged tritium-deuterium cannon	
damaged virtual Long Range Scanner	
damaged Yoroi MX shield generator	
dual TeV 14 blaster	
dual TeV 21 blaster	
dual TeV 5 blaster	
enhanced segment of advanced ceralloy armor [+10%]	
enhanced segment of advanced ceralloy armor [+Particle]	
high momentum tritium cannon	
high speed tritium cannon	
Makayev mark V-f howitzer	
Makayev V-h howitzer	
Nephren B700 shield generator	
newt fear glands	
omni dual mark I howitzer	
segment of heavy blast plate	
substructural shield	
TM3 warhead ammunition box	
tritium cannon	
Variable Absorption Shield (high)	
virtual Long Range Scanner	
Yoroi MX shield generator	
10 segments of stealth armor	
100 Green Strelka missiles	
11 barrels of ion resistance coating	
12 segments of Duralloy armor	
1300 kiloton shell 1 ktons	
15 segments of light Omsk armor	
150NX reactor	
16 JB2 shield buster MAGs	
16 patch spiders	
18 kiloton shell 0.5 ktons	
2 1M/i battle autons	
2 damaged TeV 9 blasters	
2 Green Strelka ammunition boxes	
2 Red TeV 9 blasters	
2 segments of newt skin	
2 Titan 440 fusion drives	
20 damaged patch spiders	
25 1K Siege MAGs	
25 ZG24 Cluster MAGs	
3 damaged segments of light Tharsis plate	
3 Scramble1.5 algorithm cubes	
3 segments of blast plate	
3 ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cubes	
35 segments of light Tharsis plate	
36 kilos of dried Europan ice moss	
4 barrels of meteorsteel dust	
4 enhanced segments of light Omsk armor [+Rad Immune]	
4 R5 deflectors	
5 2K Siege MAG ammunition boxes	
5 longzhu spheres	
6 TeV 9 blasters	
barrel of specular armor coating	
behemoth blast sprayer	
case of neuranase	
Cold Plasma Shield	
Cydonian shield generator	
damaged Akan 600 launcher	
damaged Ceratops 5T quasi-armor	
damaged Cydonian shield generator	
damaged Ferian plasma torch	
damaged flame breath	
damaged Mammoth 25MW deflector	
damaged segment of blast plate	
damaged Yoroi S500 shield generator	
death cube	
dual heavy slam cannon	
Dwarg behemoth cannon	
enhanced Mammoth 25MW deflector [+Efficient]	
Makayev Kashtan m-III howitzer	
Makayev mark III howitzer	
Mammoth 25MW deflector	
mark I Omsk deflector	
platinum cash card	
Purple Strelka ammunition box	
14 xenotite fuel rods	
2 blue dual particle beams	
2 damaged blue EMP cannons	
2 damaged Rasiermesser Akan 30 launchers	
2 damaged segments of Luminous armature	
2 lancer cannons	
2 Ranx Escourt Summons	
2 Rasiermesser Akan 30 launchers	
3 barrels of monopole dust	
4 light armor repair kits	
4 optical knowledge arrays	
4 segments of ceralloy armor	
4 segments of Sung armor	
440 Nandao bolt cartridges	
6 segments of heavy meteorsteel	
blue lancer cannon	
Bushido hard x-ray laser	
Bussard 90 reactor	
Cataphract Type Alpha Shield	
Commonwealth Medal of Distinction	
damaged Bussard 90 reactor	
damaged Rasiermesser Akan 30 cannon	
damaged segment of heavy meteorsteel	
Glaive Particle Blaster	
Makayev dual heavy slam cannon	
newt-skin boot factory	
segment of Luminous armature	
ShieldPower v3.1.8 algorithm cube	
10 KM500 Stiletto missiles	
12 segments of advanced reactive armor	
2 damaged segments of Tevlar-composite armor [+Laser]	
2 ICX missile defense turrets	
2 Makayev slam cannons	
2 OC-particle beam weapons	
2 segments of depleted uranium armor	
3 damaged ICX missile defense turrets	
4 damaged segments of depleted uranium armor	
469 helium³ reactor assemblies	
68 superconducting coils	
823 600 Hexagene MAGs	
882 700 Hexagene MAGs	
Commonwealth military identification chip	
damaged rapid cycle shield generator	
damaged Talisman Cannon	
defective auton	
GIAT-Armalite light howitzer	
Moskva 33 missile defense turret	
NAMI close spread PK25 Cannon	
R1 deflector	
rapid cycle shield generator	
1050 400 Hexagene MAGs	
1604 Explosive SmartLauncher rounds	
2 damaged Cyclotron S55 deflectors	
2 enhanced Cyclotron S55 deflectors [+Efficient]	
3 barrels of decon gel	
3 damaged monopole deflector screens	
3 weapon optimizer ROMs	
5 KM110 Starburst missiles	
6 targeting program ROMs	
898 500 Hexagene MAGs	
tritium propulsion upgrade	
12 visual display enhancement ROMs	
1478 Fullmetal SmartLauncher rounds	
1890 SmartCannon rounds	
2511 Fast moving SmartLauncher rounds	
4 segments of ceramic armor	
8 dark clawss	
NAMI high momentum TK10 Trident	
RickRoll rom	
small bussard ramscoop	
10 helium³ fuel rods	
2 tons of titanium ore	
3 segments of titanium armor	
4 autopilot ROMs	
9 segments of insect carapace	


Corporate cruiser	1
Centurion/X-class heavy gunship	1
Sandstorm-class gunship	1
Centurion-class heavy gunship	1
Ferian miner	7
Zoanthrope raider	2
Ronin/B-class gunship	1
Oromo-class gunship	1
Earthzone-class armed shuttle	14
Ronin/A-class gunship	2
Tenhove-class sentinel	2
Galaxy Drone	2
Solar Drone	8


Taikon research outpost TVX-1	1


heavy ithalium armor	
linked plasma cannon	
massive Tharsis plate	
plasma cannon	
Ares type L archcannon 	
Bill Positron Blaster	
Guisarme Positron Blaster	
heavy orthosteel armor	
heavy Tharsis plate	
hellfire heavy ion blaster	
Hyperion reactor	
carbide carapace	
Corporate Railgun	
Gaian barricade	
green ion blaster	
ion blaster	
Koshiba-500 reactor	
large bussard ramscoop	
linked ion blaster	
linked Rasiermesser launcher	
Luminous Cortex	
medium Omsk armor	
omni Katana star cannon	
orange ion blaster	
orthosteel armor	
P450 Hexphase armor	
quadrocarbide armor	
Rasiermesser launcher	
red ion blaster	
Tharsis plate	
transuranic armor	
V300 powered armor	
advanced repair droid	
Ares ER lightning cannon	
Ares thunderbolt cannon	
Ares turbo lightning cannon	
Bushido Katana star cannon	
Bushido Nagamaki star cannon	
Bushido thermo cannon	
Dash Merc's rotolooter	
dual TeV 5 blaster	
Dwarg holochroal armor	
Gusoku armor	
heavy blast plate	
high momentum tritium cannon	
high speed tritium cannon	
launcher-mounted Katana star cannon	
linked Katana star cannon	
linked mark V howitzer	
linked thermo cannon	
linked Xenophobe ion lancer	
Lithobolos Light Howitzer	
Makayev mark V howitzer	
Makayev mark V-f howitzer	
Makayev V-h howitzer	
Mammoth 50MW deflector	
Mangonel Light Howitzer	
Northwind Inactive Armor	
omni dual mark I howitzer	
omni lancer cannon array	
Ranx Beam Rifle	
refulgent alien device	
SN2500 reactor	
tritium-3He cannon	
Variable Absorption Shield (high)	
Variable Absorption Shield (low)	
Xenophobe ion lancer	
Yoroi MX shield generator	
150NX reactor	
behemoth blast sprayer	
blast plate	
Bushido Nandao bolt launcher	
heavy ceralloy armor	
heavy Sung armor	
light Omsk armor	
linked Akan 600 turret	
linked TeV 9 blaster	
Makayev mark III howitzer	
Mammoth 25MW deflector	
omni Shuriken neutron blaster	
omni slam cannon	
patch spider	
Rasiermesser Akan 600 launcher	
Rasiermesser Akan 600 turret	
Red TeV 9 blaster	
TeV 9 blaster	
Titan 440 fusion drive	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
blue dual particle beam	
blue lancer cannon	
Bushido hard x-ray laser	
Bushido kozuka neutron blaster	
ceralloy armor	
Dwarg cnidocyst launcher	
Enhanced Autopilot	
Enhanced Autopilot	
Glaive Particle Blaster	
hardened plasteel armor	
Hellfire repeater	
lancer cannon	
light blast plate	
medium bussard ramscoop	
MRAD experiment	
Nanite Shield	
Nova-100 reactor	
omni Flenser relativistic cannon	
omni NAMI missile launcher	
Rasiermesser Akan 30 launcher	
wall particle beam weapon	
Cyclotron S1200 deflector	
Dwarg xiphon cannon	
Makayev high impact slam cannon	
Makayev high speed slam cannon	
Makayev slam cannon	
NAMI close spread PK25 Cannon	
Nova-50 reactor	
OC-particle beam weapon	
particle beam weapon	
Penitent cannon	
plasteel armor	
alternating turbolaser cannon	
Cyclotron S55 deflector	
double titanium barricade	
dual Bolide laser blaster	
dual fast-fire laser cannon	
miners's cargo hold	
NAMI high momentum AK15 Partisan	
NAMI missile launcher	
Nova-25 reactor	
orange turbolaser cannon	
tritium propulsion upgrade	
turbo CLAW cannon	
turbolaser cannon	
capacitor dual laser cannon	
capacitor turbolaser cannon	
Long range Bolide laser	
mining laser	
reactive armor	
small bussard ramscoop	
alternating laser cannon	
Browning orange laser	
Centauri turbo recoilless	
class I deflector	
depleted uranium recoilless cannon	
DM400 missile rack	
OC-laser cannon	
Plumbata minigun	
recoilless cannon	


Commonwealth habitat missions	1
Commonwealth militia missions	4
Commonwealth militia missions	4
CSC missions	13
CSC missions	13
Korolov escort missions	2
Money earned on missions	900
Slaves freed	21


linked plasma cannon	13
plasma cannon	2
Ares type L archcannon 	11
Bill Positron Blaster	4
Gotha-400 seeker	623
Gotha-8000 seeker	39
Guisarme Positron Blaster	19
hellfire heavy ion blaster	3
Corporate Railgun	4,598
Gotha-10 missile	472
Gotha-20 missile	1
Gotha-30 missile	4
green ion blaster	6
ion blaster	43
linked ion blaster	9,500
linked Rasiermesser launcher	851
orange ion blaster	3
Rasiermesser launcher	288
red ion blaster	4
Ares ER lightning cannon	1
Ares thunderbolt cannon	6
Ares turbo lightning cannon	6
Bushido Katana star cannon	206
Bushido Nagamaki star cannon	1
Bushido thermo cannon	11
dual TeV 5 blaster	1
Halberd Ion Blaster	4
high momentum tritium cannon	23
high speed tritium cannon	2
launcher-mounted Katana star cannon	12,599
linked Katana star cannon	2,872
linked mark V howitzer	569
linked thermo cannon	844
linked Xenophobe ion lancer	5,698
Lithobolos Light Howitzer	446
Makayev mark V howitzer	745
Makayev mark V-f howitzer	2
Makayev V-h howitzer	11
Mangonel Light Howitzer	1,049
omni dual mark I howitzer	2,003
omni lancer cannon array	5
Ranx Beam Rifle	23,371
tritium-3He cannon	92
Xenophobe ion lancer	1
behemoth blast sprayer	3
linked Akan 600 turret	234
linked TeV 9 blaster	3,323
Makayev mark III howitzer	2
omni Shuriken neutron blaster	1,274
omni slam cannon	261
Rasiermesser Akan 600 launcher	4,461
Rasiermesser Akan 600 turret	208
Red TeV 9 blaster	1
TeV 9 blaster	3
blue dual particle beam	2,116
blue lancer cannon	4
Bushido hard x-ray laser	187
Bushido kozuka neutron blaster	2
Dwarg cnidocyst launcher	1
Dwarg cnidocyst nodule	1
Glaive Particle Blaster	79
Hellfire repeater	1
KM550 Broadsword missile	45
lancer cannon	2
omni Flenser relativistic cannon	2
omni NAMI missile launcher	690
Rasiermesser Akan 30 launcher	540
shield reaper Akan shell	274
wall particle beam weapon	2
Akan 30 shell cartridge	643
Dwarg xiphon cannon	3
Fragmenting Akan 30 shell	1,277
GIAT-Armalite light howitzer	28
high speed Akan 30 shell	1,863
KM500 Stiletto missile	199
KM510 Firecracker missile	12
KM520 Baselard missile	28
Makayev high impact slam cannon	2
Makayev high speed slam cannon	3
Makayev slam cannon	2
NAMI close spread PK25 Cannon	937
OC-particle beam weapon	1,915
particle beam weapon	1
Penitent cannon	1
Tracing Akan 30 shell	944
XM300 Reaper missile	4
alternating turbolaser cannon	3
dual Bolide laser blaster	4
dual fast-fire laser cannon	8
KM110 Starburst missile	104
NAMI high momentum AK15 Partisan	4
NAMI missile launcher	208
orange turbolaser cannon	8
turbo CLAW cannon	4
turbolaser cannon	1,607
capacitor dual laser cannon	13
capacitor turbolaser cannon	528
KM100 Longbow missile	455
Long range Bolide laser	1
mining laser	5,526
alternating laser cannon	5
Browning orange laser	4
Centauri turbo recoilless	5
depleted uranium recoilless cannon	1
DM400 missile rack	1
KM60 Engdong missile	51
laser cannon	422
OC-laser cannon	4
Plumbata minigun	52
recoilless cannon	1,593
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my game just crashe when is loading...Someone can please upload the files and give the link?
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Just download The Network, Fellow Pilgrims, Dynamic Systems V4, Weapons Extended, and No Powers.
They form the core of the challenge.
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Please replace Weapons Extended 4 with Weapons Extended 5. I think Digdug and I have hunted down and squashed all the really serious bugs. I believe WE5 is now less buggy than WE4. And we might as well get useful development feedback out of this.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I'm pretty sure Digdug will just update WE4 to WE5 on Xelerus. Unless he doesn't upload WE5 as a new mod, I don't have to change links :D
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Code: Select all


Adventure	The Network
Commonwealth Fleet rank	Civilian
Fate	Destroyed by a Centauri raider in the Gallileo System
Genome	Human male
Money (credits)	49,276
Score	715
Ship class	Aurochs-class light carrier
Time played	16 minutes and 60 seconds
Version	1.07a


Enemy ships destroyed	11
Enemy stations destroyed	4


Profit on goods and materials	52,296
Profit on medical supplies	1,054
wait a second, how did you traded 52,296 credits in goods in 16 minutes of gameplay ??
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Want to make this even harder?

Because I can rig up a quick version of the 'Charon tweaks' part of SUO, without the planned anti-frustration features, and see how it goes when mixed into that. :P
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

@ Digdug: Well, I have a mod that adds 1-3 Korolov Shipping containers onto freighters in the system. Needless to say, I am unofficially a pirate >.>
(I lead some Charon to the freighter, let the freighter get killed.)
It just breaks my willing suspension of disbelief when you have freighters with 20000 ton cargo holds carrying nothing....

@Shrike: I'm planning to add SUO to the list once it gets released :D
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RPC wrote:@ Digdug: Well, I have a mod that adds 1-3 Korolov Shipping containers onto freighters in the system. Needless to say, I am unofficially a pirate >.>
(I lead some Charon to the freighter, let the freighter get killed.)
It just breaks my willing suspension of disbelief when you have freighters with 20000 ton cargo holds carrying nothing....

@Shrike: I'm planning to add SUO to the list once it gets released :D
I did once make the shipping containers usable by giving them a table of items: I THINK it is : no, I forgot what I had put it in.

Anyway: the entire reason I am replying to this is the " 20000 ton cargo holds" are empty : the ship gets the boxes from Korolov just before they are sent on a mission : I do not think it happens unless the player is involved.

When I made Lavalle Holdings AND had Corporate have " Recovery Missions" of destroyed Freighters, I ran into this problem of the ships not having anything on them regardless of being stocked ( however, other versions of stocked ships often had " too much " on them.

To compensate for this lack of Cargo I made the wreck like the Explorer : it is not just a wreck but a station : this was in the Letter of Marque :

Code: Select all

( in your ship designs you add/ edit the leavesWreck to 100 and add the wreckType )

leavesWreck=		"100"
wreckType=			"&stCorporateMissionWreck;"
--------------------------------------------- then you build the station the wreck connects to ----------
<!-- CorporateMissionWreck -->

	<StationType UNID="&stCorporateMissionWreck;"
			name=				"Wreck of the (objGetName gSource 0) "
			sovereign=			"&svIndependent;"
			dockScreen=			"Main"
			scale=				"ship"
			mobile=				"true"
			noMapIcon=			"true"
			immutable=			"true"

			ejectaType=			"&vtWreckEjecta;"

				(intContainerGetExplosionType gSource)

				(intContainerOnDamage gSource aDamageHP)
		<RandomItem count="1" 
					criteria=		"ad -Illegal; -Military; -Alien; -Specialty; -NotForSale;"
					level=			"2"
					levelCurve=		"1"
			<RandomItem count="2" 
					criteria=		"* -Illegal; -Military; -Alien; -Specialty; -NotForSale;"
					level=			"2"
					levelCurve=		"1"
				<RandomItem	count="30" 
					criteria=		"m -Illegal; -Military"
					level=			"3"
					levelCurve=		"2"
			<Table chance="50">		
            <Item 	chance="10"          count="1"	item="&itExileStarportChampagne;" />
			<Item	chance="10"	        count="1"	item="&itBiofactorPaste;" />
			<Item	chance="10"			count="1d4"	item="&itEridaniWater;" />
			<Item	chance="25"			count="1"	item="&itMartianMerlot;" />	
            <Item	chance="25"			count="1d3"	item="&itLiquidOxygen;" />
			<Item	chance="10"			count="15"	item="&itHeliumAssembly;" />
			<Item	chance="10"			count="15"	item="&itHelium3FuelRod;" />

					name=			"=(objGetName gSource)"
					desc=		"You are docked with the wreck of a Corporate ship.">

					<Action name="Loot" key="L" default="1" >
						(block Nil
						(shpCancelOrders gPlayerShip)
							(setq gPrevScreen "Main")
							(setq gPrevPane "Default")
							(scrShowScreen gScreen "&dsLoot;")

					<Action name="Jettison" key="J">
						(block Nil
							(setq gPrevScreen "Main")
							(setq gPrevPane "Default")
							(scrShowScreen gScreen "&dsJettison;")

					<Action name="Undock" cancel="1" key="U">
					(block Nil
							(objDestroy gSource)
							(scrExitDock gScreen)



			<Port x="0"		y="24" />
			<Port x="0"		y="-24" />
			<Port x="24"	y="0" />
			<Port x="-24"	y="0" />
Flying Irresponsibly In Eridani......

I don't like to kill pirates in cold blood ..I do it.. but I don't like it..
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RPC wrote:@ Digdug: Well, I have a mod that adds 1-3 Korolov Shipping containers onto freighters in the system. Needless to say, I am unofficially a pirate >.>
(I lead some Charon to the freighter, let the freighter get killed.)
It just breaks my willing suspension of disbelief when you have freighters with 20000 ton cargo holds carrying nothing....

@Shrike: I'm planning to add SUO to the list once it gets released :D

If it ever gets released. :P

And wait, aren't there technically boxes of almost-nothing sold ingame? Hadron Vacuum or something like that?
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Ok, edited first post to add a single Extensions.zip because I just realized that the I made the Agauptera compatible with Playership Drones, amongst other innumerable changes.
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RPC wrote:Just download The Network, Fellow Pilgrims, Dynamic Systems V4, Weapons Extended, and No Powers.
They form the core of the challenge.
Thanks for stating this. I might try this a little later this month or so, but not with your /exact/ mod list (though I downloaded the extensions zip to cherry pick a few things from it).

Does No Domina Powers do anything to reward you for not giving slaves to domina? That seemes like it should be something anyway.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I think it's better to release them since No Domina just kills your powers.
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I've been trying to do this challenge for a bit, and I've just tried to replace Playership Drones V4 with V5, but when I simply replace V4 with V4 in the Extensions folder I get the error message "Cannot inherit from a different type". Which is completely unenlightening. Maybe I should add a request for more verbose error messages to the 1.09 request thread.

Playership Drones V5 works fine on it's own, but has a conflict with one of the other 40 mods in the folder. Any idea what might be causing the conflict? Did you modify any of the mods to make them work together when you put together your extensions batch that I should know about and do for myself?

Thanks a lot, I'm looking forward to giving this a shot.

Edit; I've narrowed it down to the Agauptera and ZephyrEnforcer mods, so I just took them out. I don't think either really affect the challenge at all. Still I wouldn't mind knowing why it was happening.
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